
APPROVED October 12 2022 Council minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 pm October 12, 2022. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

The Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call: PRESENT: Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Michael Pulsinelli, Rodney Scott, Tom Stinnett and Mayor Stokes.

Motion to approve September 14, 2022 Council Meeting minutes R. Scott motioned to approve, M. Pulsinelli Seconded.   Unanimous. CORRESPONDENCE:

Letter received via email September 30, 2022 was read from Thomas Murtha (TNT Groundworks, LLC) regarding ASA application.


President: T. Stinnett reported a resident fell outside Borough Hall after the Committee Meetings on 10/12.  This fall was reported to the Borough office and steps outside the entrance were repainted and new lights were put in.

States Monday at 9pm hydrant flushing starts.

Mayor: Mayor Stokes reported that he attended a ribbon cutting ceremony at Palisades High School and spoke to Bob Harvey who spoke to PennDot and they will reassess paving of 611 after this winter.

Spoke to Dave Ervin from Quakertown and his truck can suck debris from the drains.  He can be here at 10am Friday, 10/13.

States he was in touch with Deb Wooden, borough resident, about her complaint of barking dogs.

Report: Sherry Masteller appointed Open Records Officer (ORO)

September 2022 

3~ RTK received. 2 from Robert Ryan and 1 from Ann P Moyer.     YTD: R. Ryan 53, A Moyer YTD 2, Smart Procure 1, Build Zoom 2, Attorney Jacobs 1.

No extensions.



No new appeals. YTD: R. Ryan 9, B. Banko 1.  

Open Records Officer Hours:  4 Hour~ Total $78.80 to process, gather documents and if needed forward requests to agencies of the Borough. ORO YTD: $1536.60. ORO-Appeals YTD: $344.75

Treasurer: 30 minutes / $10.36 YTD: $183.07

Zoning officer 30 minutes/ $31.00. YTD: $84.00

Solicitor fees:

September paid: $937.50    YTD: $2475.00

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  Please state your name, you have 3 minutes to speak.

13-Borough residents.  

Debra Wooden, Borough resident requested to be on tonight’s agenda: Stated her neighbor Kim’s dogs keep barking and neighbor Kim refuses to do anything about it.  Played an audio recording. States Kim has been harassing her every day.  Stated she spoke to the Mayor about it.  Stated she went to the BC Dog warden and Verna North couldn’t do anything because Riegelsville does not have a Dog Ordinance.   Councilperson Rodney read a letter from Jane Ott, Cindy Lippincott spoke in support of Deb Wooden.  Deb Wooden asked Council if they could do a Dog Ordinance. Council President Tom Stinnett stated we have a noise ordinance, but it doesn’t include dogs barking we would have to look into that.

Martina Venini, Borough resident requested to be on tonight’s agenda:  Resident requested the use of the Community Room, Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 for a yoga class, starting Tuesday, October 18.  Donations going to the library.  Presented signatures from residents.  Remark:  At the meetings end Council agreed as long as the Borough Secretary had these times and dates clear on the calendar.


Community Affairs: Gary Chase called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm on September 21, 2022.

If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

2- Borough residents present.

Comments from citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

No one spoke.


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer, was not present but gave Borough office his September 2022 report for Council.

2-Building Permits: Standby Generator, Type II Exhaust Fan.  2-Zoning permits: Fence and Roadside Stand.

Enforcement Activities:

808 Durham Road update: No update as of September 21, 2022.

702 Durham Road: No update as of September 21, 2022.

Property Maintenance Violations:

118 Fern Road, Zoning office continues to receive complaints, Non-traffic citation was filed with the local magistrate on July 18, 2022. Court date August 31, 2022. Jim inspected on August 24 and the property was cleaned up. Jim withdrew the complaints, the Court hearing was cancelled.

919 Easton Road, Zoning office received a complaint regarding the overgrown vegetation and the poor condition on the roof and fascia boards at the property. Property maintenance violation letter was sent out August 10, 2022 to the property owner. The compliance date is October 12, 2022. An attorney for the owner called to discuss the violations and stated the owner will arrange for the property to be cleaned up.

573 Easton Road, Borough office received a complaint regarding chickens. The property is on 1.59 acres. The Zoning code requires a minimum 3 acres to have poultry on your property. A violation notice was sent on September 7, 2022. The compliance date is October 12, 2022

No scheduled ZHB (Zoning Hearing Board) meetings.

Library News: Borough office received from Terri Randolph (Director) the August 2022 Directors report minutes and they have been filed. Next meeting is October 10, 2022. Since Becky was unable to attend tonight, Sherry asked Terri if there was anything from her report to announce. Friends of the Library held their Annual Flea Market On Saturday September 17, 2022 was a great success.  September 24, 1pm David Oleksa- President of the Durham Historical Society will be presenting the Changes that have taken place in the area from a Native American society, Colonial period, Industrial age and Agricultural period to the Present.  October 8, 1pm Michael McCann will be presenting Towpaths and Tales: A History of the Delaware Canals.

November 5, 1pm. November 5, 1pm Elizabeth Weaver will be presenting Peter Uhler, 19th Century Williams Township Entrepreneur.   Rodney asked if the new lock has been installed on the Library’s front door, Sherry just needs to send photos of the current one.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that on October 1, 2-8pm, there will be an Open House/Community Day event at the Palisades middle school. Get to meet the volunteers PRFR (Palisades Regional Fire Rescue).  Food, Vendors, Fire prevention fun and fireworks.  Dave Masteller reported that the Auditor General sent the finalized the last piece to approve the consolidation for all 3 entities.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee: Gary reported that last week Rodney met with Kate Brandes and other members of Enhancement Committee to see where the placement of the Christmas tree should go on the Borough building grounds. Rodney said they decided to put it near the Canon. Rodney will check with Matt about the electric at the flag pole.

UBREMS (Upper Bucks Regional EMS) News: E. Bartosiewicz reported they continue to look for more employees.  Continue going on calls. Mayor Stokes asked how long the training for EMT’s Ed is stated around 6 months. Ed also reported that the pay is very competitive.

Rec Board News:  R. Scott reported the new padding is up on the baseball field backstop. Looks great.  The exterminator took care of yellow jacket problem at the concession strand. Car show planning is under way and the flyers are going up.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank reported that the last update in reference to 808 Durham Road was correspondence from DCNR referencing their canal property lines.  Frank and Jason were both on a zoom course for Initial Damage process during an emergency.   Frank will meet with New State Rep- Craig Staats, starts January 2023 to give him a tour of Riegelsville and what we need on October 20th.  Grant opportunities are online not in book form, the links were sent to the Borough office.  Rodney asked if the borough owns the wide waters that are by the Borough Park. Council is not sure, more information is needed. Rodney said it is a mess because there is not water in it and lots of bugs, if we do own it can we do anything with it. Tom will discuss this with at the DCNR Advisory meeting on October 13.

Riegelsville Planning Commission:    No September meeting due to Labor Day. Next meeting is October 3.

Misc.:  Rodney met with Matt to look at the damaged fence and the dead trees around Well 1 and 2. Rodney contacted the fence company. Matt will contact the 2 tree companies to give quotes.  Gary and Rodney when to look at the Well 1 and 2 and suggest we get the Borough land surveyed.

Council and Mayor Stokes discussed the job that PennDOT did with street sweeping. Winter is coming and the drain boxes that are clogged need to be cleaned out with a shovel. Maybe a company can be hired to do this. Rodney suggest in the spring we can have Perkasie clean out the pipes. Gary stated we should get a quote for our 2023 budget.  Bob Ryan stated that PennDOT line painted on Delaware Road and had to go back and fix it.

A Borough resident was waiting outside for zoning officer tonight, since he has office hours. Sherry said he will not be here tonight.  The resident said that a sign should have been on the door so she didn’t have to wait. Council discussed that next time there should be a sign up, Sherry reported this was last minute that he could not be here. Usually when the Zoning officer is not going to be in there is a note on the door, website and the “Rville Happenings”.

Meeting adjourned 7:47pm   Next meeting October 19, 2022 7pm

 Utilities: Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting to order at 7:47pm on September 21, 2022.

If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present:   Rodney Scott, Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.  2- Borough residents present.

Concerns from Citizens:  Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.


Covid funds/Water line extension Edgewood project: No start date yet.

Elmwood Lane/ Bidwell Road project: no start date yet.

Lead & Copper samples (every 3 years) results: The 10 samples that were tested are below the lead action level of 15 parts per billion.  Bob Ryan had emailed Tammy with a few questions. Rodney asked what questions were asked. Will the results be on the CCR report- Yes they will.

Is MJ Reider perform the testing- Yes they do. Why are 13 samples taken and only 10 tested- 3 alternate samples are taken in case of any mishaps that might happen. Example not being filled enough or spilled.

Well 3 VFD (communication) issue: The problem turned out to the circuit line. There was a break off of Walnut by Frigid freeze.

Misc.:  The Borough needs a new vacuum, they cost around $400.00. Council said to add to the October 12, Council agenda.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 pm   Next meeting October 19, 2022   7pm

 Streets & Properties: Ed Bartosiewicz called the Streets & Properties meeting to order at 7:00 pm on October 5, 2022.  If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting. 

Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Michael Pulsinelli, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comments from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

7-Borough residents present.


Borough Building Safety Score & Cert. of Occupancy: Update-Cowan will do a walk-through of the Borough Building with Jim Kopchak, Ed and Rodney will be set up.

Borough Building front porch/tenant stairs update, received one quote. Ed stated he was meeting with another Carpenter to get an estimate on Thursday October 6.

Replacement boards for pedestrian bridge and stairs: Update- received one quote and the sealing was completed.  The second Carpenter will give an estimate on this too

Elmwood Ln/Bidwell Ln road project update- No update. REMARK: towards the end of November, early December.

Library Front door update: The Lock Smith is outing together a quote.

Utility Truck: needs to go in for inspection, heater/AC blower looked at. Upper & lower ball joints and shocks need to be replaced. Going in on October 3.

Borough Building Shingle issue update: Corey from ProCom will be coming to replace all snow catchers and fix shingles on the Borough roof. Just waiting on a date.

Alley between Delaware Road and Maplewood Road update: Waiting on an update from Cowan.

Meeting adjourned 7:08 pm Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on November 2, 2022 at 7:00 pm.

Finance:  Gary Chase called the Finance meeting to order on October 5 2022 at 7:09pm.

If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.  

Members Present:

Gary Chase, Ed Bartosiewicz, Michael Pulsinelli, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: 

Mayor Stokes, Tammy Macaluso-Borough Treasurer, Matt Brady-Public Works Supervisor and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comment from Citizens:  Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

5 Borough residents present.


Gary suggested to Council that after comparing the 2 proposals that one is a better fit for the Borough and will be added to the Council agenda on October 12.  Council had a short discussion.   Bob Ryan and Kim Maciano-Hankinson asked what the figures are so they can ask someone else to give a quote. Gary stated that will be discussed next week at the Council meeting.

Gary reported that Tom is looking over the draft Borough Bylaws. Tom stated there are a few sections that need to be changed. Bob Ryan asked if the revised Bylaws will still have the “Streets & Properties” Chairperson to keep inventory of all the supplies and equipment the borough has.  Council discussed and will look into that section.  Ann Moyer asked why the Council would like to also look over the Library’s Bylaws. Gary stated there is a discrepancy as to what is the correct year they have been using in the past.

“Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) funding program with PennDOT”:  We received the inspection report today.  Gary stated we need to set up a meeting so we can go over the report.  Sherry will contact PennDOT for them to update the Borough’s permit since they did upgrades a long time ago.

Update on our current water meters and replacing our current ones in the future: Currently we have 15 refurbished & certified meters. Tammy has been working on getting a quote for the software that will be needed when we switch the new meters and the cost of switching them all out. This will be discussed during the 2023 Budget discussion next. Matt will talk to Bob from LB water too.

Matt reported that a fallen tree damaged the fence by up at Well 1 & 2, Rodney asked if Matt contacted the fence co. yet.  Sherry will check with Matt.  There are trees that need to be taken down up at Well 1 & 2, we will get quotes for this project.

Gary reported that Rodney has contacted the fence company to fix the fencing at the Well that the trees fell on.

Gary reported that there are 2 flashing lights now on the Canal Bridge to warn trucks to not go over the Delaware River Bridge. Mayor Stokes said trucks still go over but not as many.

Council received the quote from Cowan-Borough engineer to redo the small parking lot on Durham Road. It is a lot of money. Council discussed other options that do not cost as much. Gary will contact Todd for more information too.

Council received 2 quotes from Tree companies to work on the trees at the Wells. We also want to have the Borough property surveyed so we can verify that they are on our property.

Meeting is being set up to meet with Skip Brown-Borough resident, Tom, Rodney and Matt to discuss adjoining properties.

Council discussed the non-slip tape that Matt has found to put on the Pedestrian Bridge and the stairs to the Canal.  They are looking at the reviews online also for the different manufactures.

The Enhancement Committee met with Rodney for the placement of the Christmas tree and Matt is working on the lighting by the flag pole. The tree will be picked up Tuesday October 11 and Matt is preparing the hole.

A part timer as needed plow employee is needed, this was discussed last year. Sherry will get the guy an application so he can start and get trained. He is a landscaper so he has heavy equipment experience.

Council received an email from Tom Murtha- TNT Groundworks, LLC wanting to put their Riegelsville parcels into Agricultural security area (ASA). Riegelsville does not have that area but Durham Township does. Riegelsville would need to agree with this by resolution first.  More information is needed.  This will be added to Council agenda on October 12.

We are looking into oil quotes for the year. We have received two and waiting on the third one. REMARK; one of the pre-pay offers that was discussed, was sold out last Thursday when Sherry called back.

All municipalities need to pass a “Pennsylvania Act 2022-57 Tax Collector Resolution” Governor Wolf approved this July of 2022. It requires the Elected Tax Collector to waive additional charges for real estate taxes where notice of the real estate taxes was not received following the transfer if real property.  William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor will have the draft prepared for Council agenda on October 12.

Council looked over the financials, no questions.

Streets meeting ended 8:30pm

8:31pm- 9:34pm    Council discussed the 2023 Budget, will continue on Wednesday October 19, 2022 after Council Utilities meeting.

Next Finance meeting will be held November 2, 2022, immediately following Streets/Properties

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: If anyone has any questions please comment prior to the vote.  N/A

Approval to purchase a new Borough vacuum, not more than $450.00. G. Chase motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz Seconded.   Unanimous.

Approval of R-05-22 “Resolution of the Borough Council of Riegelsville Borough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania requiring the elected Tax Collector to waive additional charges for real estate taxes where notice of the real estate taxes was not received following the transfer of real property”. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, R. Scott Seconded.   Unanimous.

Approval of check $1000.00(water co.) to G&G Electrical Construction LLC. (Well #1 communication issue). R. Scott motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz Seconded.   Unanimous.

Approval of Check $400.00 (water co.) to Barry Hoffman-VFD Electrical consultant.  G. Chase motioned to approve, R. Scott Seconded.   Unanimous.

Approval of Check $2375.00 (water co.) to Gunners meters & parts. (15 meters, remotes & gaskets). R. Scott motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz Seconded.   Unanimous.

Approval of JEC Computers Microsoft 365 installation and setup, Estimate #36, 7/15/22, $866.99. G. Chase motioned to approve, M. Pulsinelli Seconded.   Unanimous.

Approval of Microsoft Office 365, which includes one Apps for Business License, $870 per year as listed on Estimate #36 G. Chase motioned to approve, R. Scott Seconded.   Unanimous.

Approval of JEC Computers Microsoft 365 training, Estimate #55, 10/5/22, $299.99. G. Chase motioned to approve, R, Scott Seconded.   Unanimous.


APPROVAL OF BILLS:  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills, G. Chase seconded.

Meeting adjourned 7:50 PM.

Next Council meeting November 9, 2022 at 7:00pm


Gary Chase stood in as note taker, Borough Secretary out sick.



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