President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:02 p.m. October 8, 2014. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Richard Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor and Mayor Stokes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2014 Council Meeting, K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Email requesting Riegelsville Fire Police for Springtown Halloween Parade on Sunday October 26.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated October 1, 2014 Pat Lally, Appraisal services for Cardone Parking Lot.
Email proposal from Glenn G Phillips for tree removal at the Borough Office Building.
Email dated October 6, 2014 Alisa Harris, PennEast Pipeline Government and Community Affairs.
Email dated October 8, 2014 Alisa Harris, PennEast Pipeline Government and Community Affairs.
President – President Stinnett stated that this meeting is a regular monthly Council meeting and PennEast representatives were not on the agenda. Elizabeth Balogh, Tina Venini and Sam Thompson asked to be added to the agenda to inform Council how the pipeline project affects the borough of Riegelsville and surrounding municipalities. T. Stinnett stated that he shares the same concerns that the “Concerned Citizens of the Pipeline” have. There is a meeting scheduled for October 20th at Northampton Community College.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he contacted the Sheriff’s office to set up during the Fall Rollout to fingerprint the children. Mayor Stokes spoke with the Blooming Glen Foreman as to why they have not been working on the Canal Bridge project. He stated there where a few issues when PennDOT did inspections. Sherry contacted Ed Burns with Penn DOT to also ask what the holdup was, he stated permits are needed for the pipe that is being replaced on the river bank, ADA issues and drainage issues on Delaware Road. Mayor Stokes will perform a wedding on Saturday October 11, 2014.
Elizabeth Balogh, Borough Resident gave a brief presentation regarding the proposed PennEast pipeline. Here is a list of a few key points:
- PennEast has pre-filed with FERC Docket #PF15-1-000.
- 36” pipe instead of 30”, Class #2, which is second worst category.
- Alisa Harris, representative of PennEast stated that where they are going under the river is not in a populated area.
- 12,000 people are using the DCNR Canal Path.
- The proposed map has changed.
- There will be a huge cost to the Borough just in the road repairs after the heavy construction vehicles use the Borough roads.
- Poison the water due to leaks.
- 2 mile evacuation routes.
Sam Thompson, from Delaware Township also gave a brief presentation, here is a list of a few key points:
- Delaware River Keeper and Sierra Club Websites have great information about the pipeline.
- No financial support in case of emergencies for the emergency services.
- Delaware Township did pass a resolution on September 29, 2014 opposing the pipeline, Sam will get the Borough office a copy.
A citizen thanked the Borough Council for listening to the Comments and allowing them to be part of the Council meeting.
7:53pm – Council continued with the business meeting.
Community Affairs
Concerns from citizens: None to report, 1 borough resident present.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officerreported to Council that 3 Building Permits were issued:
Oil Furnace, sliding doors w/frame and deck at Commercial property. 1 Zoning permit was issued for fence.
We did receive the certified cards back from Mr. Kreider on September 2 and 8. Jim received a concern in reference to the overhanging tree at 224 Easton Road. Sherry will have Matt Brady send an Ordinance enforcement letter.
Library News: Estelle Bloom, Library Board Member reported to Council that they received $4000.00 from the disbanded Riegelsville chapter of Kiwanis. A group of the Riegel family visited the historical room in the Library on August 2. Summer reading wrapped up with a smaller overall participation this year. “The Kindergarten Here I Come” program took place August 14th. Story time began in September. This year, they offer the program twice a week, on Tuesdays at 10:30 and Thursdays at 1:30pm. The Library will be doing a table at the “Durham Days” on October 11, and during the “Riegelsville Fall Rollout Car Show” on November 2, 2014. The Library will be hosting the “Halloween Parade” on October 25. Library Flea Market Saturday September 20, 9am -3pm.
August statistics:
Circulation: 1373
Historic Room Visits: 27
Items added: 47
Public Count: 626
Internet use: 15
Adult programs: 12 events
Juvenile: 3 events 50 children, 17 adults
Teen Book Club:
Fire Co. News: Ed reported the next Breakfast is Sunday September 21. October is Fire Prevention month. St. Peter’s Nursery School goes over to the Fire House for Fire Safety lessons. The Riegelsville Library hosts the fire safety lessons with “Firefighter Ed” on October 2.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting is September 24, at 7pm. They are
selling the Boscov’s “Helping Hands” shopping passes for $5.00. They are setting up during the Library Flea
Market September 20th and St John Holiday Bazaar November 22. Mums have been planted at the Pedestrian
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank Preedy, Riegelsville EMA Coordinator reported to Council
that Bob Fink, BC Emergency Management Specialist was a guest speaker tonight at 6pm to go over the READY
NOTIFY program. Unfortunately it was poorly attended. Mr. Fink said he would be happy to come back at a
different time to speak. Frank visited the Upper Bucks Senior Center to discuss safety of the Center in case of
an emergency. Tentatively on 10/15 a Guest speaker from PPL will be a guest speaker to discuss Generator
UBREMS News: During the September meeting they announced that they had received a Payne Grant.
Rec Board News: Rodney reported to Council that the fall ball team continues to use the small field.
Rodney ordered the new door for the concession stand at the park. The car show committee is meeting every other Thursday at 6:30. We meet tomorrow September 18.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: Nothing to report.
Comments from Citizens: 1 residents present. Nothing to report.
The Borough received an email from Leslie Rhoads, in reference to the Bucks County Floodplain Ordinance/Map updates. Sherry will look more into this and get back to Council.
Sherry discussed with Council that the State Police contacted Armour & Sons Electric on August 18, 2014 at 10:28 am due to the power being out of the Borough traffic light, the bill was $95.00. When this happened before the State Police was told to contact the Borough first instead of Armour & Son’s since we either have Riegelsville Fire Police put the stop signs out or the Borough Laborers will put them out. Sherry contacted the State Police and a letter needs to be sent to Sgt. David Nosal giving an emergency number for the dispatch to call.
PennDOT requested a letter from Borough Council requesting they fix/replace the drainpipe that is on the bank of the river near the canal bridge project. PennDOT also requested a letter from Elizabeth Balogh, property owner for access on her property for the work to be done. Sherry will forward both letters to Ed Burns, Penn DOT project manager tomorrow September 18, 2014.
Winter newsletter will be mailed out December 10th, 2014. Information for the newsletter will be due by October 27, 2014.
Streets & Properties
Comments from Citizens: No one present.
On Monday September 29, 2014 PennDOT inspectors where at the Canal Bridge, since then they have not been working on the project. Sherry will try to gather more information to pass along.
PennDOT is offering a “Green Light-GO” Pennsylvania Municipal Partnership Program, the Borough does not qualify because our traffic light is not on a critical corridor.
Rich reported that Matt researched purchasing a snow blower, Council discussed this and will add the purchase to October 8, 2014 Council agenda.
The Borough office has not received the third bid for tree removal at the Borough hall building.
Tom reported to Council that he attended the BC Flood Plain Ordinance meeting this afternoon. Tom will discuss this during the Borough Council meeting on October 8, 2014.
House Bill (HB) 1671 (restrictions on municipal executive sessions) did pass the State Government Committee on September 22, 2014. The Bill is now before the Full House of Representatives, Sherry sent an email to Marguerite Quinn, in reference to Council opposing the Bill.
Borough office received a call from Durham resident, Tina Venini and email from Elizabeth Balogh, Riegelsville resident asking to be put on the Council agenda October 8, 2014. Their purpose is to inform the community what the PennEast gas pipeline project is all about.
Borough office received a quote for preparation of report for parcel 38-006-048, vacant lot, Sherry is waiting for another quote and will research commercial / residential parking lot leasing.
Borough received a professional services proposal to assist Riegelsville in accomplishing its open space objectives. Sherry will add to Council agenda.
Approval to award Morton Salt the 2014-2015 Salt Bid $57.57 delivered price per ton. R. Pursell motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of professional services proposal from Heritage Conservancy to assist the Borough in accomplishing its open space objectives, not to exceed $7,883.00. K. Weiss motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval to participate in an Intrastate Program for mutual aid and assistance, which is known as the Pennsylvania Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (PaWARN). K. Weiss motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval to spend maximum $800.00 for a new Snow blower. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Brief discussion of the revised Flood Plain Ordinance, T. Stinnett stated that Todd Myers, Borough engineer will attend the next committee meeting October 15.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: R. Pursell motioned to approve bills. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.
Next Council Meeting November 12, 2014 at 7pm
Sherry L. Masteller
Borough Secretary