2010 Minutes
Meeting minutes of 2010
July 2010 Council Minutes
President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. July 14, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Gregory Stokes and William Dudeck Borough Solicitor
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2010 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
A note was read from Former Council Person Richard Strawn thanking Council for the Retirement Restaurant Gift Card.…
June 2010 Council Minutes
President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. June 9, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Gregory Stokes
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2010 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
A letter dated May 13th, 2010 from PennDot Financial Consulting Division Bureau of Municipal Services reviewed the Borough’s procedures for the Liquid Fuels Funds and reported that the Borough followed procedures properly.…
May 2010 Council Minutes
President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. May 12, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Gregory Stokes
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2010 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
A letter dated May 11, 2010 from the Bucks County Board of Elections announcing the Borough Hall as a polling place for the General Primary Election on May 18th, 2010 opening 7 a.m.…
April 2010 Council Minutes
Vice President Kathleen Weiss called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. April 14, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Gregory Stokes ABSENT: Thomas Stinnett
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2010 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
A letter from Joan and Shana Lance was read Thanking Council and Employees for the Flowers that was sent for Victor Lance’s Services.…
March 2010 Council Minutes
President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. March 10, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Thomas Stinnett, Rodney Scott, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Gregory Stokes
K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2010 Council Meeting and J. Panasiuk seconded. Unanimous.
A letter dated 2/18/10 from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor to Richard Brosius, Director of Assessment in reference to Parcel #38-006-211 Tax-Exempt status.…