President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:06 p.m. September 10, 2014. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. ABSENT: Richard Pursell. K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2014 Council Meeting, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Email dated August 20, 2014 from Beth Banko, Library Board of Trustee President, in reference to the approval of Terry Fritz to the Library Board. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint Terry Fritz to the Library Board, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated September 2, 2014 from Scott P. McMackin, Cowan Associates, in reference to the PennDOT Bridge Project.
Email dated September 4, 2014 from Borough resident Rene Billings, in reference to the Palisades bussing location.
Letter dated September 9, 2014 from Michael R. Smith, Cowan Associates, Inc recommending payment of two invoices to Asphalt Maintenance Solutions, LLC.
President – President Stinnett reported that he spoke to Borough resident Craig Cardone in regards to his small parking lot, Parcel #38-006-048, located on the southeast corner of Church and Delaware Roads. The Borough is interested in purchasing this lot due to the fact there is no public sidewalk for access along Delaware Road. Mr. Cardone stated he has $45,000.00 invested in that lot and might be willing to sell it for $40,000.00. President Stinnett is asking Council for approval to have the lot appraised. K. Weiss motioned to approve obtaining two (2) appraisals of parcel #38-006-048, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
During the August 13, 2014 Council meeting, Council met in executive session to discuss but not take
official action regarding- pending litigation, potential litigation and personnel issues.
President Stinnett reported the he met, along with Mayor Stokes and Councilman E. Bartosiewicz, on September 3, 2014 with representatives from UGI Services in regards to the proposed pipeline. According to a map provided by UGI there will only be a small section on St. Lawrence Catholic Church property used for the pipeline within Borough limits, then it travels directly into Durham Township, south to behind First Savings Bank where it will then cross the river into New Jersey. This project is only in the infancy stages at this time with pre-filing with FERC estimated for October/November, the application filing estimated for July 2015, and estimated project authorization in Spring of 2017. President Stinnett relayed the size of the pipe they are proposing, 30” with 1500 psi, and the easements that will be needed to lay this pipeline, 50’ disturbed easement with 120’ construction easement. Mayor Stokes added that the pipeline will be coated with epoxy then wrapped in a thick plastic to deter punctures. The pipeline will be inspected on an annual basis with a 7-year more rigorous inspection with a tool that runs the length of the pipeline inspecting for deterioration, leaks, wall thickness, etc. Monies will annually be allotted to the Riegelsville Fire Company for training in case of an emergency with the pipeline and toward equipment needed. UGI representatives will be holding a town wide meeting as the project progresses.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he ran someone out of the Canal bridge construction zone. He stopped an RV searching to cross the river and directed them to cross over the Milford Bridge. Once again he contacted the PA State Police in regards to speeding on Delaware Road. On September 2, 2014 around 3 am he noticed a gold Toyota pickup creeping around town and coming out from behind the Post Office. By the time he got to his vehicle the truck was gone, he rode around town but did not see it again. He sent an email to Sherry Masteller, Borough Secretary, to alert the residents through email. On September 9, 2014 he met with Palisades School District Superintendent Bridget O’Connell over concerns about the lack of sidewalk access on Delaware Road for the children to walk down the hill to their bus stop on Route 611. Concluding this visit Ms. O’Connell followed up with the Mayor and relayed that a bus stop will now be added atop the hill, in the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church parking lot on the corner of Edgewood and Delaware Roads.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: A resident of Durham Township stated that he and his wife just purchased the property located at 119-121 Delaware Road and is concerned that since there is no public access to and from the western side of Delaware Road by the stop light, it could potentially hurt his wife’s new salon business. T. Stinnett reiterated that the Borough would like to purchase Mr. Cardone’s lot to solve the access issue.
Borough resident Elizabeth Balogh, questioned the completion of the Canal Bridge. Mayor Stokes answered he is being told the end of October 2014. Ms. Balogh would like to know if the road in front of her house on the eastern side of the Canal Bridge is going to be paved when the construction is complete. T. Stinnett stated that the Borough owned parking lot, which the contractors are using heavily, is the only paving project to be done.
Community Affairs:
Concerns from citizens: 1 resident present. Nothing to report.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officerreported to Council that 4 Building Permits were issued: 1
Re-roof, dormer fit-out, oil tank, upgrade service panel. Mr. Kreider responded to the enforcement letter on July 23rd, he claims he needs more than 30 days to bring his property in to compliance with the property maintenance code.
Library News: Council received an email from Beth Banko, Pres., Library Board of Trustees would like Council to approve Terry Fritz to the Library Board during their September Council meeting. Sherry will add this to the September Agenda.
Fire Co. News: Ed reported August 17, Breakfast served 338. Next fundraiser is August 23, 2014 “Pig Roast” sponsored by St John UCC and the Fire Co 4-8pm. “Night at the Races” September 6.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting is August 27, at 7pm. Boscov’s is doing
the “Helping Hands” again this year they may set up during the Library Flea Market September 20th and St John Holiday Bazaar November 22.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: 9/17 or 10/15 Guest speaker from PPL to discuss Generator
UBREMS News: No August meeting- President’s Father passed away and Adam was on vacation.
Rec Board News: Rodney reported to Council that the fall ball team will do clean-up on the field they
will be using. Fall Rollout meeting is set for August 21, 6:30 at the Borough Hall. Remarks: The path at the Borough Park around the newly constructed batting cages will be paved by the end of next week.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: Nothing to report.
Comments from Citizens: 1 residents present. Nothing to report.
PennDOT LTAP (Local Technical assistance Program) has money for municipal traffic signals. Sherry received an email that they are waiting for one major piece of information that requires executive approval before details are sent out.
We received information for the PA WARN, Pennsylvania mutual aid agreement for water and wastewater providers. Sherry will forward the agreement to the Solicitor for review. The dues would be $25.00 per year.
Rich met with Ed Burns in reference to the additional drain at the Canal Bridge and Ed suggested a letter be sent to PennDOT District Executive Lester Toaso. Rich will work with Sherry on this letter.
Ken Kerstner will take care of removing the falling tree at the Well 1 within the next few weeks.
Streets & Properties:
Comments from Citizens: No one present.
Mayor Stokes reported to Council that there was a suspicious gold Toyota pickup in the downtown area around 3am Tuesday September 2, 2014, the State Police was notified.
Jim Kopchak, Zoning officer sent certified letters to 224 Easton Road-Velez, 141 Delaware Road- Kreider referencing property maintenance.
Tom Stinnett received an email from a concerned Borough resident in reference to the Pipeline project. The email reported that Holland Township NJ mayor voted No. Mayor Stokes will contact the Holland Township Mayor for more info.
Bucks County Planning Commission sent an invitation to a meeting about gas pipeline and safety being held at the Delaware Valley College on September 11, at 7pm. Remarks: The Borough received an email September 4, 2014 announcing that the meeting was cancelled.
Rich asked Rodney if the lean-to could be built soon to cover the backhoe. Rodney will go over the plans with Matt Brady.
Tom said there is a hole on the corner of Delaware/Edgewood Road, Sherry will let Matt know.
Tom discussed that Craig Cardone put up his no trespassing signs on his sidewalks now that School is in session again. Council and Borough solicitor will continue to look into this issue. Remarks: T. Stinnett stated that there is currently a bill in the State Senate that will mandate opt-in municipalities that use a third-party agency for any UCC service to retain at least two third-party agencies.
Liquid fuels tax fund audit was performed. No concerns were noted during this monitoring review.
Palisades School District sent a letter asking if the Borough Council would like to participate in the “Junior Council Member program”, Council agreed that would be a great asset to Council, Sherry will send correspondence.
Bill Dudeck, Borough Solicitor looked over the PAWARN agreement then gave Council his comments. Council suggested we also have Doreen, Borough insurance agent look it too.
Council requested for Sherry to ask Bill Dudeck, Borough Solicitor if they can appoint a new auditor during the Council meeting next week. Remarks: Bill said that a Council person should move to terminate Mr. Tucker and appoint Mr. Shylen.
Council looked over the monthly financials.
Approval of $300.00 check to the Riegelsville Public Library (Halloween parade). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve payment to the Riegelsville Public Library for the 2014 Halloween Parade, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval to terminate Mr. Tucker, current Borough auditor and appoint Mr. Shlyen as Borough auditor. K. Weiss motioned to terminate Mr. Tucker, current Borough auditor and appoint Mr. Shylen as Borough auditor, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Discussion of 2 proposals for tree removal at the Borough Hall. R. Scott motioned to approve spending up to $3800.00 for tree removal at the Borough Hall, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of proposed Ordinance #228 amending chapter X of the code of Ordinances of the Borough of Riegelsville amending Part I, Grass, weeds and other vegetation. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve Ordinance #228 amending chapter X of the code of Ordinances of the Borough of Riegelsville amending Part 1, Grass, weeds and other vegetation, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution R-03-2014, Appointing Members & Alternate Member of the Zoning Hearing Board. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve Resolution R-03-2014, Appointing Members & Alternate Member of the Zoning Hearing Board, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: R. Scott motioned to approve bills. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.
Next Council Meeting October 8, 2014 at 7pm
Tammy L. Macaluso
Borough Treasurer