
January 2018 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ann Moyer, Ed Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes.

Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from December 13, 2017. A. Moyer seconded.  Unanimous. 

Scott motioned to approve the minutes from January 2, 2018 Council Re-Org meeting. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.


Email received 1/10/18 “letter of intent” from Kenneth Banko for vacant Council Seat.

Letter dated 1/2/18 Board of Elections, General Primary- May 15, 2018, and General Election-November 6, 2018.

Letter dated 12/22/17 Bob Mensch, Senator. Municipal option to prohibit siting of category 4 casino.


President – T. Stinnett wanted to wish everyone a “Happy New Year”.

Mayor Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he told a citizen where the handicapped parking is located on Delaware Road plus the citizen would like Borderline to deliver to his car, Mayor Stokes suggested to ask Borderline if they could do that.


10 Borough Residents present.

Kevin Pelanne, Borough resident reported to Council that he has lived in Riegelsville since 1985 and now residents are parking on both sides of the northside of wayside way. An emergency vehicle would never get thru. Kevin said that the residents that live next to the hair salon are parking on wayside instead of their parking lot. S. Masteller will contact the owner of the Salon.  Kristin Thomas, Borough resident also lives on wayside way and has been contacting borough office in reference to the resident that lives next to Kristin and blocks the road too. S. Masteller contacted the landlord and he was not helpful at all, he stated that anyone can park on either side of Wayside way.  T. Stinnett, Council president said Council will look into this issue and get back to them.

Maureen Woerner, Borough resident asked Council what the job description for the vacant Council seat is. T. Stinnett responded that they have committee meeting first and third Wednesdays and the second Wednesday is Borough Council. Each Council person is the Chair of a Committee. Council members check in with the Borough office staff to see if they need anything from them. Council members are active in the community too.  Maureen also stated that she is concerned with the draft ordinance that would allow alcohol in the Borough park and she has a concern with the mailbox draft ordinance is too loose. T. Stinnett stated we will continue the discussion under UNFINISHED BUSINESS.

Cory Campbell, Borough resident asked if there are any updates on the trail, T. Stinnett replied that we do not have an update but will check with Todd Myers, Borough Engineer.

Frank Preedy, Riegelsville Emergency Management Coordinator, reported to Council that the updated EOP was sent to the County.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: No reports due to holiday’s.


Approval of the “2017 Exoneration list for per capita tax”.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and A. Moyer seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval of “2017 unpaid per capita tax accounts”. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval of Ordinance #239 (Amending Ordinance #135,141,171.) Alcoholic Beverages & Sidewalk obstructions. Council and Borough residents discussed their concerns with allowing private citizens to have alcohol on Borough properties. The consensus was to redo the ordinance so it does not allow private citizens to use alcohol on Borough properties.  There was a discussion in reference to the mailbox ordinance that it should be written more specific as to what rules to follow.  Council agreed to table the draft to revise the ordinance.

Approval of Resolution: R-01-18 “Opposing shale gas development” E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.


2017 Tax Collector Lien report was received.

Letter for new Council signers for Penn Community Bank was sent in.

Received $1000.00 deductible from the accident at the traffic light.

February 1, S. Masteller would like to attend the BC Consortium meeting 9am-11am. Speaker is Evan Stone BCPC New Director.  Council agreed to allow S. Masteller to attend.

Letter with signatures for Auditor to perform 2017 DCED audit were emailed to the Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC.

 APPROVAL OF BILLS:  R. Scott motioned to approve bills.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Borough office closed Monday January 15, 2018 “Martin Luther King Jr. Day”

Next regular Council Meeting February 14, 2018   7:00pm.

 Meeting adjourned 8:33 PM.

Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

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