
March 2010 Council Minutes

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. March 10, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken.  PRESENT:    Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Thomas Stinnett, Rodney Scott, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Gregory Stokes

K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2010 Council Meeting and J. Panasiuk seconded.  Unanimous.


A letter dated 2/18/10 from William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor to Richard Brosius, Director of Assessment in reference to Parcel #38-006-211 Tax-Exempt status.

A letter dated 2/19/10 From Lynn T. Bush, Executive Director Bucks County Planning Commission in reference to the BCPC 2009 Annual Report of Review Activity.

A letter dated 3/4/10 from Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission in reference to the “Riegelsville Toll-Supported Bridge Rehabilitation Project”. The project is due to start in June 2010.

Marguerite C. Quinn, State Representative’s Associate dropped off the Pennsylvania Manual” Volume 119 to the Borough Office. You may also find this edition online at www.dgs.state.pa.us


President- Nothing to report

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Sergeant D’Angelo, State Police, the excessive speeding on Durham Road.  Mayor Stokes phoned Ron Martin, Penn Dot Maintenance Manager to ask when Route 611 was going to be repaired or repaved.  R. Martin replied that there are not enough funds to repave but they will be fixing the severe patches like by 611 and Ceader Road when the weather brakes and they start manufacturing Blacktop.

Mayor Stokes spoke to Dave Nadeau about the possibility of flooding the weekend March 13 or14,2010.




Community Affairs:

Zoning: Dave Taylor, Riegelsville Zoning Officer issued 4 Permits: 1 retail use 812

Durham Road, 1 Residential repair 511 Easton Road, 1 Change of Use~ Mercantile 812

Durham Road, 1 Structural repair 683 Easton Road.  1 project in review “Home Occupation”

137 Delaware Road.  D. Taylor will make a visit to Steve’s Garage to see if the property has

been cleaned up.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that the Fire Co. is doing a “Fish Fry” each

Friday from February 19th to April 2nd.  Breakfast is Sunday February 21, 2010.  Joe Kulick joined the Fire Company.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: Elaine Albrecht reported that

Downtown Enhancement sold Hoagies for Super Bowl Sunday February 7th, 2010. 115 hoagies where sold with a profit of $272.75.  REC is working on the decorated slates for the Library Fair in May.

EMS News: November 2009 minutes were distributed. 

Rec Board News: Mayor Stokes received a donation of chain link fence for the ball

field from Dan Munday.   The Annual Basket Bingo will be Sunday March 28th at the

Riegelsville Fire Company.  Next meeting is February 22, 2010.

Library News: 2009 Actual Budget vs. 2010 Budget was distributed to Council.

Miscellaneous: E. Bartosiewicz reported that a “Declaration of Disaster Emergency”

was declared on February 10, 2010 due to the Snow.


R. Scott spoke to the Utilities Commission in reference to the voltage issue at Well#3.  The Utilities stated that the voltage coming from Met-Ed is correct.  Cowan Associates; Borough Engineer is continuing to work on the voltage issue.

Mayor Stokes asked what is being done on 611 near property #411.  S. Masteller stated that Excavator, W. Dowd, will continue to put cold patch until the weather breaks and the road repair can be done correctly

Streets and Properties:

Jennifer Heisey, PA Highlands Trail Network (PHTN) – Upper Bucks & Lower Northampton Region updated Council on the action plan that they are working on.  The network has put together subcommittees which include:

1. Community Awareness and Local Engagement subcommittee

2. County and Municipal Collaboration subcommittee.

3. Trail Route subcommittee.

PHTN has received a grant to put a Kiosk by the Pedestrian Bridge. Jennifer will contact the Borough with some layout ideas.


J. Panasiuk reported that the Emergency Squad Lane/Easton Road sign is turned 90 degrees.  S. Masteller will make M. Brady aware of this.

E. Bartosiewicz said the lights have been on at the Old First savings Bank on Durham and was wondering if the Borough office was aware of anyone using the building.  S. Masteller stated that no one has contacted the Borough office.

E. Bartosiewicz reported that the alleys are getting bad due to the winter plowing.  T. Stinnett stated that M. Brady works on all the alley’s as soon as the threat of bad weather is gone.

E. Bartosiewicz reported that while Dave Nadeau was painting the Library’s Historic room he noticed that paint was peeling on and below the window sill in that room due to improper AC installation. E. Bartosiewicz also reported that about 10 to 15 slates have broken due to the snow and wind to the front roof and need to be repaired.

Mayor Stokes reported that the street over the repaired water main had sunk again on Route 611 near 412 Easton Road has sunk again.  S. Masteller will contact the excavator to add cold patch.  Unfortunately the repair will not be fixed correctly until black top is able to be manufactured.  We have been promised that we are the first on the list for that repair.

Council discussed the Oxford Diabetic second shift parking issue.  S. Masteller will contact J. Letko and ask if the second shift could park in their Delaware road parking lot and S. Masteller will contact J. Ryan at the Riegelsville Inn and make sure that his employees are using the small borough lot.

S. Masteller was asked by the Riegelsville Post Master where they should relocate in case of flooding.  T. Stinnett stated to have them check with the Fire Company since they have lockable rooms.


K. Weiss read the notes from the yearly audit.  The Borough office has copies if anyone would like to see them.

T. Stinnett needs the rates for Berkheimer to collect the Borough’s LST and EIT taxes.  S. Masteller will have T. Macaluso e-mail T. Stinnett on Thursday March 4th, 2010.

Council discussed having part time plow employees take a driving class.  S. Masteller will look into this.

There is a meeting at Well #3 on Thursday March 4th at 9am to discuss the voltage issues.


Motion to approve check to Brad S. Nicholas $900.00 & $600.00 (Snow Removal 2/17/10 Storm) – R. Scott motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to approve check to Wayne Nicholas $900.00 & $600.00 (Snow Removal 2/17/10 Storm) – R. Scott motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to approve check to Steve’s Riegelsville Garage $1221.27(For the balance of the dump truck transmission) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous

Motion to approve check to W. Dowd Excavating $2486.00(411 Easton Road Water repair) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous

K. Weiss motioned for the Borough to purchase a cigarette holder to be placed by the Pedestrian Bridge.  J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous. S. Masteller will look up prices and get back to Council.


Victor Lance, Former Council Person and Borough Resident passed away.


J. Panasiuk motioned to approve bills as listed.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.  Next Council Meeting will be April 14, 2010 at 7:30 pm.

Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

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