
Zoning Office

Riegelsville Borough Fee Schedule Resolution: R-03-17
Adopted: 04/12/17
If work is being done without a permit the fees will be doubled
A non-refundable deposit of $50 will be paid by applicant for all
Building Permits at the time the application is submitted.

Please note that work done in the FEMA 100 year flood plain
requires building permits. (including UCC exempt structures such
as sheds, agricultural buildings and propane storage tanks)

Code Article A:

Part 1:100 – Building Code

A. New Construction (New Buildings)
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 500.00 plus .25/sq. ft. of GFA*
2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 750.00 plus .50/sq. ft. of GFA*
3. Change of Occupancy only All use groups other than R-3 and R-4 $200.00

B. Additions and Detached Accessory Structures >500 sq. ft. or with 2 floors.
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 200.00 plus .25/sq. ft. of GFA*

2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 900.00 plus .50/sq. ft. of GFA*

C. Alterations, Repairs and Renovation
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $75 plus $0.10 per square foot
Repairs and other structures (i.e. walls, towers, etc.)

2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $150 plus $0.35/sqft

2b. Fit-out of existing space $ 400.00
2c. Re-Roof Commercial up to 2500 Sq. ft. $ 150.00
2c Re-Roof Commercial over 2500 Sq. ft. $ 250.00

D. Demolition $ 50.00 Min. – .20/sq. ft. of GFA*
*GFA – In association with the above referenced fees the Gross Floor Area shall be defined as the following: The total square feet of all floors within the perimeter of the outside walls, including basements, cellars, garages, roofed patios, breezeways and covered walkways, halls, mechanical areas, restrooms, stairs, stair towers and covered decks. Crawl space and attic areas shall be included within the Gross Floor Area as one half (½) their actual square footage.

E. Swimming Pools
1. Above Ground (fence included) $90.00 **Note: Decks or Platforms are additional.
2. In Ground $250.00 **Note: Electrical, Plumbing and Fencing are additional.

F. Miscellaneous Building Permit Fees
1. Uncovered Decks or Patios $ 80. + .15/sqft
Individual permit applications for covered decks, covered patios and fences greater than 8 ft. shall be classified as an addition and shall be rated utilizing Code Article A, Part 1: 100(A).

2. Fireplaces and chimneys
a. Masonry Fireplaces $150.00

b. Pre-Manufactured Fireplaces and Inserts $75.00

3. Rebuilding gutted structure Cost to be in accordance with Article A, Part 1:100(A)

4. Elevators and Chair Lifts $100.00

5. Storage Tanks (Liquid) Commercial
a. Quantity to 10,000 gallons $ 65.00 Min. – Gallons x .0525
b. Quantity over 10,000 gallons $ 100.00 Min. – Gallons x .0525

8. Storage Tanks Residential (See 1:200 Mechanical)

9. Mobile Home Units and Modular Homes $ 250.00
Foundation/Pad, Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical connections all charged under relevant sections.

Part 1:200 – Mechanical Code

A. Replacement of an Existing Heater/AC System $ 75.00
(Fee not required for window or through the wall units)

B. New equipment installation
1. Heating Equipment
a. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 150.00
b. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 250.00
(12,000 BTU = 1 ton)

2. Air Conditioning equipment
a. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 150.00
b. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 250.00
3. (12,000 BTU = 1 ton)

3. Space Heaters per unit (Electric or Fuel Burning) $ 50.00 ea.

4. Oil Tanks
a. 1 to 1,000 gallons $120.00
b. Each additional 500 gallons or fraction thereof $ 15.00

C. Alterations or Additions to existing systems $50.00
Part 1:300 – Plumbing Code

A. New Construction, Alterations (Existing Building Relocation or Adding) or Additions, 1st five (5) Fixtures
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 60.00
a. Under Slab Plumbing $ 60.00

2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 75.00
a. Under Slab Plumbing $ 60.00

B. Each additional fixture
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 10.00
2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 15.00

C. Hot Water Generators/Domestic Water Heater or Coil
(New or Replacement/Gas, electric, oil)
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 60.00
2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 75.00

D. Boiler & Potable water tie-in
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 25.00
2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 60.00

E. Lawn Sprinkler system water tie-in
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 60.00
2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 75.00

F. Backflow Preventer
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 25.00
2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 25.00

G. Grease Traps and Interceptors $ 75.00 ea.

H. Water Lateral (Per Occupancy) Repair, Replace or New Installation $60.00
(from curb stop to building or well head to building)

I. Minimum Fee for Entire Plumbing System
1. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $ 150.00
2. All Use Groups other than R-3 and R-4 $ 200.00

Part 1:400 – Electrical Code

A. Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $50.00
B. All Other Use Groups $75.00
C. Solar Array Power R-3 and R-4 $150.00
D. Wind Generation Tower R-3 and R-4 $150.00
E. Generator up to 12KW $75.00
F. Generator over 12KW $125.00

Part 1:500 – Fire Protection and Hazardous Equipment

A. Sprinkler heads or detectors

In computing fees for sprinkler heads and detectors (smoke or heat), the number of each can be added together and one fee charged in accordance with the total number.

1. 1 to 20 $100.00
2. 21 to 100 $ 150.00
3. 101 to 200 $ 250.00
4. 201 to 400 $ 350.00
5. 401 or greater $ 600.00

B. Re-inspection of Sprinkler Heads or Detectors $ 45.00

C. Kitchen Exhaust system R-3 & R-4 $ 50.00 each

D. Kitchen Exhaust System other than R-3 & R-4 $ 225.00

E. Incinerators and Crematoriums $ 500.00 each

Part 1:600 – Walks, Drives and Work in the Public Right of Way

A. Sidewalks and Curbs*** $ 50.00 Flat Fee up to 50 Ln. Ft.
$ 25.00 Every additional 25 Ln. Ft.

B. Driveways (Paving and repaving) $ 50.00

C. Parking Lots (New and Repaving) $ 50.00 per 1,000 sq. ft.
$ 50.00 min.

D. Installation of New Driveway and Alteration of Existing Driveways $100.00 per driveway plus $500.00 escrow**

E. Road openings and excavations in any Borough highway, roadway, $100.00 plus, $1000.00 (min.) escrow** or
right-of way, public ally, sidewalk, curb, footpath or bike path, having $100.00 per every 100 (or part thereof) lineal feet
an improved or unimproved surface of proposed utility installation.

** Escrow shall be utilized to cover Borough Engineer/Inspection expenses for work performed in, and restoration of, the Public Right of Way.

****Application for curbs and/or sidewalks, where there is not an existing curb within 100’, are to be directed to the Borough Engineer to establish the line and grade. The fee for this service shall be covered by an escrow account to be established at the time of application with an initial deposit of $150.00.
Part 1:700 – Plan Review Fee

A. All of the above permit applications shall be charged a 10% plan review fee, based on the complete permit cost, in addition to the above referenced fees.
B. Commercial Use “Accessibility” plan review an additional $50 plus .20 per square foot.

Code Article B:

2:100 – Zoning

A. Zoning Hearing Board Applications

1. Variance Applications, Special Exception Applications, Interpretations of Decisions of the Zoning Officer

a. Fee for Residential Single Family, Twin, and Townhouse Dwellings $600.00

b. Fee for Commercial Property and Multiple Residences $900 .00

c. Fee for Industrial Property $1200.00

d. Continuance Escrow $750.00
The Continuance Escrow will be collected at the time that the application is filed. If the hearing is not continued, the fee will be returned in full to the applicant. A continuance is defined as any second or subsequent hearing where testimony or closing arguments are presented on behalf of the applicant or township. If more than one continuance is necessary, then the applicant shall pay an additional fifty percent (50%) continuance fee per meeting.

B. UCC Review Board Applications

1. Variance Applications, Appeals, Interpretations of Decisions of the Building Code Official and requests for extensions of time.

a. Fee for Use Groups R-3 and R-4 $600.00

b. Fee for Use Groups A, B, E, I, M, R-1 and R-2 $900 .00

c. All other Use Groups $1200.00

d. Continuance Escrow $750.00
The Continuance Escrow will be collected at the time that the application is filed. If the hearing is not continued, the fee will be returned in full to the applicant. A continuance is defined as any second or subsequent hearing where testimony or closing arguments are presented on behalf of the applicant or township. If more than one continuance is necessary, then the applicant shall pay an additional fifty percent (50%) continuance fee per meeting.

C. Borough Council Applications

1. Conditional Use Applications, Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Curative Amendments or Amendments in the Zoning Map, Subdivision, Land Development.
Fee ______ __Escrow_
a. Conditional Use Application $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00

b. Conditional Use Application for quarry,
Asphalt plant, concrete mixing plant $ 7,500.00 $ 10,000.00

c. Zoning Amendment $ 1500.00 $ 3,000.00
d. Curative Amendments $ 12,000.00 $ 5,500.00
e. Amendments to the Zoning Map $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000.00

Escrow deposit fee is to cover the cost of publishing required notices and all other expenses incurred by the Borough incidental to the hearing. In the event these costs deplete the escrow fund in excess of 60% of the original escrow deposit, and costs seem to indicate that additional deposits will be required, the Borough reserves the right to require an additional escrow deposit up the original escrow amount. This additional escrow amount shall be paid upon notice. If the expenses do not exceed the escrow deposit fee, the balance will be refunded to the applicant.

Furthermore, incidental to such application including legal, engineering and stenographic fees as voucher to the Borough, a 15% (fifteen- percent) administration charge will be added to all fees and costs.

D. Miscellaneous Zoning Fees
1. Written Zoning Opinions – Upon Request $ 100.00 each
1. a. Zoning Consultation (Appointment with Zoning Officer up to 1hr) $ 60.00 each
2. Sign Permits

Excluding the following signs in all Zoning Districts; Public/Legal Notice, Traffic Warning Signs, Official Warning Signs, Trespassing Signs and Utility Signs.

a. Permanent and Temporary Non-Illuminated Sign
(Excluding Political Signs) 9 sq. ft. or less $ 20.00 per sign
9 sq. ft- 32 sq. ft. $ 40.00 per sign
32 sq.ft or greater $ 150.00 per sign

b. Permanent and Temporary Illuminated Sign $ 40.00 per sign, plus square footage charge as determined under section 2:100.D.2.a. (Above).

c. Temporary Signs for Political Candidate/Organization $ 20.00

In addition to the sign fee, a $100.00 deposit is required for all Temporary Signs for Political Candidate/Organization to guarantee removal of all signs within seven (7) days of Election Day. This fee will be refunded if the applicant removes all signs but forfeited if removed by Borough personnel.

d. Non-Profit Temporary Signs $ 10.00 per sign

This item is specifically for Civic and Non-Profit Organizations where signs are erected for no more than thirty (30) days.

e. Other Temporary Signs $ 25.00 per sign

Includes developer signage, real estate signs over 12-sq. ft. and all removable signs including, advertisement of commercial sale, etc. Applicant agrees to remove all signs when information is no longer applicable. Applicant agrees to pay actual removal cost plus 10% administration cost if removal is done by Borough personnel, at the direction of the Zoning Officer.

3. Zoning Permit for Residential Construction (All Use Groups)
a. New Dwelling Unit $ 350.00 each
b. Borough Engineer Plot Plan Review $ 250.00 per lot
c. Flood Plain Compliance Review $ 150.00 per lot
This Fee collected for properties not covered by developer’s escrow account.
d. Additions to Existing Dwelling Unit $ 125.00
e. Accessory Buildings/Structures less than 500 sq ft $ 65.00
f. Accessory Building/Structures greater than 500 sq ft $ 125.00
Includes storage sheds, detached garages, decks, patios, retaining walls, barns, silos, swimming pools, hot tubs, fences, etc.
g. Accessory Home Occupation $50.00
h. Re-Roof, Non Structural $ 60.00

4. Zoning Permit for Non-Residential Construction
a. New Structures $1500.00
b. Borough Engineer Plot Plan Review $450.00 per application
c. Flood Plain Compliance Review $250.00
This Fee collected for properties not covered by developer’s escrow account.

d. Accessory Buildings/Structures under 1000 sq. ft., to Non-Residential Uses $125.00
e. Accessory Buildings/Structures over 1000 sq. ft., to Non-Residential Uses $250.00

This item includes storage sheds and retaining walls, etc.

f. Quarry Extraction Operations, Asphalt Plants,
Ready-Mix Concrete Plant $ 2000.00

5. Roadside Stand Permit $ 50.00
a. Annual Renewal $ 25.00

6. Parking Lots and Driveway Additions (Commercial) $ 55.00 Min. – $ 25.00 per 1,000 sq. ft. of additional impervious surface
And Borough Engineer Review as per 2:100.D.4.b.
7. Trailer Registration (Application to be approved by the Zoning Officer)
a. Construction and Office/Sales Trailer Registration $ 200.00 per year $ 200.00

D. Residential Subdivision, Land Development and Conversions

The following costs are applicable to those developments whose preliminary plans have NOT been accepted by the Borough Council as of the adoption date of this Fee Schedule.

A $250.00 Non-Refundable Filing Fee shall be provided for each Major Subdivision and Land Development fee identified below. This Non-Refundable Filing Fee must be paid to Riegelsville Borough at the time of the Preliminary Plan submission. **

SUBDIVISIONS: Application Fee Escrow Fee

1. Residential
Minor Subdivision or Lot line change $500.00 $2,500.00
Sketch plan $500.00 $1,500.00*
Major Subdivision (3 or more lots) $2,000.00 $6,000.00 for 3 to 10 lots/Units
$8,000.00 for 11 to 25 lots/units
Add $50 for each lot/unit above 25
Revised and amended plans **
Final Plans $1,000.00+$30/lot or unit **

The Zoning Officer shall determine, at the time of the Preliminary Plan submission, whether the project is classified as a Minor Subdivision or a Major Subdivision.


2. Preliminary $2,000.00 + $50/1000 Sq.Ft. $6,000.00
Revised and amended plans **
Final Plans $1,000.00+ $30/1000 Sq. Ft. **

* Deposit only required if reviews requested
** Must replenish escrow to full amount

Single Lot Earth Disturbance Grading Permit $500.00
(Includes storm water design review)

Each Revised Subdivision $100.00

Storm water Ordinance Waiver Fee:
Single Residential Lot $250.00 $500.00
All others $500.00 $500.00

The Borough Council has determined that an application for the use of an existing structure as a Bed and Breakfast Inn will not constitute a land development provided there are no structural changes or improvements to the property. However, if a proposed Bed and Breakfast Inn use does, as determined by the Zoning Officer, constitute a land development or subdivision, all filing, application and escrow fees shall be paid.

3. Professional Services Contract & Escrow Accounts

Applicant or Developer must execute a Professional Services Contract with Riegelsville Borough, a copy of which is attached hereto and adopted as a part of this fee schedule.

The Professional Services Contract includes the establishment of a Professional Services Escrow Account. This Escrow Account covers the expenses of the Borough Council of Riegelsville Borough and the Riegelsville Borough Planning Commission and advisory services provided to Riegelsville Borough. These advisory services may include paid administrative staff, should the services of consultants for engineering, legal matters, site design, traffic design, landscaping, street lighting and any other consultant if necessary to properly examine the proposed Subdivision and/or Land Development Plan. A fifteen percent (15%) administrative service fee will be deducted from the portion of the fee paid in advance. The 15% administrative charge is not applicable to advisory services provided to Riegelsville Borough by paid Administrative Staff. All unused funds in the Professional Services Escrow Account shall be returned to the applicant eighteen (18) months after completion of the project/development; or upon written cancellation of the project/development; upon approval by the Borough Council of the refund.

The Professional Services Escrow Account funds must be replenished when it is depleted to fifty percent (50%) of the original amount and further costs are being incurred. The escrow account must be accessible at all times before further review and costs are incurred by the Borough. At the time of filing, applicant’s Planner, Architect and/or Engineer must certify that the submission is in compliance and in a form acceptable for review.

4. Additional Applicable Fees

a. Road Improvement inspection fees of $1.00 per linear foot of proposed new road and existing roads, requiring improvements.

b. Total cost of all drainage facilities omitted either through error or found necessary within two years of final construction date shall be borne by the Applicant/Developer.

5. Publications and Maps
a. Zoning Ordinances (map included) $ 25.00
b. Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance $ 25.00
c. Zoning Map $ 5.00

Part 7:400 Mobile Home Parks – Development Permits

A. Initial Application $ 50.00 per proposed unit in addition to Land Development or Subdivision fees indicated.

1. Annual License $ 50.00 per Unit