President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. June 9, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Gregory Stokes
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2010 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
A letter dated May 13th, 2010 from PennDot Financial Consulting Division Bureau of Municipal Services reviewed the Borough’s procedures for the Liquid Fuels Funds and reported that the Borough followed procedures properly.
A letter dated May 14th, 2010 from PennDot Municipal Services Supervisor reported the Final Completion report for the 2009 Paving Project 09-09-417-01.
A letter dated June 9, 2010 from Cowan Associates, Inc., Borough Engineer in reference to 230 Spring Hill Road drainage swale issue. T. Stinnett stated more information is needed from Borough Engineer on this issue. S. Masteller will contact the Borough Engineer addressing that more information is needed.
President- Nothing to report
Mayor – Nothing to report
CITIZENS COMMENTS: Craig Cardone, Borough Resident, is replacing his apartment building due to the fire last year and needs to have the Borough put in his new water service. C. Cardone would like to know what the monthly fee will be for the Sprinkler system. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to gather information for the Utilities meeting on Wednesday June 16th, 2010. C. Cardone and the Borough will be contracting Wayne Dowd, Excavating to do the work. Dick Meade, Borough Water Operator, and W. Dowd will gather the parts order and D. Meade will take care of the ordering.
Community Affairs: Comments from the citizens: Borough Residents Chris Strawn and Peggy Wildonger are concerned with the lot near 423 Easton Road 38-002-026-001 property owner Carol McGann that is for sale near their properties. They would like to know if it is a buildable lot and where will the water lines run. D. Taylor, Borough zoning officer did receive a call from the property owner plus an e-mail from the Realtor and suggested that they set up a meeting time to go over any questions that they may have.
Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer reported that he will be leaving Keystone Municipal Services on June 4th, 2010 so Kip Clayton will be filling in for the Borough. D. Taylor reported that 3 permits were issued including 1 building permit for 106 Easton Road, Porch roof. Two zoning permits issued: 1 driveway expansion, 1 patio. D. Taylor reported one project in review “Residential Addition” 316 Easton Road.
Library News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that the Library Fair profited about $5000.00
Fire Co. News: Borough office received the March/April 2010 Emergency Response report from the Fire Co. T. Myers, Fire Chief reported that they have 7 new members, 2-Juniors and 5-Adults. The Fire Company purchased new turnout gear.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: S. Masteller will send William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor the information to form REC as a Borough Committee like the Recreation Board is. A few painted slates where sold during the Library Fair plus they received a few donations.
EMS News: Borough received the March 2010 minutes from Upper Bucks EMS.
Rec Board News: There is only one girl’s softball team this year. The Rec Board is always looking for more members.
Comments from the citizens: None expressed
Well #3 Verizon phone line was down on Sunday May 16th, 2010 and was fixed on Monday May 17th, 2010. Council is still discussing the Well #3 projects the have been presented by Cowan Associates, Inc., Borough Engineer.
The Borough office received the 2010 annual traffic signal maintenance from Armour & Son’s Electric. T. Stinnett’s suggests that S. Masteller contact Armour & Son’s to replace only three push button signs since one is already on the new pole due to the accident.
The Borough office received the results from the Water flow test from 683 Easton Road Apartment project. Property owner Craig Cardone will be installing a sprinkler system.
Council continues to discuss the 2010 Streets resurfacing project.
The Borough has insurance coverage built in up to $50,000.00 for leased or rented equipment subject to $500.00 loss deductible per claim.
Streets and Properties:
Borough Resident, Dave Gerstenberg addressed Council, he asked what was being done about the issue of water running through his property. T. Stinnett stated there has always been a swale there even before D. Gerstenberg built his house. D. Gerstenberg does not want this water on his property. It creates marshy ground during the summer. D. Gerstenberg stated that he is unable to mow and maintain the yard because of the water. T. Stinnett stated that the Borough Engineer did look at the issue two weeks ago. T. Stinnett stated Council is waiting for legal answers to this issue. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to contact the Cowan Associate Inc., Borough Engineer to have the letter of recommendation prepared for the Council meeting on Wednesday June 9, 2010.
S. Masteller reported that D. Xander and Sonny Groller have started Cold Patching pot holes today June 2, 2010 on the Borough roads and should be finished next week. M. Brady, Borough laborer is working on weed whacking up at the reservoir and around the Borough Garage. M. Brady cannot finish the front porch roof until John Hadley finishes the painting of the Borough building windows above that porch. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to contact J. Hadley to see when he will be returning to finish the job.
Hydrant flushing will take place in the next few weeks. Notices will be posted and e-mails will be sent.
Borough Resident Craig Cardone stopped by the Borough office to ask if the Borough was responsible for the pipe to the curb for his new water lines. T. Stinnett suggested that S. Masteller contact C. Cardone to come to a meeting so Council can directly speak with him.
The Borough office received the Final 2009 project completion report from PennDot for using Liquid Fuels monies.
Mayor Stokes spoke to a Representative of PennDot; PennDot is going to fix Route 611 near Cedar Road possibly in August.
Council continues to go over the 2010 street resurfacing project. Council is considering the following:
- Springhill road driveway trench drain $7500.00
- Emergency Squad road from alley to Legion alley $26,334.00(new sub base, bituminous base course paving and bituminous wearing course)
- Emergency Squad road Legion alley around the corner on Poplar road to waterline trench $7,953.00(260 ft. proposed spot bituminous base repair, taper milling joints, scratch leveling and overlay of existing roadway with new wearing course)
Comments from the Citizens: None
Insurance coverage is being added to the Borough’s policy to cover the traffic light.
Mr. Earl Helbing, Financial Consultant for PennDot conducted a monitoring review of the Borough’s Liquid Fuels Tax Fund. This review was performed to verify that the Borough maintained and followed proper Liquid Fuels Funds procedures.
Aqua NJ would like to know if the penalty can be waived for a .30 mistake that was made on their check total. Council unanimously agreed to waive the penalty and Council would like to look over the original ordinance. S. Masteller will gather this information for the Utilities meeting.
Approval for Cowan Associates Inc., Borough Engineer to prepare documents for Riegelsville Borough 2010 Street resurfacing program $4,802.00 R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
Approval for Cowan Associates Inc., Borough Engineer estimated construction cost for the Riegelsville Borough 2010 Street resurfacing program $41,787.00 J. Panasiuk motioned to approve the 3 projects listed below E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
1. Springhill road driveway trench drain $7,500.00
- Emergency Squad road from alley to Legion alley $26,334.00(new sub base, bituminous base course paving and bituminous wearing course)
3. Emergency Squad road Legion alley around the corner on Poplar road to waterline trench $7,953.00(260 ft. proposed spot bituminous base repair, taper milling joints, scratch leveling and overlay of existing roadway with new wearing course)
Estimated Total: $41,787.00
Motion to approve Resolution #R-03-10 to form a partnership with other municipalities and interested parties along the Lower Delaware River in protection of the Delaware River. K. Weiss motioned to approve J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous
Approval of Check to West Hammer Electric $447.49 (well#3 box repair) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous
Borough Resident, Ruth Banko passed away on Saturday May 29, 2010. Mrs. Banko was very active in this community. Council would like to pass their condolences to her family. Here is a list of her memberships within the Borough of Riegelsville.
- Director of the Riegelsville Public Library from 1974~1997
- Member of the Riegelsville Fire Company Auxiliary since 1992
- Riegelsville Planning Commission person from 1972~1989
- Riegelsville Council President 1980~1981
- Riegelsville Mayor from 1990~1997
- Vice President and Trustee of the Riegelsville Library where in 2005 the “Children’s Room was dedicated to her in her honor.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills as listed. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.