President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ann Moyer, Ed Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from January 10, 2018. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Thank you note from E. M. Kutz, Inc. for purchasing the dump body& salt spreader for our new Ford F550.
Letter dated January 2018 from PA State Association of Boroughs recognized the Borough membership and contribution to PSAB with a special-edition clock.
Letter dated November 2017 from RCN announcing that the Borough is now a member of a very exclusive and limited number of municipalities whose residents have access to 1 Gigabit internet speed.
Annual Financial Statements for 2017 from Riegelsville Public Library.
President – T. Stinnett had nothing to report.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he received a complaint in reference to a Durham Road employee continues to go the wrong way even when they have been told not to. Mayor Stokes contacted the State Police to report this incident.
Ethan Arner, a TV/Film major at DeSales University, discussed with Council the filming in the library for a project. They will be filming when the Library is closed. Council agreed to allow them to use the Riegelsville Borough Building. They will be there approximately 4 days before March 12th. Ethan gave S. Masteller their certificate of insurance and all his contact information. A Library representative will be present while they are filming.
Community Affairs
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council:
- 6 Building permits: sign, skylights, HVAC, finished basement, 2 electric.
- 1 Zoning permits: Sign.
- 134 Delaware Road- Property Maintenance violations.
- 116 Cedar Road- Complaint about inoperative/dismantled vehicle, property maintenance letter pending.
Library News: Borough office received the December 2017/January 2018 Directors report, the minutes have been filed in the Borough office. No library representative was present. A. Moyer reported to Council:
- The Library added an additional day to their weekly schedule and is now open on Wednesdays 10am 4pm.
- The YA (young adult) non-fiction section was weeded this month.
- We have two new ongoing programs for spring in addition to Fireside Story Time. One will be Open
Play Chess held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM. Patrons of all ages may drop in any time during those hours to play chess. Our second program is a Knitting Group to be held the 3rd Saturday from 1:00 PM -2:30 PM. Patrons of all ages are encouraged to bring their own projects to knit with companionship and share knitting knowledge. Both the chess and knitting programs will be held in the Main Library and are the result of community input regarding social opportunities they wanted available in the community
Proposed Walking Trail: No update.
Fire Co. News:
- January 21 is breakfast.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News:
- No December meeting.
UBREMS News: 2 new members- Dani McClanahan (Durham) & Rhonda Mitchell (Richlandtown Borough).
Rec Board News:
- Next meeting is 1/29 at 7pm.
Riegelsville Emergency Management:
- Nothing to report.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: No meeting.
Mike Sullivan, (Borough Water Operator) reads the Well’s Monday’s & Thursday’s. Sonny Groller reads the other days.
ES2 Inc. came January 5, 2018 to assemble new water inlet, corporation stop for the injector and install 2 mechanical scales.
On January 11, 2018 a tractor trailer hit the fire hydrant on Durham/Cedar Road. The Borough office received a video from a Borough resident in reference to this issue. The State police did come and a report was done. S. Masteller is in contact with the trucking company.
Streets & Properties
February 6, 2018 the Borough received our New 2017 Ford 550 Dump truck. M. Brady, E. Bartosiewicz and Ken Kerstner looked it over and test drove it after it was delivered and there was a few issues that need to be addressed. M. Brady will make an appointment with E. M. Kutz to get them taken care of. The truck did not have running boards so M. Brady is looking into quotes.
Ed updated Council with the apartment: fans and lighting have been installed, painting is just about done and the shower surround has been started.
Todd Myers, Borough Engineer sent an email to update Council on the Trail. “The DEP General Information package for crossing the wetlands has been submitted. Once that application has been approved the GP, general permit for a wetlands crossing will be submitted. PNDI and Bog Turtle clearances are underway. Once the weather clears we can proceed with the infiltration testing for the NPDES permit”.
The Borough received the New 2017 Ford F550 Dump Truck, Council approved the same insurance policy the other trucks.
Keith Deluca, Nockamixon Township Manager would like to get a consortium together to negotiate Service Electric franchise agreements. Council discussed this and the fees are higher than what the Borough received from our current franchise agreements at this time. S. Masteller will contact Keith tomorrow February 8, 2018 to let him know that we are not interested.
Council looked over the financials.
Council Vacancy: T. Stinnett asked Kate Brandes & Ken Banko if they had anything else to add to their “Letter of Intent” for the open Council seat. Discussion followed. T. Stinnett asked them to step out for the Council discussion and vote. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint Kate Brandes to Council and R. Scott seconded. Motion carried 3-1.
Tammy, Borough Tax Collector is required to have a deputy tax collector. She would like to appoint
Danielle Turdo. R. Scott motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
A letter needs to be sent to Emma Brotzman in reference to Borough Open Space trees, T. Stinnett will put the letter together.
Keith DeLuca, Nockamixon Twp Manager would like to meet with a group to possible create a Cable consortium to negotiate our municipal contracts. T. Stinnett will go to that meeting as a Borough representative.
Palisades Volunteer Opportunities from 8th grade project committee the morning of May 23. Council suggested mulching around the Borough Hall building. S. Masteller will email Mr. Opp back.
Pennsylvania State Police “Community Awareness Bulletin” was added to the Borough “Rville Happenings”.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: A. Moyer motioned to approve bills. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Borough office closed Monday February 19, 2018 “Presidents Day”
Next regular Council Meeting March 14, 2018 7:00pm.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary