
September 2018 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00p.m. September 12, 2018.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Kate Brandes, Ed Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. ABSENT: Ann P. Moyer.Scott motioned to approve the minutes from August 8, 2018. E. Bartosiewicz Seconded.   Unanimous.


A note was received from the Bucks Co. Writers Group thanking the Borough Council for allowing them to meet once a month in the Borough Hall, they are relocating their monthly meeting.

Letter dated August 7, 2018, from Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center, thanking the Borough Council for their $600.00 donation.


President – T. Stinnett reported to Council, Sunday is Riegelsville Fire Breakfast 8am-noon and the “Trail and Town Event” 10am-2pm.  Sponsored by D&L National Heritage Corridor & Riegelsville Enhancement Committee. Stop by one of the three trailheads (Mueller’s, Riegelsville, or Durham’s Furnace) and sign in to get your $5.00 voucher to use at participating restaurants.

Mayor Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he performed 2 weddings.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  No one present.

Community Affairs

Members Present:  Ann P Moyer, Kate Brandes, Ed Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present:   Jim Kopchak-Borough Zoning Officer, Todd Myers- Borough Engineer and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Concerns from citizens:   4 present but no concerns at this time.


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council August 2018 report:

  • 3 Building permits: Chimney, 200 Amp Service (Emergency) and whole house generator.
  • 1 Zoning permit: Shed
  • 113 Delaware Road- Complaint from a tenant in reference to the apartment’s property maintenance.  Violation notice was mailed May 23, 2018.  Jim will follow up next week.
  • 141 Easton Road- Complaints in reference to the junk cars and trash on the property. A property maintenance violation notice was sent out. Compliance date is November 7, 2018.
  • Ash Lane Lot- A licensed engineer will complete the grading plan.
  • 919 Easton Road (Craig Edwards) Mr. Edwards e-mailed me on 30 July 2018 regarding 919 Easton Rd.  In his e-mail correspondence he inferred that the auto repair garage is a non-conforming use that was not abandoned.  I responded on 31 July and told him I would need to research this issue.   I requested that he submit any zoning approvals or Pa L&I Occupancy permits authorizing such use if they existed. On 31 July, he responded, indicating that a municipality cannot eliminate a commercial use. On 6 August, I informed him that there was a ZHB Decision (23 June 2009) that granted approval for a “small engine” repair shop and that the automotive repair was NOT permitted.

Library News: Borough office received the July 2018 Directors report, the minutes have been filed in the Borough office.  JoAnne Walsh, President of Library Board presented Council with the following updates.

  • Planning is ongoing for the Brewfest being held on September 22, 2018 at the Riegelsville Fire House.
  • Alexandra Rutstein with JoAnne’s help taught her first art class for Children with 2 more in August.
  • Story Time will resume September 4th.
  • The new refurbished book drop arrived on July 30th and the old box has been donated to Bucks County Community library in Fallsington PA

Proposed Walking Trail: Still in the process of clearing the PNDI (Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory) relating to Bog Turtles.

Fire Co. News:

  • Next Breakfast is August 19.
  • Pig roast is Saturday August 25, 4-8pm.

UBREMS News: Nothing new to report.

Rec Board News: Rodney reported to Council,

  • The over 55 baseball team has 2 more games to get in for the season.
  • Fall Roll out car show planning is under way.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report.

Riegelsville Planning Commission: August 6th meeting.

  • Discussed the previous Ordinance #239, amending#135,141 and 171.  Ernie gave information from the USPS in reference to mailboxes. Waiting on Insurance questions.



Members Present:   Rodney Scott, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann P Moyer and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present:   Jim Kopchak-Borough Zoning Officer, Todd Myers-Borough Engineer and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Concerns from Citizens:  No concerns at this time.


Samantha Perdick – Site Acquisition Specialist, AT&T would like to install a cell tower on the parking lot of the fire co. / Borough Garage lot.  Council & Todd Myers discussed the site plans and asked questions.

The lease would pay about $1000.00 a month for the use of the land.  The current pole at the Penn Community Bank cannot add another cell because it would be placed at the bottom of the pole and not have the coverage they are looking for.  There is a maximum of four cells on a pole. More information is needed. They are looking at the Borough’s Cell Tower ordinance.

Ed Bartosiewicz and Todd Myers-Borough Engineer looked at the sidewalk and wall at the Delaware Hill traffic light and reported that 2 slabs of the sidewalk need to be replaced and new railing put up. The S & M contractor will be contacted.

Carl Scillia, sales agent for Neptune products, Carl discussed with Council the remote readers for our Water Company. The reader has a 20 year battery and very efficient. Information packet was given to Council to look over. They do participate in the CoStar pricing, they will cost approximately $250.00 each, software updates are around $1500.00 a year.

Todd distributed the proposed drawing of the small Durham Road parking lot repair project.  Kevin Firth, Property owner of 811 Durham Road to look over the drawing but had no questions at this time.  Mike Cavallaro, property owner of 803 Durham Road will also be given a copy of the drawing too.

Streets & Properties

Members Present:

Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann P. Moyer, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present:

Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comments from Citizens:   Nothing to report.


An updated quote for the Pedestrian Bridge/trail head sign from S & M Contractors.

S.Masteller is trying to locate the 11/10/1976 Lease between the Fire Co. & Borough, 2 of the amendments have been found. S. Masteller will contact William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor.

Alexandra Rutstein will continue to keep Council updated on the grant for Children’s “Art in the Library” Program.

Riegelsville Halloween Parade is set for Saturday October 27, 2018 sponsored by Riegelsville Library & Riegelsville Recreation Board.

Stinnett discussed with Council the “Trail and Town Event” Event is set for Sunday September 16, 2018 10am-2pm. Sponsored by D&L national heritage corridor and Riegelsville Enhancement Committee. Stop at one of the 3 trailheads (Mueller’s, Riegelsville or Durham Furnace) and sign in to get your free voucher.


Members Present:

Kate Brandes, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P. Moyer, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: 

Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comment from Citizens:   No Comments at this time.


The Borough office copier has needed tech repairs more frequently but the unit is over 10 years old. Michael with Stratix Systems has a buyback program right now. Council looked over the quote and Council said to add the quote to September 12, Council meeting.

Amber Campbell suggested the Mayor or President could include a few brief words as a way to recap or inform readers of what’s happening to be added to the “Rville Happenings”.  Tom will send the Borough office info on the 25th of each month.

ES2 (Environmental Systems) had to come back for the Chlorine Scale at Well 1 because the weight was reading backwards.

Penn Community Bank is increasing the fee for the Safe deposit boxes on October 1, 2018.

Arbor Fence Co emailed a quote for the fencing replacement at Well 1 & 2, Council looked it over and said to put on the Council agenda September 12.

Council looked over the finances.


            Approval of quote $1657.00 Arbor Fence Co. for furnishing and replacing chain link fence at Well 1 & 2. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Brandes seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval of check $536.50 ES2 for re-calibrate scale. R. Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval of quote $2299.00 Stratix Systems, for new copier, Ricoh MP 301SPF with WIFI ability. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

 NEW BUSINESS:  Nothing to report.

 APPROVAL OF BILLS:  R. Scott motioned to approve bills.  K. Brandes seconded.  Unanimous.

Next regular Council Meeting October 12, 2018   7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:55 PM.

Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

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