President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. April 9, 2014. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett and Kathleen Weiss. ABSENT Rich Pursell. Ed Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2014Council Meeting and Rodney Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Letter received from Roger Vonah in reference to the paving of the Fire Co. parking lot. R. Vonah reported to Council that since BC Commissioner, Robert Loughery will be present during the Community Affairs meeting on April 16 he will discuss the grant opportunities for the parking lot to make it easier for ADA accessibility.
Letter dated March 17, 2014 from Daniel Duffin, Borough resident expressed his appreciation for the excellent and tireless effort put forth by the Riegelsville Snow removal team during this never-ending winter.
Note from Kim Monteverde, Borough resident thanking the Borough for the use of the meeting room space for a workshop on April 5 and 6th, 2014.
2013 Traffic Light Maintenance report was received from Armour & Sons Electric, Inc.
President – Nothing to report
Mayor– Mayor Stokes was unable to be here tonight but he sent S. Masteller his update for Council.
1. I spoke at Ian Callahan’s Eagle Scout ceremony.
2. I assisted the State Police in a well-being check of a Borough resident.
3. Called the State police about the speeding on Edgewood Road. Also spoke to them about traffic control in the bridge work area they will step up patrols.
4. Spoke with Mike Cavallaro about a zoning issue.
5. Spoke with WFMZ reporter about the impending increases in flood insurance.
6. Spoke with Representative Quinn’s office regarding the Borough sign that was damaged. Unfortunately PENNDOT is covered by state law and is not responsible for repair of the sign.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS – Eight Borough residents and Terry Mccloughan from Bucks County Herald were present.
Ken Kerstner, Borough Resident reported to Council and citizens that he had attended the Riegelsville Planning Commission to ask questions in reference to the Proposed Ordinance #227, On lot Septic Maintenance plan. He would like to add a few things:
- He would like to see this ordinance tabled until there is a town meeting to explain all the logistics as to how this will affect the Borough residents.
- An answer as to why this is being considered.
- Change the cleaning from 3 to 5 years.
Tim Hyde, Borough Resident is concerned with being required to have his septic pumped every three years if he only has two people living in the 3 bedroom house. There are quite a few neighbors that only have a single or two people living in the house. Tim stated that he has not noticed any problem with the yearly CCR (Consumer Confidence report) from the Riegelsville Water Report.
Community Affairs:
Comments from Citizens: One Borough Resident- Elaine Albrecht. Elaine reported to Council that the Senior Center is looking for more space. In Motion Tires may be giving them more of the building.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officer reported to Council that two permits were issued: Roof Permit and 400 Amp Electrical Service. Next hearing for the DeBartolo is April 2, 2014, the citation for the roof repair has been withdrawn. The remainder of violations are flashing/gutters and unregistered utility truck, damaged car. Jim granted Myers (936 Fairmont Road) a 90 day TCO (Temporary Certificate of Occupancy). Maureen Woerner’s concerns: Unsafe mailboxes/Accessible sidewalks. The ADA complaints and ADA specifications are enforced by the Department of Justice. There are no guidelines in the International Building Codes for “Mailbox” installations.
Fire Co. News: Ed reported to Council that the March 16, Breakfast served 337. March 14, Fish Fry
served 179. No April Breakfast due to Easter.
Library News: Erica Sommer, Library Board member reported to Council that the Annual letter has been mailed out by Volunteers of the Library. Tax forms are flying out the door. Library was closed on Thursday February 13, 2014 due to weather. Valentine making program was well attended.
Feb Statistics:
Circulation: 1098
Historic Room Visits: 0
Items added: 75
Public Count: 494
Internet use: 9
Adult Programs: 7
Teen Book Club: 1
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Meeting is scheduled for March 26, 2014 at 7pm.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Borough office received minutes from March 1, 2014 meeting.
Frank Preedy reported to Council that Ray Kenny and Frank have taken extensive training with Bucks County
EMA. Objectives for 2014
1. Continue to develop relationships with accredited/local organizations (i.e. U.C.C. and Lutheran Churches) that could provide assistance to Riegelsville during emergencies.
2. Establish training for E.M. Personnel assuring high level of response during times of emergency.
3. Changing existing E.O.P. format to new PEMA format.
4. Providing all E.M. Personnel with Photo I.D. Badges by April 30th – also with Borough Council approval – give access to E.M. personnel a Borough vehicle during emergency situations.
UBREMS News: Special Needs form will be added to the annual donation letter.
Rec Board News: Rodney reported that so far there is 19 T-Ballers that signed up, so we will have 2 teams. There will be an A & B girls Softball Teams. The next Fundraiser is March 30 “Filled Basket Bingo with the Teams doing a Bake Sale too.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: Tom reported that they finished the proposed On-lot septic Maintenance Ordinance that was given to Council for a decision at the April 9, 2014 Council meeting.
Comments for Citizens: None to report
Tammy Macaluso applied and received a waiver for the SOC’s water testing. This will save the Borough a lot of money.
Tilley Fire Equipment inspected Borough Extinguishers today March 19, 2014. Matt suggested we get an extinguisher for the generator at Well #3. Tilley will send a proposal via email.
Matt noticed that the Generator at Well#3 didn’t have a rain cap so he mentioned that to the technician. Brent, from Power Pool Plus emailed the Borough a proposal cost of $159.68 for the rain cap and labor. Council unanimously approved.
FEMA won’t be giving winter storm aid to Bucks, Bucks County’s reportable damage was only $1,007.966.
Streets & Properties:
Comments from the citizens: One Borough Resident: Maureen Woerner
There is a car parked on Fern Road in front of House #124 with an expired inspection and Registration, Ordinance Enforcement officer, Matt Brady will be posting a violation the week of April 7, 2014.
The Borough office has received a complaint about the extreme noise at 410 Easton Road, S. Masteller will write a letter to the property owner.
Borough Resident John Huffman has contacted Marguerite Quinn’s office in reference to the Borough enforcing the snow removal on Borough sidewalks. Sherry Masteller, Borough Secretary spoke to Quinn’s office to let her know that Council will have the current Sidewalk ordinance amended before the winter season. Council also would like S. Masteller to write Palisades School district transportation department a letter in reference to changing the bus stop from route 611 to top of Delaware Hill.
Borough office received an email from 136 Sycamore Road in reference to the snow removal by the Borough Road department. Council requested that S. Masteller write a letter in reference to this situation.
Borough resident, Roger Vonah would like to see the Fire House parking lot paved. Roger would like to see if there are any grants that would apply to this project.
The Borough office building generator pad will be done by the borough employees sometime in April or May.
The Borough office received a concern from a resident stating that vehicles are speeding up and down Edgewood Road. Mayor Stokes will talk to the PA State Police.
Borough Resident, Maureen Woerner asked Council if they made any decisions on the paperwork that she had given to them in March. Maureen would like to see the Borough pass an ordinance for a breakaway mailbox post. Council said they would like to see a model ordinance that another municipality uses. Maureen will look into this and send it to S. Masteller at the Borough office.
Maureen Woerner asked Council a question in reference to the proposed On-Lot sewage disposal maintenance program; how is this going to be accounted for and will there be an approved list of haulers.
T. Stinnett replied that there will be a list of area haulers plus the paperwork will have 3 sections and the hauler will send the copy to the Borough. The proposed ordinance will be added to the Council agenda on April 9, 2014 at 7pm.
Tammy would like to have Jennifer Connolly appointed as Deputy Tax Collector. Council had a few questions:
- Cost to have a Deputy Tax Collector? Remarks: No additional cost, Jennifer would be covered under Tammy’s Bond.
- How much is the Bonding? Remarks: Tax Collector Bond is for $543,102.00, the borough portion of the fee is $45.00 every 4 years. As Borough Treasurer Tammy is Bonded for $34,000.00- $113.00 a year.
- What is the appropriate bond amount? Remarks: Should be the budget amount.
- Council would like Jennifer to come to a Council meeting.
Sherry is still gathering information due to the Well #3 power outage to send to the insurance adjuster.
Update was done on Tammy’s Computer today to get updates for the Borough Caselle program.
Council discussed the Bucks County Open Space Grant opportunity to purchasing the Weiss property at the north end of the Borough.
Approval of check for $8,050.26 to Raab Well Drilling (Well #3 Pump Motor due to power outage on March 28th, 2014. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of check for $966.86 to Riegelsville Auto (2004 Dump Truck inspection/repair). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Adoption of Ordinance #227 “An Ordinance Governing Municipal Management and Maintenance of On-Lot sewage disposal facilities in the Borough of Riegelsville”. R. Scott made a motion to table the adoption until May 14th Borough Council meeting. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous. T. Stinnett said to add the town meeting to the Borough Committee meeting May 7th, 2014 at 7pm.
T. Stinnett congratulated Ian Callahan for achieving Eagle Scout.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM.
Next Council Meeting May 14, 2014 at 7pm
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary