
August 2017 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:02 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott, Audrey Kenny, William Dudeck-Borough Solicitor and Mayor Stokes.  ABSENT: Ann P Moyer. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from July 12, 2017. R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous. 


Letter dated July 19, 2017 was read from Ellen Clemens, Robert Rainey, Diane Gonzalez and Ken Price- “Request for Notification from Concerned Neighbors”, Ref: Building permit application submitted July 15, 2017 by James G. Sweeney, 303 Poplar Road.

Letter dated August 4, 2017 was read from William T. Dudeck, Borough Solicitor Ref: appeal of Michele White

Letter dated August 4, 2017 was read from Todd Myers, Borough Engineer Ref: Bowman’s North Fence Construction.

Letter dated August 4, 2017 was read from Todd Myers, Borough Engineer Ref: 945 Edgewood Road, Flood Vents.


President – T. Stinnett reported to Council that during the BC TCC meeting they are working on the Draft ordinance for Act 172 Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Tax Credit information.  The next meeting is August 29, 4pm at Warwick Township, Tom is unable to attend so Audrey will attend.

Mayor Mayor Stokes reported that he had performed a wedding in his office in the last month.  Mayor Stokes also reported to Council that he received concerns in reference to the response time of the Upper Bucks EMS during the July 22, 2017 Single Vehicle accident at the Borough Traffic light.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  None to report.


Community Affairs


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council:

  • Cook addition
  • Purcell storage unit
  • Library stair lift
  • Lowry’s re-roofing
  • Mr. Sweeny was there to answer any questions and to ask the board questions about his property lines.  After a brief discussion, the matter was adjourned in favor of a later zoning hearing board meeting.  He discussed his planned garage project and brought his engineer’s drawings. There was a lengthy discussion about street line vs. property line/side yard as well as the impact of the elimination of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Klimpl has been engaged by the Borough and we are waiting for him to respond.
  • Discussion on the temporary pools that are around town and whether council should pass an ordinance exempting them from the zoning rules. Discussion on policing these pools and how to best handle it. Tom mentioned we would need to amend the existing ordinance rather than crafting a new ordinance. Also, we would like to ask Sherry to reach out to her colleagues in other boroughs to find out what they are doing to address the temporary pools.
  • Jim mentioned SB663 which discusses handicapped accessibility. Concerns over the wording of the legislation. We need a call with Sen. Mensch to discuss the matter and ask him to oppose the legislation as it’s currently written.

Library News: Borough office received the July 2017 Directors report, the minutes have been filed in the Borough office.

  • Looking for a carpet ahead of the chair lift.
  • Solar eclipse program report.
  • The summer reading program has been well received with great positive feedback.
  • Fundraiser for the Brew Fest at Mueller’s is in the planning stage. It will be 9/23 and tickets will be at the door.

Fire Co. News:

  • The FD had NARCAN training for the member on 7/18/2017.

     Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News:

  • Working on the 2018 calendar and are looking for pictures. Please remit to the REC.

      UBREMS News:

  • Municipalities served by the UBREMS squad were invited to a meeting on 7/24/2017 to discuss funding. Tom and Ed were attending.

      Rec Board News:

  • Animals are leaving messes in the ballpark despite the availability of waste bags. We may need to monitor this more closely and post “No Dog” signs at the park. Policing may be a concern.

Riegelsville Emergency Management:

  • Frank reported that he had a meeting on 7/2 and provided the council will notes from the meeting outlining the duties and responsibilities of the various members on the team.

Riegelsville Planning Commission:  No meeting until August.



Matt Brady knows a potential Water Operator M. Sullivan.

Dick Meade has been getting calls from Aqua NJ in reference to low chlorine on their side. Sonny is taking readings on both ends of the bridge for a month to see what is going on.  Tammy talked to DEP and we only need to make sure the water has a specific amount of chlorine in it at the entry point then Aqua NJ is responsible for the amount to their properties on their end.  DEP suggested that Aqua NJ may need to put in a chlorine booster on their end.  We are using a ton of Chlorine and residents are complaining about the high chlorine.  We are lower than the maximum amount but still higher than usual.   The pipe runs across the Riegelsville Bridge to NJ and is insulated, there is no breaks or connections in the line- it is a straight run.

Streets & Properties


Masteller read the letter dated 7/19/17 from Ellen Clemens, Robert Rainey, Diane Gonzalez and Ken Price, in reference to the 303 Poplar Road- James G. Sweeney, Building Permit Application for garage. They request prompt notification from Riegelsville Borough of any changes/additions/corrections/activities/status related to the plan proposed by Mr. Sweeney. T. Stinnett stated that there is a discrepancy in the placement of the garage.  Robert Rainey stated that on Mr. Sweeney’s plans for the garage it shows the berm being partially removed and Mr. Rainey is concerned with the possible run off into his property.

503 Easton trimmed the Bamboo and Matt Brady, Ordinance Enforcement Officer took a picture, now Matt needs to meet with Peter Ryan, Property owner to go over the ordinance to make sure he is in compliance.  Remarks: Matt has an inspection appointment with Peter Ryan tomorrow August 10, at 11:15am.

Probably by the end of the year Matt Brady does not want to continue to be the OEO for the Borough.

Masteller will gather more information as in the job description.

The Borough Boiler was serviced and needs to have a new fuel line put it, the quote is around $500.00-$600.00.  Council unanimously agreed it needs to be taken care of before fall so S. Masteller will add it to the Council agenda.

Todd Myers, Borough Engineer emailed additional locations for the walking trail parking areas due to wet lands.

Penn Dot has fixed some pot holes on 611.



Proposal for Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to inspect the Concrete Cistern’s at the Water Co. $3,200.00.   Council requested to add to the Council agenda.

The Borough’s Chevy dump needs 6 tires replaced, Estimate is $1100.00 from Riegelsville Auto.

Council looked over the draft Resolution #R-04-17 “Opposing Senate Bill No. 663 and House Bill No. 1469 (Amendments to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code).  Council requested to add to the Council agenda.

Council looked over the finances.

Tom Stinnett reported that there are a few articles in the August Borough news to read:

  • Police Force
  • Neighborhood planning and implementation grants available.
  • Boroughs should meet with Volunteer Fire Co. during the budget planning.

Borough Solicitor Report:

William Dudeck reported to Council:

  • White has filed a land use appeal from the decision of the Riegelsville Zoning Hearing Board, Ash Lane Lot. Dated June 19, 2017
  • Council received the draft ad for the Draft Ordinance amending #222 to provide for Medical “Marijuana dispensary facilities” and for “medical marijuana growing/processing facilities”.
  • Discussion with Council in reference to Mr. Sweeney’s proposed 2 car garage.


Approval for proposal for $3200.00 to Mumford-Bjorkman Associates, Inc, “ROV evaluation of Cistern”.  R. Scott motioned to approve estimate and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Approval for proposal for $1100.00 to Riegelsville Auto for 6 tires for Borough’s Chevy Truck. R. Scott motioned to approve estimate and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Approval for proposal for $500.-$600. To Kenderdine’s for Borough Boiler repairs.  A. Kenny motioned to approve estimate and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

            Approval of Resolution: R-04-17 “Opposing Senate Bill No. 663 and House Bill No. 1469 (Amendments to the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code). R. Scott motioned to approve estimate and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Discuss the Stihl Kombi System again.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve estimate and A. Kenny seconded.  Unanimous


APPROVAL OF BILLS:  R. Scott motioned to approve bills.  A. Kenny seconded.  Unanimous.

Next Council Meeting September 13, 2017 at 7pm.

Meeting adjourned 8:50 PM.






Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary


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