Vice President Kathleen Weiss called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. April 14, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Gregory Stokes ABSENT: Thomas Stinnett
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2010 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
A letter from Joan and Shana Lance was read Thanking Council and Employees for the Flowers that was sent for Victor Lance’s Services.
Library Historical Committee presented a sketch to Council to show where they want to put trac lighting in the Historical room plus change hinges on the door. Council agreed for this work to be done.
A letter dated February 26, 2010 from Bucks County Controller’s office gave the audit of Magisterial District 07-3-03 for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007.
A letter dated March 2010 from Armour & Sons Electric, Inc. provided the Borough with the detailed service calls report from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.
A letter dated March 9, 2010 from the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission announcing that they have a limited amount of additional funding to the CAI program. T. Stinnett sent an e-mail to see if the Pedestrian Bridge lighting project could be an accepted project to be considered.
A letter dated March 18th, 2010 was read from Riegelsville American Legion Post #950 asking permission to have the Memorial Day Parade on Sunday May 30th, 2010 at 1:00PM. Council gave the Legion permission to have the Parade in the Borough.
A letter dated March 22, 2010 from Pa DEP notifying the Borough of the General Permit to the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission for the restoration on the Delaware River Bridge.
Vice President- Nothing to report
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported that he spoke to the Legion in reference to his participation in the Memorial Day Parade. Mayor Stokes also stated that the Legion needs to get insurance for the parade. Mayor Stokes was invited and attended the Opening Day of the Trenton Thunder Baseball Team. Mayor Stokes spoke to Pennsylvania State Police Sergeant in reference to the very loud motorcycle that comes out of Rescue Squad rode very loud and very early on the weekend days.
Community Affairs:
Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer reported that 1 Foundation only permit was issued for Craig Cardone. 1 Home Occupation Project in review. D. Taylor has received several concerns about specific Borough properties: 241 Spring Hill Road, 141 Delaware Road, 672 Durham Road, 530 Easton Road, and 449 Easton Road. D. Taylor spoke to Business owner at 1126 Easton Road in reference to continue cleaning up the parking lot.
Library News: Nancy and Pat McEvoy, library board members presented the Library minutes: Statistical Highlights for February 2010:
Walk-in patrons: 479
Circulation: 1,390
Internet use: 35
Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 186
Items borrowed (within Bucks) 177
Total Cardholders (as of 12/31/09):1,006
Total Collection Size: 16,306 items
The library board folded, stuffed, and mailed the annual fundraising letter the week. The Historical Committee is working toward a grand opening of the historical room on June 5th, 2010. Friday Movie nights will resume March 26th 2010. They will be selling books on Ebay using Mission Fish for non-profit organizations, bearing no fees.
Fire Co. News: Council received the Fire Activity Report for February 2010. The next Fire House Breakfast is Sunday March 21st 2010. Fish Fry is Friday March 19th 2010.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: The REC has been working on a mission statement and putting a list together of different areas in the Borough that need to be worked on.
EMS News: Council received the January 2010 Minutes.
Rec Board News: The Annual Basket Bingo will be Sunday March 28th at the Riegelsville Fire Company. Next meeting is March 29, 2010.
Miscellaneous: Ed Bartosiewicz inquired if there was any news regarding the Education Coalition. John related from an email he had received that the State Appeals Court has granted the 2nd appeal that will be before a panel of 3 State Judges. If granted, the decision will then go to the State Board of Education rather than the Secretary of Education.
T. Stinnett received an E-mail from B. Kees stating that the report for the Well #3 electrical problem will be finished very soon.
K. Weiss reported that there is a pot hole near the Catholic Church parking lot. S. Masteller will put that on M. Brady’s list when the alley’s get filled in April.
Streets and Properties:
John L. Hadley, Home Improvement LLC presented Council with a proposal to paint the rest of the Borough Building windows. (30 windows) plus replace the Southside basement door. Council agreed to give J. Hadley permission to proceed and the 2 proposals will be put on the Council agenda April 14th, 2010.
Cowan Associates, Inc. prepared a quote for an AutoCAD drawing of the Riegelsville Water system for Council to consider getting prepared. This will be put on the Council agenda April 14, 2010.
Borough office was faxed the Borough’s State Police reports for March 2010.
M. Brady had asked S. Masteller if Council could give an approval to start fixing and/or replace the problem curb stops that are on the June 2, 2009 list M. Brady had put together. Council suggested W. Nicholas should be contacted to work with M. Brady on this project. R. Scott asked how much a curb stop parts have cost in the past. S. Masteller will check with T. Macaluso to get this cost.
M. Brady has been approached by Borough Residents to see if the Borough was doing Borough street sweeping this year. Mayor Stokes will contact R. Strawn to see who did them last year.
M. Brady will start filling in the alley holes April 8th, 2010. Mayor Stokes asked if Emergency Squad Road will be fixed along with the alleys. S. Masteller stated that road will need to be repaired with cold patch not A1 modified. S. Masteller is researching to see if H&K can deliver cold patch and will report back to Council the findings.
E. Bartosiewicz stated that the Borough should request a financial report from R. Strawn for the Heritage Day Committee account. Council agreed and S. Masteller will send the letter out.
E. Bartosiewicz suggested to have M. Brady, Borough Laborer cut the shrub at the corner of 611 and Delaware road and fill in with cement. E. Bartosiewicz also reported the Borough Building roof needs to be repaired and he is getting prices for a lift.
S. Masteller checked on pricing for a new cigarette butt disposal and found one for $55.00 plus shipping. Council stated that the shipping may be expensive so S. Masteller should check on that first before ordering one. Remarks: S. Masteller reported that the shipping was $28.00 so she will continue to check on pricing. T. Macaluso suggested possible purchasing one from the restaurant store.
Riegelsville Council received a check for $25,000.00 from Quaint Oak Bank for future use in connecting the current water line between the main on the northern end of Poplar Road and the main line leading west of Fairview Road along Maple Lane and continuing westward to the Borough’s Open Space trail property and north to Springhill Road. The resolution will be forwarded to William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor for review.
Bucks County Tax Collection Committee (TCC) is asking each participating Municipality to authorize the B.C. TCC to apply for a $5,000.00 Grant from Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for start up costs.
Borough Office received a letter from Gladeck-McGill in reference to the House Bill 1500, which would impose a fee to municipalities currently utilizing full time Pennsylvania State Police services. S. Masteller did contact Mr. Gene McGill and he stated our Municipality does not fall under the criteria that would need to pay per resident at this point in the Bill.
Barker & Barker Corp. has written a change order for the 2009 paving project and the bill will be added to the April 14th, 2010 Council agenda.
Bucks County Conservation District is updating their agreements with all Municipalities and asked that Municipalities approve and sign the Memorandum of Understanding. This Memorandum will be put on the Council agenda April 14, 2010.
Motion to approve check for Barker & Barker Inc. $35,410.88 (General Fund $23,410.88 & Liquid Fuels $12,000.00) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve check to John Hadley, Home Improvement $2400.00 (First Floor window repairs) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve the “Memorandum of Understanding between the Bucks County Conservation District and the Riegelsville Borough Council” E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve Resolution #R-01-10 authorizing the Bucks County Tax Committee to file an application with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for a grant to assist the TCC with start up costs. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve the proposal of $1960.00 to Cowan Associates, Inc. to prepare AutoCAD drawings of the Riegelsville Water System. R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve the proposal of $3600.00 to John Hadley, Home Improvement for repair and paint of 30 windows on the second and third floor of the Borough Municipal Building. (Council has given permission, due to the new painting law that will go into effect April 23, 2010) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve the proposal of $1930.00 to John Hadley, Home Improvement for repair/replace, paint Southside basement door (Council has given permission, due to the new painting law that will go into effect April 23, 2010) R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
E. Bartosiewicz made a motion to have William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor to research the 530 Easton Road property maintenance issues from the past. J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous
J. Panasiuk motioned to approve bills as listed. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. Next Council Meeting will be May 12, 2010 at 7:30 pm.