President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. May 12, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Gregory Stokes
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2010 Council Meeting and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
A letter dated May 11, 2010 from the Bucks County Board of Elections announcing the Borough Hall as a polling place for the General Primary Election on May 18th, 2010 opening 7 a.m.
President- Nothing to report
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported that the Air Station Atlantic City will be flying over during the Memorial Day Parade on May 30, 2010.
Community Affairs: Mayor Stokes was asked by a Borough Resident why the water drain by her house (by Post Office) was filling up with bubbles. T. Stinnett stated that is probably coming from the Laundromat, they are supposed to have the drains pumped on a schedule.
Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer reported that a total of 5 permits were issued including 1 building permit for 411 Easton Road, Electrical upgrade. Three zoning permits issued: 1 residential Walkway, 1 Fence, 1 rebuilt shed. D. Taylor reported one project in review “Residential Addition”. The Property Maintenance Code is ambiguous in dates, D.Taylor will look into this.
Library News: Ann Anderson, library board member presented the Library minutes:
Statistical Highlights for March 2010:
Walk-in patrons: 767
Circulation: 1,739
Internet use: 41
Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 288
Items borrowed (within Bucks) 221
Total Cardholders: 1,029
Total Collection Size: 16,379 items
Ann Anderson reported that the Historical Room will be Opening with a celebration on June 5th with William Riegel as the guest of honor 3~5pm. “School Days in Riegelsville” will be the first display. A. Anderson asked E. Bartosiewicz to see if the Fire Co. still had the Old School Bell.
Julia Sefton, Youth Services Coordinator reported that the Story time stats for March are very exciting- 78 Children and 52 adults. The Elementary aged Children’s program “Picturing America in Maps” program to satisfy the Picturing America Grant 30 Children and 6 Adults attended.
Fire Co. News: S. Masteller has been asked if the Fire Co. was applying for a grant to purchase a portable Generator. T. Stinnett stated that is the information he was told. S. Masteller will contact Chief Myers to verify. E. Bartosiewicz reported that the Friday Fish Fry were not very successful overall.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: Elaine Albrecht, REC Member reported that they have 35 slates ready to sell at the Library Fair. Council will look into amending the by-laws to include the REC as an official Borough organization as it predecessor had been.
EMS News: Their next meeting is Monday May 17th (Third Monday)
Rec Board News: Board members are needed; the Board has 4 members and should have 9. Sherry Masteller, Recreation Board Member reported that they have 1 Girls A Softball Team but the possibility of Coaches for a T-Ball and Girls B Teams next year.
Utilities: T. Stinnett reported that Bill Kees, Cowan Associates Inc will put together the specs and a quote for a generator for well#3 before the May Council meeting. S. Masteller received a phone message from Dick Meade, Borough Water Operator on Thursday April 15th 2010 stating we needed to get an electrician to look at the electrical box at Well#3. The Borough does not have a commercial electrician so S. Masteller contacted Todd Myers, Borough Engineer to ask for suggestions for an electrician. D. Meade called West Side Hammer Electric from Bethlehem and they came out in an hour. The electrician fixed the problem temporarily and came back to finish the project.
Keith Gabage, Director of Corporate Development with Aqua America sent an E-mail to the Borough introducing the Company. Aqua owns a number of Community water systems throughout 30 counties in Pennsylvania, including Bucks and neighboring Montgomery, Lehigh and Northampton County. Council is not interested in selling the Water Company.
Since Riegelsville Borough is part of the Costar program we are eligible for a discount for cold patch. M. Brady reported that we need about 10 ton. The cost will be approximately $1000.00. If the order goes to ABE Materials by 10 am the delivery is the next day.
An invitation to all elected officials was received to this year’s Police Memorial service on May 24th, 2010, 7pm at St. Andrews R.C. church in Newtown, Pennsylvania.
W. Dowd, Excavating will be finishing the water repair job at 411 Easton Road on April 22, 2010 weather permitting.
Streets and Properties: Gary Shultz from Altemos/Dale Wood Co. dropped off an estimate for a steam valve repair kit the cost with our gold plan discount is $797.80. T. Stinnett asked S. Masteller to get the breakdown of the costs. Remarks: The repair kit is $469.00
Cold patch is being delivered tomorrow.
E. Bartosiewicz reported that he and Todd Myers, Borough Engineer will be meeting tomorrow April 6th at 9 am to walk and discuss the street repairs on Emergency Squad Road and Spring Hill Road. E. Bartosiewicz asked if it was a conflict of interest if Todd Myers, Borough Engineer performed a Fireman’s land Survey. S. Masteller will contact William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor to discuss this issue. W. Dudeck did state that this was a conflict of interest.
Sher Shoemaker, Borough Resident called the Borough office to put a complaint in again about the construction that is being done to the canal. The contractors use the North end of Durham road and are not keeping the street cleaned and the mess is getting into the Shoemaker’s home. S. Masteller told Mrs. Shoemaker that she would contact Rick Dalton, DCNR Park Manager, about this issue.
The Borough Building painting is still a work in progress M. Brady, Borough Laborer, reported that the fire escape needs to be painted. Council agreed to put that on the list of things to be addressed. E. Bartosiewicz also reported the library door off the fire escape gets rain in under the door so put that on the list also. M. Brady will also fill in the hole above the front door where the bees were last season.
E. Bartosiewicz reported that Oxford Diabetic employees are still parking in front of his property on Ceader and his tenants have to park very far away. S. Masteller will contact John Letko and see if he has contacted the area churches to see if his employees could park in their lots for the day.
Grass is above the Borough’s Ordinance height of 8 inches at a few properties; Mr. Cook’s 3 acre residential lot, Riverstone Tavern and 1291 Easton Road.
Finance: We received a letter from DCED informing the Borough that we are recommended for funding in the amount of $5000.00 for the “Comprehensive Recreation, Park, Open Space Greenway Master site plan”.
Doreen Moyer, First Savings Insurance reported to add the Traffic light to the Borough policy it would cost approximately $214.00. Council unanimously agreed to add the light to the policy. S. Masteller will contact D. Moyer with this information.
Craig Cardone’s Sprinkler Contractor would like to perform a flow test and Dick Meade, Borough Water Operator suggests that M. Brady, Borough Laborer be present to open the hydrant. D. Meade suggested that M. Brady be paid for his time. Council unanimously agreed that M. Brady should be paid his hourly rate. S. Masteller will contact the Contractor with this information.
T. Macaluso, Borough Tax Collector received a per capita bill back and the Borough Resident said he does not live here. T. Macaluso would like to know what to do when you see the person in the Borough all the time. Council suggested asking for proof of residency, driver’s license, utility bill.
Council asked when the traffic light will be fixed. S. Masteller will contact them to get the construction date.
Council had a few questions from the Treasurers report for T. Macaluso; how many liquor licenses does the Borough have? Remarks: 5 liquor licenses Why is the postage so high? Remarks: pre-stamped envelope where purchased. Road Maintenance is high due to the Snow removal.
The General Fund was high under office fees. S. Masteller will check with T. Macaluso on these issues.
E. Bartosiewicz made a motion to have Altemos/Dale Wood repair the steam valve for the quote of $797.50 R. Scott seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve check for W. Dowd Excavating $1156.00 (Finish 411 Easton Road Water Repair) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve K. Weiss seconded Unanimous
Motion to approve Resolution #R-02-10 Establishing an escrow account for future use in connecting the current water line between the main on the northern end of Poplar Road and the main line leading west of Fairview along Maple and continuing westward to the Borough’s Open Space Trail property and North to Springhill Road. R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous
Motion to rent a lift for a week to work on the Borough Hall roof and also some painting not to exceed $1200.00 E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous S. Masteller will look into the Borough’s insurance policy to see if we can do without the additional insurance fee from the rental co.
Todd Myers, Fire Chief stated that they will apply for a grant in October for the portable generator that would need to be housed at the fire house.
William Kee, Cowan Associate, Inc. spoke to Council extensively about Well# 3 five projects:
- Well pump VFD
- Surge Protection Device
- Alarm Dialer
- Generator Connection
- Chlorine Room Ventilation
Council will continue to discuss these projects at the June Committee and Council meetings.
J. Panasiuk motioned to approve bills as listed. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. Next Council Meeting will be June 9, 2010 at 7:30 pm.