President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. February 12, 2014. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. ABSENT: Rich Pursell. Kathy Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of theJanuary 8, 2014Council Meeting and Rodney Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Letter was read dated January 21, 2014 from Joseph Coco, Borough Resident.
Letter was read dated January 28, 2014 from Bucks County Planning Commission/Open Space Program.
Letter was read dated February 3, 2014 from Vickie Weaver, Borough Resident.
Letter was read dated February 10, 2014 from Cowan Associates, Borough Engineer- Lot Line Adjustment Plan for Sweeney and Cillo Final Plan.
President – Nothing to report
Mayor– Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he performed 1 wedding. He spoke to the State Police in reference to people not stopping at the stop signs on Durham Road and Maplewood Road. The State Police will keep an eye on these areas. Mayor Stokes spoke to Matt Brady in reference to the Alley’s (North & South of the Borough) needing more help with the snow removal. Mayor Stokes said that the Borough needs to fine the residents that are not shoveling their sidewalks. Remarks: Sherry Masteller reported that 23 properties owners where sent letters from Borough Ordinance Enforcement Officer.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS – One Borough resident present.
Nothing to report
Community Affairs: Comments from Citizens:Keith Turdo, Borough Resident. He gave a presentation for the Borough to consider a “Free Box”. Keith showed pictures from different municipalities. Keith suggested putting it at the park asking for volunteers to get involved. Council had a few concerns about the box being open and the animals getting into it.
Council asked Keith to check with other communities and ask how they solved certain issues and made this work for their communities. Keith will report back to Council.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning, officer reported to Council that he received a letter from property owner at 141 Delaware Road and reported that most of the property maintenance should be completed by summer 2014. 530 Easton Road court date was postponed at the Request of Mr. DeBartolo’s Attorney. Jim visited the property on January 15, 2014 and the roof appears to have the underlayment down. Two additional building permits were issued: 1- Generator permit, 1- repairs for fire Damage.
Fire Co. News: Next breakfast is January 19, 8am –noon (381 served). Fish Fry Fridays will start on March 7, 2014
Library News: 2014 Budget was received. Estelle Bloom, Library Board Trustee reported to Council the December highlights. Paper copies of tax forms started to arrive and are sitting out for patrons. Nine volunteers gave 144 hours they officially starting to keep track of their hours in June 2013. 15 Children came out in the snowy weather to make ‘Gingerbread Houses”, there will be a Valentine making program on February 8, 2014. Sky gazing program January 21, 7pm. Health and Wellness “Intro to Homeopathy” January 25, 2014. Library had 25 programs in 2013 and 7 fundraisers.
December 2013 Statistics:
Public Count: 561
Circulation: 1,137
E- Books Downloads: 47
E- Books New Users: 3
Items Lent In-County: 179
Items Borrowed in- County: 235
Internet Use: 12
Historic Room Visits: 2
Collections: Adult: 9634, Juvenile: 7032, Total: 16,666
Registered users: 1055
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next fundraiser is “Super Bowl Hoagie Sale” $6.50
each, orders due January 22, 2014 pick-up February 2, 2014. Next meeting is January 22, 7PM.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report
EMS News: Ed Bartosiewicz reported that they received a grant to help with their operating expenses.
Rec Board News: Baseball sign-ups January 29 & February 3. Coaches meeting January 17.
Remarks: Rodney Scott reported to Council that this year Riegelsville Is hosting the Girls All-Star Game.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: Tom Stinnett reported they are continuing to look over the On-lot septic maintenance ordinance. Tom asked Sherry to check with Nockamixon Township for the form they use for pumpers. Sherry sent email to Keith on January 27 and February 11, but no response. Will call next.
Well #2 is having electrical issues so Dick Meade is contacting Barry Hoffman, Electrician, to look at the issues. Rodney would like to be contacted when this appointment is scheduled.
Streets & Properties:
Salt has been very slow delivery time due to the demand plus needing more haulers. The last loads were ordered on 2/3 & 2/4.
West Side Hammer Electric came to fix the electric issue for the Borough Garage. They need to come back disconnect the existing overhead feed from the fire house to the garage and install a new 120 volt 20 amp circuit in the existing underground conduit to restore power to the garage.
Borough Council received a letter from Joe Coco, Borough resident, acknowledging the letter from the Borough Secretary concerning speeding and strategies to rectify the problem on Delaware Road in the neighborhood around the Riegelsville Fire House.
Riegelsville Auto gave 3 estimates for the Trans flushing the Borough trucks, Matt Brady said that 2 of the Trucks needs to be inspected soon so that will be done too.
Gardner Residence at 719 Easton Road has bamboo that is falling on 611 during every storm. In the past the Borough has sent letters in reference to this plus PennDOT has written letters. Council suggested the Borough pass a bamboo ordinance. Sherry will contact the Borough Association to see if they can provide a sample ordinance.
Ed Bartosiewicz suggested that Sherry ask Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning/Building officer to give a review of the roof replacement at the Park Pavilion.
Borough Office received an updated letter from Bucks County Planning Commission in reference to the Municipal Open Space Program Spending. The 2007 allocation for the Borough is $223,535.00. Council discussed looking into the 19 acres Weiss property.
Matt Brady’s current health insurance has cancelled his policy. He has not looked into the government insurance yet.
Per Capita tax unpaid & Exoneration lists were discussed and will be added to Council agenda.
Approval of the 2013 Exoneration List for Per Capita tax. K. Weiss motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of unpaid Per Capita tax accounts. R. Scott motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Approval for all 3 Trucks to have Trans flushed for approximately $587.22 by Riegelsville Auto. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of check for $1250.00 West Side Hammer Electric, for repair of the garage electric. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Kathy Weiss motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimou
Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM.
Next Council Meeting March 12, 2014 at 7pm