
August 2014 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. August 13, 2014. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2014 Council Meeting and R. Pursell seconded.  Unanimous. 


            Email dated August 12, 2014 from PennEast Pipeline Company LLC, in reference to constructing 100 Mile pipeline part of it would be in the Borough.

            Certified letter received August 13, 2014 from PennEast, in reference to the proposed PennEast Pipeline project on/near Borough Parcel #38-004-001.


President – Tom Stinnett reported that this is the first correspondence that the Borough has received

in reference to the pipeline construction project affecting the Borough.  Tom advised Sherry to contact them to

attend a meeting for more information.

Mayor Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he spoke to a Borough resident in reference to the property maintenance issues at 428 Poplar Road. Mayor Stokes spoke to the Contractors at the Canal Bridge and they will be pouring the bridge floor and footers so it will be congested downtown.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS –    One Borough Resident present but no comment.



Community Affairs:

Concerns from citizens:  1 resident present.  Nothing to report.


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officerreported to Council that he issued 3 Re-roofing permits.

141 Delaware Road property owner Mr. Kreider received his certified enforcement letter.  Mr. Kreider has asked for an extension due to getting quotes for painting the house.  Jim asked Mr. Kreider to put a letter in writing requesting an extension.  Mr. DeBartolo is in litigation with his roofing contractor.

Library News: Beth Banko, Library board memberreported to Council that the new router will be installed next week. Beth introduced Terry Fritz to Council. Terry has sent the Library his resume to be considered for the open position on the board with Sallie Banko’s resignation dated August 14, 2014.  A Summer Sky program is scheduled for Tuesday July 22, 2014.  “Art in the Library” has begun again. The computer replacement has been ordered.

June statistics:

Circulation: 1208

Historic Room Visits: 3

Items added: 47

Public Count: 588

Internet use: 11

Adult programs: 2 events 16 adults

Juvenile: 4 events 59 children, 35 adults

Teen Book Club: 1

Fire Co. News: Ed reported June Breakfast served 350. Next fundraiser is August 23, 2014 “Pig Roast” sponsored by St John UCC and the Fire Co 4-8pm.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting is July 23. They are gathering pictures to

put together a calendar as a fundraiser.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank Preedy spoke to the Upper Bucks Eastern Senior Center about safety within the building.

            UBREMS News: The next Board meeting is July 21, 20147pm.

Rec Board News: Rodney reported to Council that 2 fall baseball teams would like to use our fields.

      Riegelsville Planning Commission: No meeting in July, during the August meeting they will be

reviewing the bamboo ordinance.


Comments for Citizens:  1 residents present. Nothing to report.


The borough office received information from A.C. Schultes, Inc for preventative maintenance inspections for wells and water supply. Sherry will ask Ken Kerstner about the yearly excess water usage.

PennDOT LTAP (Local Technical assistance Program) has money for municipal traffic signals. Sherry sent an email for more information.

PennDOT Master Casting Agreement 2014-2017 was received and will be put on the August council agenda.

Rich gave Council the chip seal proposal for Fairmont road, this proposal will be added to the August council agenda.

Streets & Properties:


Chestnut Ridge Electric bid for installing the generator for the Borough Hall was reviewed.  It was decided to put this on the agenda for approval at Council meeting.

Discussed the Fairmont Road tar and chip project and Tom Stinnett reported that Rich Pursell had called him and reported that he had reviewed the paving job and found it acceptable.  Tom Stinnett also reported that he had driven over the road and it seemed to be a good job.  It will need to be approved at Council meeting.

Brief review of hand written letter from Tom Kreider concerning his property.  It was reported by Ed Bartosiewicz that a borough resident had given Tom two tires for his Volvo so he could move the car into the garage.  It was reported that Tom Kreider simply moved the tires into the garage and left the car in the driveway.  Our zoning officer will reply to Mr. Kreider.

Tom Stinnett passed out the Bamboo Ordinance for everyone to review.

Elaine Albrecht brought up a bush in the 200 block of Rt. 611 that was causing a problem.  This property belongs to Richard Costich and it is 221 Easton Road.  The problem had already been reported and a letter is being sent to the owner.


Concerns from Citizens:

Elaine Albrecht wondered about the bush on 611 at property address, 221 Easton road, Elaine said it was hard to see when pulling out onto 611. Also about 224 Easton road weeds in front of house.


It was discussed about the Bids for the trees at the reservoir and in front of the Boro Hall. Rodney suggested that we contact Tim Hendricks for a price in cutting down trees in front of Boro Hall, Tim Hendricks did some trees at his house. Rodney has his information.  Sherry was waiting to hear back from Ken Kerstner to see if he wanted the trees at the reservoir.

Rodney inquired about the gas amounts for the Water Co, why they were so high?  Tom said it was because of the winter months.

We talked about the liquid fuels reimbursement for the year 2017-18.

Bill Dudeck talked to the Auditor and was waiting to hear back from him.

Fairmont Road is finished being chipped, the will come back before Labor Day to sweep the road.


            Approval for a maximum proposal of $15,000.00 for the chip seal job on Fairmont Road.  R. Pursell motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded.   Unanimous.  Rich reported that they will sweep the road on Tuesday August 19, Sherry will get notices printed.

Three proposals for electrical work to install the Borough hall Generator.

  1. Barry Hoffman Co. $12,985.00
  2. Chestnut Ridge Electric $8985.00
  3. Jeff Murray Electrical Contractor $8,400.00

R. Scott motioned to approve Jeff Murray’s proposal of $8,400.00. R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.

            Approval to advertise the proposed Ordinance #228 amending chapter X of the code of ordinances of the Riegelsville Borough amending Part I, Grass weeds and other vegetation.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution R-02-2014, Authorization to sign Master Casting Agreement (PennDOT).

R. Pursell motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.


NEW BUSINESS:  None to report


APPROVAL OF BILLS:   R. Scott motioned to approve bills.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded. 




Meeting adjourned 8:10 PM.

T. Stinnett announced that after the Council Meeting they will have an Executive Session.

Next Council Meeting September 10, 2014 at 7pm


Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary


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