
March 2014 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. March 12, 2014. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes.  Rich Pursell motioned to approve the minutes of theFebruary 12, 2014 Council Meeting and Ed Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous. 


            Letter was read from Jim Streett thanking the Riegelsville Library/Borough for hosting the AARP Tax Help. Special thanks to Pam and Steve for providing exceptional tax preparation advice and counseling. A donation was given to the Library.

            Riegelsville Public Library presented Borough Council with their Annual Financial Statement December 31, 2013.

            Riegelsville Planning Commission presented Council with copies of minutes for each month they met in 2013.

            Letter dated March 3, 2014 from Bucks County Department of Health, in reference to the West Nile Virus Program.

            Letter dated February 28, 2014 from Borough Resident, Maureen Woerner in reference to the Borough mailbox’s on the sidewalks in Riegelsville.

            Letter dated February 25, 2014 from Borough Resident, Jill Amato in reference to the closing of her Salon home based business, and Jill requested her water bill to be cut to one hook up.  R. Scott motioned to change to one residential water hook up. E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.        


            President – Nothing to report

            Mayor Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he sent a letter to Borough Resident, Vickie Weaver in reference to her note in her water bill about the $3.00 increase to her bill.  Mayor Stokes performed one wedding. Mayor Stokes spoke to Ron Martin, Borough PennDOT rep. in reference to the Library sign that was knocked down by the plow truck in front of the Borough Municipal Building.  Ron stated that they do not cover the replacement since it was an act of God.   The Canal Bridge construction will begin again this week.   Mayor Stokes has talked to the Realtor that has the Weiss property for sale at the north end of the Borough to discuss using Bucks County Open Space program monies to purchase the land. The program would pay 75% if it would qualify and the Borough would need to secure the remaining 25%. 

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS   Two Borough residents present.

             E. Bartosiewicz (Fire Co. President) asked Council if Matt Brady could use the Borough Backhoe to remove the larger rocks and Fire Co. will supply the stone for Matt to fill it in.  Council agreed to this.      


 Community Affairs: 

Comments from Citizens: Craig Cardone discussed the issue with Palisades Transportation having a bus stop at the Borough traffic light.  Craig spoke with Gerry Giarratana, Transportation Director and he was going to change the bus stop.  Craig told Council that he will continue to keep the stairs at the traffic light clean of snow as much as he can but the sidewalk in his parking lot on the top of Delaware hill is not a public sidewalk.


            Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officer reported to Council that the DeBartolo court date has been postponed for the second time at the request of Mr. DeBartolo’s attorney. Mr. DeBartolo’s roof repair is 90% complete.  Pa DCED is requiring that the UCC fees ($4.00 per building permit) be submitted electronically via the State’s Website. Jim will assist Tammy on this. Remarks: Council stated to hold off until we are told we have to submit electronically.

            Fire Co. News: February 16, Breakfast served only 208 due to the weather.  Fish Fry Fridays will start on March 7, 2014.  Council suggested that maybe other municipalities would be willing to advertise the Fire Co. functions in their newsletters like Durham Township and Riegelsville Borough do.  Sherry will contact Rachel Roney.

            Library News: No library board member was present.  Ed asked what is being done with the damaged sign.  Sherry left several voice messages and emails to Ron Martin, PennDOT rep. for the Borough.  Sherry stated that Mayor Stokes has also been trying to contact Ron too. Remarks: Mayor Stokes reported to Council during Council meeting March 12, which Ron Martin stated that the broken sign is considered an act of God so they do not pay for that incident.

            Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Hoagie Sale profit of $214.50 plus a donation of

$100.00 for a total of $314.50.  Next Enhancement meeting is February 26, 2014 at 7pm.

            Riegelsville Emergency Management:  Next meeting February 22, 2014 at noon.

            EMS News:  Borough office received the 2013 Year-End Reports from Bucks County Emergency

Health Services.

            Rec Board News: Next meeting is February 24, 2014 at 7pm.  We continue to recruit girls for softball.

The next fundraiser is scheduled for March 30, 2014, Filled Basket Bingo at Riegelsville Fire House.

      Riegelsville Planning Commission: Tom Stinnett reported that they did not have a meeting January

or February. The next meeting is March 3, 2014 at 7pm, they will continue to edit the proposed “On-Lot Septic Maintenance Plan.    





Council discussed the emails from Borough Resident, John Huffman in reference to the Bus Stop and Sidewalk ordinance.

            Borough office received several complaints about an abandoned car on Linden Lane.  Sherry will gather more information and get back to Council.

            West Hammer Electric is scheduled to work on the Borough Garage electric next week.

Streets & Properties:


Another load of salt was ordered and I was told it would be by next week.

            PennDOT District 6-0 sent a letter announcing “What’s New for 2014”, plus they would like municipalities to consider hosting a “Meet and Greet”. Sherry will set up a date to host a meeting. Remarks: Sherry received an email from Steve Yourtee and he stated that this meeting pertains to the liquid fuel money for road projects.

            Council discussed the car on Linden Lane not having a current inspection. Sherry stated that the borough ordinance does state that a vehicle needs to have a current registration and current inspection.

Council would like Sherry to contact Mr. Imboden to either have the vehicle inspected or it must be removed by March 14, 2014.

            The electrical work has been completed at the Borough Garage.

            Bucks County requested a Storm spreadsheet for PEMA in reference to the two February storms. Sherry and Matt put together the information for the spreadsheet and faxed it over on February 27, 2014.

             Council continued to discuss John Huffman’s emails and asked Sherry to send an email stating that Craig Cardone’s sidewalk is private, plus add the information for bussing questions should go directly to Gerry at Palisades transportation.

            Council discussed the information submitted by Maureen Woerner, Borough Resident in reference to the Borough sidewalks that have mail boxes on them. Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officer submitted to Council a letter in response to Maureen’s letter.  Council stated that the Borough enforces the Building Code. Sherry will send a letter to Maureen in reference to Council’s response.

            The Riegelsville Planning Commission looked over the sample Bamboo ordinance during their March 3, 2014 meeting.  Council also received a copy of the sample ordinance and suggested we amend the current vegetation ordinance.



Borough office received an invitation to the Community Safety Conference by Senator Bob Mensch on April 3, 2014.  Tom went last year so he asked if anyone else would like to attend. No one was able to attend.

Tammy Macaluso wanted to make Council aware that according to the Annual Drinking Water Report we are losing a lot of water. Dick Meade and Ken Kerstner thinks that maybe the cistern might have a leak. This needs to be checked out as soon as we can schedule a diver to go into the cistern. Tom stated that the cistern should be able to be drained.  Sherry will ask Dick Meade.

Council received the notice for the advertisement for Ordinance #226 “An Ordinance Governing Municipal Management and Maintenance of On-Lot sewage disposal facilities in the Borough of Riegelsville”. This will be added to Council agenda March 12, 2014.

Borough office received an email introducing the Bucks County Consortium, Sherry shared it with Council.  The concern was the fee of $150.00 a year, too expensive for what the borough could utilize.

Robert G Loughery, Bucks County Commissioner would like to meet with the Elected Officials. Sherry will contact his Assistant Karen Nagy to set this up.

Borough office received an invitation from Lynn T. Bush in reference to the borough’s participation in Bucks County Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Council would like Sherry to put together the resolution for the Council meeting on March 12, 2014.

Sherry reported to Council that the floor in the office is not level and would like to move her desk.  Sherry would like a new more efficient desk.  Council suggested to get proposals on repairing the floor first.


            Approval of check for $269.61 to Napa of Ottsville, (for Backhoe repair Maintenance). R. Scott motioned to approve.   R. Pursell seconded.   Unanimous.

            Approval of check for $406.56 to Riegelsville Auto (Backhoe repair). R. Scott motioned to approve.   R. Pursell seconded.   Unanimous.

            Approval of check for $695.00 to Barry Hoffman, Electrician (Trouble shoot Well #2, furnish and install an on delay timer then connect to dialer. R. Scott motioned to approve.   E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Resolution #R-01-14 Bucks County 2014 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.   K. Weiss seconded.   Unanimous.

            Approval to advertise Ordinance #227 “An Ordinance Governing Municipal Management and Maintenance of On-Lot sewage disposal facilities in the Borough of Riegelsville”. Rich motioned to advertise.   E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.






            Oxford Diabetic Supply at 719 Durham Road (Lundies Building) had a truck hit the front glass on Friday March 7. 


APPROVAL OF BILLS:   Rich Pursell motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous


Meeting adjourned 8:04 PM.  

  Next Council Meeting April 9, 2014 at 7pm

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