President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 pm January 12, 2022. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.
The Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call: PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes and Gary Chase. ABSENT: Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes.
T. Stinnett reported to Council that due to a late email from Borough Engineer this afternoon in reference to the Borough Office renovation. The Contract states bid will remain open for 90 days- that is January 27, 2022. Due to the changes to Title 65(Public notices) agenda changes took effect August 29 2021. We cannot add the Bid vote to tonight’s agenda since it is less than 24 hours’ notice and is a contract with Borough funds. We will need to have a Special Council meeting for that vote.
We need a motion to amend tonight’s agenda: E. Bartosiewicz motioned to amend agenda, G. Chase seconded. Unanimous.
We need a motion to advertise a Special Council meeting to Vote on the Borough Office Renovation. G. Chase motioned to advertise, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve December 8, 2021 Council minutes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve with the one typo fixed under “Comments of Citizens”, G. Chase Seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve December 20, 2021 Special Council meeting minutes. K. Brandes motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz Seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve January 3, 2022, Reorg Council minutes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, G. Chase Seconded. Unanimous.
CORRESPONDENCE: None to report.
President: T. Stinnett stated he had nothing to report.
Mayor: Absent and nothing to report.
Report: Sherry Masteller appointed Open Records Officer (ORO)
December 2021
No new RTK requests received in December.
1~ final decision completed and mailed on December 16 from November RTK request.
Open Records Officer Hours: 2 Hours to process, gather documents and if needed forward requests to an agency of the Borough.
T. Stinnett would like to add the Borough Solicitor fees that pertain to RTK requests, Sherry will get that info from T. Macaluso-Borough Treasurer.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Please state your name, you have 3 minutes to speak.
Frank Preedy- Riegelsville EMC and 2-Borough residents present.
Frank reported to Council that he has a Borough Resident Dominick Angione that would like to join the Riegelsville Emergency Management Team. Frank handed Council his resume and stated he has volunteer fire experience. Frank has invited him to the Community Affairs meeting on January 19, 2022. Frank would also like to attend the January 20th meeting with State Rep Labs and Penn DOT Representatives.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: No meetings due to Holidays
T. Stinnett asked 2 financial questions on page 4 of Financial Statement for December 31, 2021, shows the Open Space and the Keystone Grant figures. REMARKS: Those totals are what was not budgeted for the year.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: If anyone has any questions please comment prior to the vote.
Contract approval with Pa. Department of Agriculture Spotted Lanternfly treatment at the Borough Park. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, K. Brandes seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of the “2021 Exoneration list for Per Capita tax”. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, G. Chase seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution R-02-22, Designating Tammy Macaluso as its duly authorized agent and representative for reporting requirements with regard to funding from Covid-19 Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, K. Brandes seconded. Unanimous.
Approval Annual engagement letter for Auditor to perform 2021 DCED audit. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, K. Brandes seconded. Unanimous.
Tammy, Borough Tax Collector is required to have a deputy tax collector. Approval to reappoint
Danielle Turdo. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, K. Brandes seconded. Unanimous.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills. G. Chase seconded.
Meeting adjourned 7:23 PM.
January 17, 2022 Borough Remote Offices Closed “Martin Luther King Jr. Day”
Next Council meeting February 9, 2022 at 7pm
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary