
November 2017 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ann Moyer, Ed Bartosiewicz, Audrey Kenny, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. A. Kenny motioned to approve the minutes from October 11, 2017. A. Moyer seconded.  Unanimous. 

CORRESPONDENCE:  None received.


President – T. Stinnett reported on November 1, 2017 that Council had an executive session due to possible litigation for 30 minutes.

Mayor Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he will meet with Michael Quali, Penn Dot Assistant Highway Maintenance to discuss 22 Delaware Road bank issue.  Mayor Stokes talked to Sgt. Smith about the truck issues on the canal and the river bridges.   Mayor Stokes called the State Police, Truck Co, Sgt. Thomas with “Weights & Measures” and Delaware Joint Toll Bridge Commission- Bridge attendants due to the truck that took out a Met-Ed pole and street light on the corner of Delaware Road/Route 611 on Monday night November 6, 2017.  Performed one wedding.  Rodney Scott & Mayor Stokes were judges at the Halloween Parade.


3 Borough Residents present.

PA St Police Sgt. Kevin Smith introduced himself to Council and reported that they are very aware of the Truck issues and will make every effort to get a trooper here when they receive a call and ticket them.  Sgt Smith stated that there needs to be “NO Trucks Local Deliveries ONLY” on both sides of the Canal Bridge.

  1. Masteller will relay this info to PennDot.
Community Affairs


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council:

  • 3 Building permits: Chimney repair, HVAC, Alterations.
  • 6 Zoning permits: Fence, Pool Fence, 3-Re-Roof, Solar lights/barrier.
  • 1274 Easton Road- Stop work order, plans submitted-waiting for Todd to approve for FEMA compliance. No new update.
  • 428 Poplar Road, Property maintenance violation letter was sent out on October 11, for trash & yard waste on the property.
  • 720 Easton Road, permits submitted for Dean’s Deli.
  • Inquire for a 21 –bed, High end drug rehab facility for 28 acre lot in the “I district”.

Proposed Walking Trail:

  • Borough residents are concerned that the trail will be on the wetlands.
  • Are there setbacks on properties near the trail?  T. Myers stated that there is no required setbacks and the trail is 8’4” from the fence on 370 Spring Hill Road.
  • The parking lot is outside the Wetlands.
  • The residents on Spring Hill Road do not want the parking lot due to no police, no security and trails bring “Bad Stuff”.

Library News: Borough office received the October 2017 Directors report, the minutes have been filed in the Borough office.  Estelle Bloom, Library Board Trustee, reported to Council:

  • The Brewfest was a big success this year.
  • October 28, 11am Riegelsville Halloween Parade.
  • The Library received $4500.00 from the Bucks County Foundation for the 2017-2018 Year.
  • Next fundraiser is Fall Book Sale November 17th.

Fire Co. News:

  • October breakfast served 286.
  • October 10, is Fire Prevention at the Riegelsville Public Library- Ed will be taking the Fire Truck to the Library.
  • Ham Dinner served 120 dinners.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News:

  • Boscov’s Friends helping friends was last night October 17, results to follow.
  • Meeting next Wednesday October 25, 2017 at 7pm.

UBREMS News:  They had a meeting but nothing to report.

Rec Board News:

  • Car show preparation continues.

Riegelsville Emergency Management:

  • Frank reported to Council that FEMA may not fund snow removal during storms.  The updated EOP will be added to the October Council meeting.
  • Riegelsville Planning Commission:  Next meeting is November 6.  Discussion will be 3 current Ordinances- Sidewalk, Alcohol on Borough Property and Water hookup fees.




Mike Sullivan, a potential Water Operator will forward his quote by the end of the week-10/20.

Barry Hoffman has ordered the parts to fix Well #3.  Well #2 has a relay issue that Barry found parts for our old system.  Should be fixed within the next 2 weeks.

Skip Brown on Spring Hill Road put a red cone in his yard where the water is laying, could be the 12 inch main or the natural springs.  M. Brady will look into this plus the potential new water operator will look into the possible issue too.

Streets & Properties


A Borough Resident would like to help put together a “Doggie Parade on Saturday June 23, 2018 and would like to know how Council feels about this.  Council had a few concerns about closing off 1 block of Durham Road.  Are the businesses in the area aware that the parking lot will be closed to businesses? S. Masteller will pass this information along.

The PennDOT agility agreement is waiting on the Assistant Highway Maintenance Manager Michael Quali to return from vacation for further conversation.

The Penn DOT winter maintenance agreement for the borough plowing Delaware Road in underway with their Harrisburg office.

PennDOT put up 2 new signs on Delaware Road & Rt. 611, Ed reported that the one sign cannot be seen by Tractor trailers because you only see it if you are coming down Delaware Road hill. Ed will take a picture and S. Masteller will contact PennDOT.

Ellen Clemens emailed the Borough office a letter to give Council during tonight’s meeting and she stated during the meeting the she would like to have Council put that letter on hold.

Robert Rainey gave Council a Q & A letter to have them look over and discuss during Council meeting. Remarks: R. Rainey contacted the Borough office and asked S. Masteller to put his letter on hold.

Todd Myers, Borough Engineer sent an email to Borough office for S. Masteller to share tonight. “We had to schedule a pre application meeting with DEP to review the utility crossing and potential trail crossing of the wetlands and the impact on the trail project.  The meeting date has not been confirmed as of the date of this email.  I will not be able to revise the trail design until after this meeting.  Remarks: The meeting is scheduled for November 16, 2017.

Also, PA DEP has failed to renew their general NPDES permit with the federal DEP.  What this means for the trail project is that we can’t submit an application until April 2018.  Correspondence enclosed for your review”.

Emma Brotzman, Borough resident sent a letter to President T. Stinnett’s home in reference to the Borough trees behind her garage need to be trimmed. She added that she does not want the walking path behind her property.   T. Stinnett will look into the condition of the trees.



The tenant on the third floor of the Borough Building asked if he could finish cleaning everything out until Sunday November 5.  Council was fine with this as long as it isn’t any later.

Amber Campbell, Borough Resident would like to volunteer her expertise to help with the “Rville Happenings” email to use Constant Contact as the format. The fee is $180.00 a year.  Council discussed their concern with Constant Contacts policy on the security of the email lists. Amber will meet with S. Masteller on Monday November 13, to look over the policy and see how this will enhance the weekly email and save S. Masteller time. Remarks: Amber Campbell reported to Council that since we are tax exempt the fee is $160.00. They do not sell the emails per their security policy.

Council looked over the financials.

Council discussed the 2018 Budget change with the new water operator fees.


Water operator, contract was sent to Bill Dudeck for approval on 11/1.  Will add to the December Council meeting for vote.

Update from Don Celafonte, PennDOT to follow up with our October meeting.  Don called S. Masteller and reported that they added a few signs but more are on order.  Pavement marking cannot be done.  It is unsafe to add signs to the top of the traffic signs.

Approval to advertise the Draft 2017 Budget- Ordinance #238. R. Scott motioned to advertise and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval of Resolution R-05-17 “Master Casting Agreement” with PennDOT. A. Moyer motioned to approve and A. Kenny seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval of Resolution R-06-17 “Emergency Operation Plan” (EOP). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and A. Moyer seconded.  Unanimous.

            Approval of Removal of Trail Parking Lot on Spring Hill Road from Trail Plans. R. Scott motioned to approve and A. Kenny seconded.  Unanimous.

NEW BUSINESS:  None to report.               

APPROVAL OF BILLS:  A. Kenny motioned to approve bills.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


Next Council Meeting December 13, 2017 at 7pm.

Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.


Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

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