President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:04 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Audrey Kenny, Ann Moyer, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from January 11, 2017. A. Kenny seconded. Unanimous.
Letter was read dated January 5, 2017 from Bucks County Board of Elections.
Letter was read dated January 20, 2017 from James & Eileen Sweeney, Borough residents.
Letter was read dated February 7, 2017 from Cowan Associates, Borough engineer, Alley research.
Letter was read dated February 6, 2017 property owners, “request for alley abandonment”.
Borough office received the Riegelsville Public Library’s annual financial statements.
President – T. Stinnett reported to Council that he is hopefully going to Harrisburg with members of the Delaware River Keeper in the morning to meet with DEP about the PennEast Pipeline. We are expecting snow so it may be canceled.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported that there will be an opening on the Palisades school board, it would be great if we had someone to represent Riegelsville Borough. Mayor Stokes performed one wedding at Terry’s Tavern and the Couple made a donation to the Riegelsville Recreation Board for Mayor Stokes.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: 4 Borough residents where present.
James G. Sweeney and Eileen Sweeney wanted to speak to Council in reference to their connection fee for their new house at 303 Poplar Road. There was discussion between Council and Mr. & Mrs. Sweeney.
Council is aware that the old ordinances need to be updated. President Stinnett apologized for the mistakes of the water charges. Mr. Sweeney would like to see the revised Ordinance when it is ready.
Community Affairs:
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that one zoning permit was issued
for fence. J. Kopchak will continue sending out permits expiration letters when permits have been open for more than a 1 year. No updates on 122 Maplewood Road unsafe 2 car garage building. There will be a zoning hearing for 215 Ash Lane in reference to a requesting a variance for relief from side and rear setbacks. Many municipalities in Pennsylvania are adopting Zoning ordinances to regulate Medical Marijuana, we may want to look at that.
Library News: S. Masteller, Borough Secretary received the December 2016 and January 2017Directors report via email. The minutes are filed in the Borough Office. Becky Finberg- Riegelsville Library Youth Services Coordinator introduced herself to Council and reported that they have a new book group that meets on third Tuesday each month at 2pm. The first group met on January 17, will a group of 8 people. There is a teen group that meets first Tuesday at 6pm but that is a small group so if anyone knows some teens that would like to join us let them know about the group.
Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that January 15, breakfast served 300, a little slow. Banquet is set for February 4, 2017.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: E. Albrecht reported to Council that the next meeting is January 25, 2017 at 7pm. Their next fundraiser is Super Bowl Hoagie Sale, February 5, 2017.
UBREMS News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that they received a $150,000.00 grant.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank Preedy, Emergency Management Coordinator reported
to Council that there has been a lot of changes at the Bucks County EM. John Hertler- Bucks County
Emergency Management operation & training officer told Frank that the Borough’s 2013 EOP manual is fine.
Frank has contacted 3 people that would be candidates for the Riegelsville Team. More info will go to
President Stinnett and Mayor Stokes.
Rec Board News: S. Masteller reported that they received two thank you notes from Troop 27 and
Troop 127 from the Annual Car Show. Signups for Palisades Softball is online. The rec board is looking for volunteers to get the concession stand up and running for the ball games in the spring.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: T. Stinnett reported to Council that there was no meeting in
January. Remarks: T. Stinnett reported that during the February 6, meeting, they continue to discuss a mailbox ordinance and they discussed Borough land use implications of the Medical Marijuana Act.
Riegelsville water bills were mailed out on Friday January 13, they are due February 3, 2017.
- Masteller will be sending reminders out to property owners for the septic ordinance.
- Brady is cleaning out the street drains.
The man door on the Borough Garage needs to be replaced.
There has been a car with a jet ski has been parking is the Borough lot by the traffic lot, S. Masteller will send a letter.
There has been a few complaints about the collection of cars at the Old Oscar’s garage, S. Masteller will contact the Landlord of the property. S. Masteller spoke to the tenant about the cars and he stated he will have them taken care of in 30 days. The Zoning officer will be writing a letter to the property owner in reference to the property maintenance issues.
Streets & Properties:
The dead tree at the Borough parking lot and the branch on Edgewood road was taken down and removed.
The Borough small parking lot on Durham Road next to the Village Floral needs to be repaved, it is in bad shape. S. Masteller will contact Todd Myers, Borough Engineer to look at the lot and get back to us on a plan of action.
Scott reported to Council that there is a Honda with NJ plates that has not moved on Sycamore Road. S. Masteller will have M. Brady get the vehicle info and contact the PA State Police.
Property owner at 519 Easton Road brought his property survey into the Zoning office to get information as to who owns the strip of land next to his property. J. Kopchak and S. Masteller will gather information and get back to the property owner.
Masteller will gather information on abandoned vehicle on the Wayside way alley.
Now is the time for Council to update the Tax Collector’s salary for the next term 2018-2021, in the past it has been a 10% increase for the 4 year term. A resolution will need to be prepared for January 8, 2017 Council meeting. Council discussed and stated a 10% increase is fine. S. Masteller will add to the resolution to the Council agenda.
Council will be appointing a new Borough Auditor during the February 8, 2017 Council meeting.Stinnett reported that during the TCC meeting the discussion was an ordinance for EIT credit for volunteer firefighters. More information will be gathered for future discussion.
Council looked over the finances.
Approval to appoint Zelenkofske Axelrod, LLC as the Borough Auditor. R. Scott motioned to approve. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution R-01-17, Salary for Elected Tax Collector 4 year term 2018-2021. R. Scott motioned to approve. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Email was received from Chris Ullery in reference to Governor Wolf budget proposal for State Police coverage funds. Council discussed this $25.00 per capita fee for Borough residents. Mayor Stokes will get more information and report back to Council.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: A. Kenny motioned to approve bills. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Next Council Meeting March 8, 2017 at 7pm.
Borough office will be closed Monday February 20, 2017.
Meeting adjourned 8:38 PM.
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary