President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. July 9, 2014. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. Kathie Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2014 Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous. CORRESPONDENCE:
Minutes from the March 19, 2014 D&L Trail Alliance meeting, next meeting July 16, 2014 at 1pm. In New Hope Borough Hall Community Room.
President – Tom Stinnett reported to Council that he is looking over the RCN contract that is a 10 year
Contract: 2017-2027.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he spoke to Steve, Bridge contractor because they hadn’t been working at the bridge for a couple days. Steve stated that they needed to be at a different location so they are working Friday to make up the time. Mayor Stokes contacted the State Police when he discovered that the Concession stand at the park was broken into. Mayor Stokes addressed the parking issue at the Riegelsville Inn.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS – One Borough Resident
Elaine Albrecht reported that Frank Preedy, Emergency Coordinator went to the Eastern Bucks Senior Center to discuss emergency safety and how to exit their building.
Community Affairs: Ed introduced Jennifer Connolly to Council, Tammy would like to put Jenn on as her Tax Deputy to fill in when needed.
Concerns from citizens: 2 residents present. Nothing to report.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officerreported to Council issued 3 BP (Building Permit) 1
Service Panel upgrade, 1-Commercial re-roof and 1-heat pump installation. 2 ZP (Zoning Permit) 1- Widen parking area and 1- storage building. There was a complaint in reference to the abandoned block building at 241 Springhill Road. A letter was sent and the owner contacted the Borough office and it is being taken care of. Jim is working on an enforcement letter for 141 Delaware Road. Jim will also re-evaluate the 530 Easton Road maintenance violations.
Fire Co. News: Ed reported June Breakfast served around 325. “Patio on the Delaware Fashion Show” with Pam Ptak on June 7, 2014 was a success. Next fundraiser is August 23, 2014 “Pig Roast” sponsored by St John UCC and the Fire Co.
Library News: No quorum for June Meeting. Ed explained to Council that they would like to put a “FREE Tiny Library box” down at the Pocket Park, Julia is getting more info together.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting scheduled for June 25, 7pm. Volunteers
are thinning out the pocket park plants and they would like to put them around the Borough signs on both ends
of town, near the footbridge and possible the Fire house.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing came into the borough office.
UBREMS News: During the meeting on June 16, 2014 a discussion was had that a lot of squads are being bought and run by hospitals.
Rec Board News: Rodney reported to Council that the next meeting is June 30, 2014- Kiwanis will be
discussing the annual car show. Girls’ softball B-team placed second in the league, a great accomplishment.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: Tom reported no meeting on June 2, 2014.
Miscellaneous: Borough office received minutes from the Canal Advisory Board meeting 3/20/14.
Comments for Citizens: 2 residents present. Nothing to report.
Barry Hoffman will look at the Generator this week and put together a proposal to hook it up.
Tom discussed with council the questions that are coming up when Sherry contacted a few Septic Haulers to discuss the new Septic Maintenance Ordinance. Haulers are questioning why it is the responsibility of the hauler to send in the paperwork. Council agreed that it is the property owner’s responsibility to get this information to the borough office.
Matt Brady put a maintenance list together for the Borough trucks, the most important one is to get 6 tires for the Chevy Dump. Council agreed that they need to be replaced immediately.
Streets & Properties:
Comments from Citizens: No residents present.
Borough office received an estimate for the generator at the Borough office. Council asked Sherry to get 3 more estimates.
Council discussed Matt’s maintenance list and Matt will get quotes to fix the trucks and loader.
145 Easton Road, property owner had a question about the water bill not being paid by the caretaker and Council stated that it is the property owner’s responsibility to pay the penalties. A letter will be put in their water bill.
Council asked Sherry to get information from Borough Engineer, Todd Myers in reference to a legal stop sign. Todd stated that a traffic study is approximately $500.00 per week. There needs to be justification for the stop sign and cannot be used to calm traffic.
Rich discussed the PennDOT meeting that he attended last month. Rich explained that the pot holes are not on their priority list, fixing the bridges are top priority. A municipality is not allowed to patch the holes or then it becomes the liability of that municipality.
Mayor Stokes reported to Council that they had a meeting with the contractors and Scott McMackin, Borough Engineer to discuss the water line and the restoration of the 2 parking lots. Scott will get the borough a recap of the meeting to the office.
Concerns from Citizens: No residents present
A quote was received for the Library/Borough sign from PCI, for $1333.00. Council agreed to pay half of the cost with the Library. Sherry will contact the Library Board plus add it to the Council agenda on July 9, 2014.
Tammy sent an email to Borough Solicitor, William Dudeck in reference to not receiving the financial binder back from Borough Auditor, Bob Tucker.
Borough office received a letter from Met-Ed after they investigated the affected borough property March 28, 2014 was due to the sudden and unforeseeable operation of a cross arm brace. Met Ed was unaware of any problems with the equipment prior to its failure. The will not continue with this claim.
St. Lawrence has not used the escrow account since 10/11/12 so Tammy would like to close it out.
Council said to add it to Council agenda on July 9, 2014.
Tom reported that the Rec Board had a meeting on June 30, with Kiwanis members to discuss the Fall Rollout. We are months behind in the planning stage but it will work out. The next car show meeting is July 10, 2014 at 6:30.
Approval to refund St Lawrence Escrow account $91.00. Last used October 11, 2012. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Approval for PCI to make Library/Borough sign $1333.00, The Borough will split the cost with the Library.
If Bridgeton orders one too we can share the shipping, Sherry will check on this. R. Scott motioned to approve. R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
R. Pursell discussed with Council doing chip seal on Fairmont Road and part of Delaware Road would cost approximately $28,700.00 and doing only Fairmont Road would cost approximately $15,000.00. More info to follow.
NEW BUSINESS: None to report
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Rich Pursell motioned to approve bills. R. Scott seconded.
Meeting adjourned 7:50 PM.
Next Council Meeting August 13, 2014 at 7pm
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary