
October 2017 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:05 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ann Moyer, Ed Bartosiewicz, Audrey Kenny and Rodney Scott.  ABSENT: Mayor Stokes. A. Kenny motioned to approve the minutes from September 13, 2017. E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous. 


Invitation was read from Bucks County Consortium Luncheon on November 2, 2017. No Councilperson is available to attend.


President – T. Stinnett reported to Council that Todd Myers, Borough Engineer was unable to attend tonight’s meeting and will reschedule for another meeting night.  Tom discussed that during the Riegelsville Enhancement Committee Brian Greene from D&L discussed how he could assist local communities with the planning process and to provide technical assistance to local efforts to become more trail friendly. As the D&L staff works with local communities to establish D&L Trail Towns. Paul Servantes, Borough Resident will chair our local steering committee. The D&L serves as a guide through this process and has resources to provide for the communities.

Mayor Absent.


10 Borough Residents present.  Several residents voiced concerns with the Trail going in near their homes.

  • Concerned with people walking up and down Spring Hill Road with vehicles speeding past.
  • There will be no way for the Borough Council to protect the residents.
  • Residents have spent a lot of money on their properties that may be destroyed by people trespassing on their properties.
  • Linden Lane part of the future trail is already getting busier before the trail is built.
  • Concerned how close to their property line the trail will be.
Community Affairs


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council:

  • 5 Building permits: Kitchen Remodel, removal of 1000 gallon tank, Porch Alterations, Hot Tub, and Bath Alterations.
  • 3 Zoning permits: Retaining wall, Hot Tub and Shed.
  • 1274 Easton Road- Stop work order, plans submitted-waiting for Todd to approve for FEMA compliance.
  • 320 Spring Hill Road, Fence permit application came in, pending review.
  • 116 Cedar Road, Property Maintenance Violation letter, Jim went past the property and cleanup is under way.

Library News: Borough office received the September 2017 Directors report, the minutes have been filed in the Borough office.  Beth Banko, Library Board Trustee, reported to Council:

  • September 30, 9am Book sorting.
  • October 28, 11am Riegelsville Halloween Parade.
  • The library trustees would like Borough Council to consider an increase in their donation.
  • Fundraiser for the Brew Fest at Mueller’s is 9/23 and tickets are $25.00 & will be at the door.

Fire Co. News:

  • August breakfast served 291.
  • October 10, is Fire Prevention at the Riegelsville Public Library- Ed will be taking the Fire Truck to the Library.

           Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News:

  • Meeting next Wednesday September 27. Brian Greene from D&L is guest speaker!!  The D&L Staff is prepared to assist local communities with the planning process and to provide technical assistance to local efforts to become more trail friendly. As the D&L staff works with local communities to establish D&L Trail Towns, we will stress the importance of creating a plan and following it. The local steering committee is the group that helps craft and implement this plan based on public input.  The D&L serves as a guide through this process and has resources to provide for the communities.


  • No meeting in September.

Rec Board News:

  • Rodney will be getting a check from the Softball Association for the use of the softball field this season.
  • Car show preparation is underway.

Riegelsville Emergency Management:

  • Frank reported that he attended the quarterly meeting on 9/12/17.  The updated EOP will be added to the October Council meeting.
  • Riegelsville Planning Commission:  No meeting in September.



  1. Masteller spoke to Mike Sullivan, a potential Water Operator and he is emailing his Companies Bio. He would like to see our Wells too. I will set up that visit.

Barry Hoffman is working on a quote fixing Well #3 Electrical issue.

Owner of the Village Florist on Durham Road called the Borough office to see of the Small Borough Parking was do for resurfacing. Sherry told him that the Borough Engineer is going to put together a quote for the 2018 Budget. Council suggested Matt take the loose concrete out and fill it with stone so it will be safer.


Streets & Properties


The Tar & Chip street project is complete, street sweeping will be scheduled after October 6, to clean up the loose gravel.

Halloween Parade is set for Saturday October 28.


Council discussed the Fern Road Sign.


303 Poplar Road, Sweeney/Warner Zoning Hearing, October 24, 2017.


Todd Myers will attend the Council meeting on October 11, to discuss the trail plans.


Ed discussed the Penn DOT agility agreement with Council.



The tenant on the third floor of the Borough Building will be leaving November 1.Rodney & Ed will inspect the apartment. Tammy will take care of the escrow account. The apartment needs to be repainted before another tenant moves in.

Council looked over the financials.

Council discussed the car show planning.

Council worked on the 2018 Budget worksheets.


Approval of Ordinance #237 to amend Ordinance 222(“Zoning Ordinance”) to provide for “marijuana dispensary facilities” in the C Commercial District, for “medical Marijuana growing/processing facilities” in the I  Industrial District.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.


            Keith from Nockamixon Township contacted Borough office to see if Council was interested in joining a Cable Consortium. Council said yes we had one with Service Electric Cable.

            Executive Session 11/1/17 after the Committee meeting with Bill Dudeck, Borough Solicitor in reference to legal issue.

            Local realtor and his client came to look at the Zoning Ordinances in reference to uses in the Industrial Zone for a Drug rehab facility.


APPROVAL OF BILLS:  A. Moyer motioned to approve bills.  A. Kenny seconded.  Unanimous.



Next Council Meeting November 1, 2017 at 7pm.



Meeting adjourned 8:04 PM.




Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary


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