President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:32 p.m. September 8, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Gregory Stokes
K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2010 Council Meeting and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Resolution received from Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission in reference to the CAI Grant for $45,000.00 Pedestrian Bridge Lighting project.
Attorney’s General’s Bureau of Consumer protection: Public Protection Community Liaison, David P. Shallcross. J. Panasiuk will contact Mr. Shallcross to coordinate future presentations.
Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Fall Leadership conference Oct. 15-17, 2010
Email correspondence from Borough resident in reference to Borough Public Works Department.
President- Tom Stinnett announced that there had been an executive session immediately following our last Council meeting concerning several legal matters.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes gave Council a copy of the letter he wrote to Sergeant D’ Angelo in reference to the speeding on Delaware Road and also Sherer’s Road. Sergeant D’Angelo sent a response letter to Mayor Stokes. Mayor Stokes spoke to State Representative Quinn referencing the “House Bill 2431” which would eliminate local governments and make counties the basic level of local government in Pennsylvania. M. Quinn stated that we should not worry about this Bill due to the strong opposition. Mayor Stokes performed one wedding in the month of August.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: Bob Rainey, Riegelsville Enhancement Committee member reported that the local coupon booklet is at the printer. B. Rainey also asked Council how the water levels in the Borough Wells are since we are in a drought. T. Stinnett reported that Dick Meade, Borough Water Operator monitors the well water levels daily.
Community Affairs: J. Panasiuk, Community Affairs Chair, discussed with Council the possibility of Community Awareness Series including Street Smarts by the State Police, Fire Prevention, and Emergency Management to name a few ideas. They will possibly be monthly.
Zoning: Kip Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer, reported that a letter was written to 1126 Easton Road in reference to the property maintenance code. S. Masteller will put a copy of the letter in Council’s mailboxes. 802 Durham Road has a prospective tenant. Property owner, Mr.Cavallaro, has submitted the application for review. Framing and rough plumbing inspections are complete at 683 Easton Road. One fence permit was issued to 22 Delaware Road. K. Clayton presented to Council a sketch plan for improving fire safety in the Borough. K. Clayton will forward S. Masteller information for Borough Fire Marshal rules and regulations.
Library News: Debbie Jo Mitchell, Library Treasurer, reported that both air conditioners have been repaired but the air conditioner by the door is still having a few issues. Flea Market fundraiser is scheduled for September 18th, 2010. Haunted House Walking Tours/Lecture scheduled for October 29, 2010 time (TBA). Fall Book Sale preview November 19, 2010. Julia Sefton, Youth Services Director, reported the summer reading for July: 99 children, 6 teens and 51 adults came to 8 programs in July. The total numbers for 7 summer readings for June, July and August: 297 children, 130 adults, 26 volunteers for a total of 15 programs.
Statistical Highlights for July 2010:
Walk-in patrons: 899
Circulation: 1,872
Internet use: 50
Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 282
Items borrowed (within Bucks) 376
Total Cardholders: 1,063
Total Collection Size: 16,444 items
Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that the Music Fest/Bike Run fundraiser to benefit Fallen Hero’s will be September 11, 2010.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: Elaine Albrecht, REC member, reported that they are finalizing the Coupon Booklet Fundraiser.
EMS News: No August meeting
Rec Board News: Mayor Stokes asked if the Rec Board has ever done a Punt, Kick and pass for the kids before. S. Masteller did report that they had one sponsored by Pepsi a few years ago. S. Masteller will gather information to possible do one in the near future.
The Borough Office received the July 2010 to August 2010 stats from Trooper Steven Groman with the PA State Police. There were a total of 170 incidents but 151 of those are for Security checks at the DRJTBC Bridge.
Utilities: Well #3 Electrical and VFD project will begin the beginning of September. The VFD will be delivered August 31, 2010.
M. Brady and W. Nicholas are continuing to work on Curb stops: 107 Easton Road, 428 Poplar Road. M. Brady reported that seven remaining curb stops need to be replaced that are under sidewalks or paved driveways. S. Masteller suggested that M. Brady repair two curb stops at a time due to finances.
Streets and Properties: Kathie Weiss, Council Person, would like to know what the Borough Code states in reference to parked vehicle in front yards. S. Masteller will give this message to the C. Clayton.
M. Brady, Borough Laborer, presented Council with a note in reference to the “No Parking on The Grass” sign in the small borough parking lot on Durham Road. M. Brady stated that he was being pro-active by ordering the sign since he had a few complaints from Borough residents that the lawn was getting ruts and being asked why people are allowed to park there. Council suggested making more spaces available since the parking down town is so limited. S. Masteller will contact W. Nicholas for a quote on taking out the grass area and putting in parking spaces.
M. Brady suggested that instead of repairing the 2 broken storm windows in the Library the Borough should purchase a new window. S. Masteller asked R. Scott to measure the window since it will probably need to be special ordered. The window shutters in the Library need repairing, E. Bartosiewicz will ask J. Hadley, Home Repair to give the Borough a quote for the repair of the shutters.
M. Strickland, Realtor, contacted the Borough office stating that the Weiss property was going on the market and if the Borough was interested in purchasing the land. Council would like to receive more information when it is available. S. Masteller will contact M. Strickland to report Council’s message.
Riegelsville Post Master, Ernie Cascino, asked S. Masteller to verify Kathleen Weiss’s physical address as 302 Maple Lane. Council stated that years ago the address was incorrectly assigned but they decided to keep the current address of 302 Maple Lane.
PennDOT is offering a winter maintenance seminar on Tuesday September 28th, 2010 8am-3pm. Letters will be sent to the part-time borough employees encouraging them to attend. They will be paid to attend this seminar. M. Brady, E. Bartosiewicz, Mayor Stokes and R. Scott will also attend.
M. Brady painted “SLOW”sign on the road up Delaware Hill to help with the speeding traffic issue. Mayor Stokes asked with the Council would consider putting in speed humps on Delaware/Sherer’s Hill. T. Stinnett stated that could be discussed for the 2011 budget process. S. Masteller reported that cost could range from $3000.00 to $7000.00 per speed hump.
Mayor Stokes received a letter from Sergeant D’Angelo in response to the August 16th letter from the Borough Mayor referencing the Borough traffic complaints. Mayor Stokes will get the letter he wrote to S. Masteller so Council has a copy.
The Red clothes bin box has been removed from the River Stone Tavern property after many phone calls to the Company.
Finance: T. Stinnett reported to Council that the Riegelsville Planning Commission has been discussing a possible future sewage treatment facility within the Borough. During the October 4th, 2010 meeting our Borough engineer will present a plan for the sewage treatment facility.
Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he spoke to Dave Nadeau, Emergency Management Coordinator, in reference to the possibility of emergencies due to Hurricane Earl.
Sean Biege, Reynolds Business Systems, presented a quote to digitize the past council minutes. Council will add the quote to 2011 budget. S. Masteller will contact S. Beige with Council’s decision.
S. Masteller reported to Council that she will not have a helper for the “Fall/Winter Newsletter”.
S. Masteller feels she can put the newsletter together but it may take extra work hours. S. Masteller suggested comp time instead of additional wages. Council agreed to this.
Council received the Budget worksheets to work on before the October 6th Finance Committee meeting. S. Masteller will ask T. Macaluso to attend the October 6th Finance Committee meeting.
Approval to award the low Base bid for $34,605.00(Street resurfacing) and the low alternate bid $5,670.00(Trench drain) Total $40,275.00 E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimous
K. Weiss motioned to approve bills as listed. J. Panasiuk seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm. Next Council Meeting will be October 13, 2010 at 7:30 pm.