
Approved Council Minutes – September 13, 2023

Municipal Building
Approved September 13, 2023

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 pm September 13, 2023. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking
someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

The Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: PRESENT: Gary Chase, Michael Pulsinelli, Rodney Scott, Thomas
Stinnett, and Mayor Boenzli.

Motion to approve August 9, 2023, Council Meeting minutes, R. Scott motioned to approve, G. Chase
Seconded. Unanimous.

Borough Council received a letter from County of Bucks Board of Election, Municipal Election is November 7, 2023. Voting hours 7am-8pm. Riegelsville polling place is 615 Easton Road, Riegelsville Borough Community Room.

President: T. Stinnett reported that on August 23, 2023, at 6:30pm the Borough Council had an executive
session due to personnel matters.

Mayor: Mayor Boenzli reported that a few Council members are meeting with Sgt Pennington and
Trooper Rodgers to go over the radar results with the speeding in the Borough. Mayor Boenzli heard back
from Met-Ed in reference to the scheduled outage that never happened. Met-Ed stated that their third-party company had a mix up on the schedule, no other exclamation. Mayor Boenzli also reported that the
Enhancement Committee is interested in having a fundraiser one weekend night in October. It would not take place on borough property and would involve community volunteers telling their own ghost stories at their own residences. Do we need council approval for this fundraiser? T. Stinnett stated since it is not Borough property, they do not need permission.

Report: Sherry Masteller appointed Open Records Officer (ORO)
August 2023
No RTK’s received in August.
1-Granted within the 30-day extension.
No new appeals. YTD: 0
YTD total received: 53. YTD: 2- Smart Procure, 1- Brendan Breslin, 1- Prime Builder, 1-MGM Law,
1-Tyler Okeefe, 1-Trileaf, 1- Lien One Inc., 2- Evan Kechley, 40-Robert Ryan, 1- Allium Data, 1- Mike
Cavallaro. 1- River Rock Management LLC.
Open Records Officer Hours: 1 Hour – Total $20.09 to process, gather documents and if needed
forward requests to agencies of the Borough. ORO YTD pay: $1,100.12. ORO-Appeals YTD pay: 0.
Treasurer: YTD pay: $82.65.
Zoning officer: YTD pay: $126.00.
Solicitor fees: August $62.50 YTD pay: $200.00.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Please state your name, you have 3 minutes to speak.
29 members of the Community were present.

S. Masteller read an email that is addressed to Borough Council members, Re: Boro employees. From
Beth Banko-Borough Resident. B. Banko stated it has come to her attention that the Public Works Supervisor has tendered his resignation due to a hostile work environment and then he rescinded his resignation later. B. Banko is concerned that during the 9/13/23 Council meeting they are voting to reinstate him but also increase his wages. B. Banko stated as a property owner who (in part) pays his wages, my expectation of behavior on the job is to at the very least, identify himself when encroaching on private property to wash a boro sign. B. Banko asked for his identification-he refused to comply because he does not wear any. He behaved in an extremely hostile manner. Complete email is on file.

S. Masteller read an email to Borough Council Re: Beth Banko. From Matt Brady-Riegelsville Public
Works Supervisor. Matt stated it is his understanding that the Council will be discussing the rescinding of my resignation and potential pay increase at tonight’s meeting. Matt said he wanted this email to be read publicly and entered into the minutes. Matt stated he realizes a certain few individuals do not care for him but that doesn’t and will not impact his job duties regarding work that needs to get done in areas in which they reside. There have been several incidents with Beth Banko, she posted on social media a picture of Matt when he was reading the water meters and said who is this unknown trespasser on north end of town- Beth is aware who he is, Matt has worked for the Borough for 20 years. Many residents commented on the post, some of general alarm and others explaining who Matt is. Matt is concerned for his safety while he is working for the Borough. The most recent incident was on August 21 when Matt was performing routine sign maintenance at Beth’s property in which the Borough has a right of way. Beth asked for my ID even when Beth knew who he was and still chose to attempt to threaten his safety and well-being by trying to incite others into a confrontation with him by posted again on social media. Matt stated he hoped that effective changes can be made to improve this situation not just for himself, but for all Borough employees that are suffering like him. Complete email is on file. R. Scott did report that we have discussed before to get employees ID’s and safety vests.Thirteen members of the Community spoke about their positive experiences with Matt Brady-Borough employee. Here is a list: very professional, works on his own, he is not getting paid enough. very helpful to the Enhancement Committee, works well with neighboring municipalities, this community is lucky to have Matt as a daytime fireman, dedicated to this community.

Community Affairs: Michael Pulsinelli called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm on August 16, 2023.
If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be
removed from this meeting.

Members Present: Michael Pulsinelli, Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, and Rodney Scott.
Others Present: Mayor Boenzli, Jim Kopchak-Zoning officer, Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Sherry MastellerBorough Secretary. – 1 Borough resident present.

Comments from citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer, reported to Council his August 2023 report.
2- Building Permits 1- Phase 1, Fire rated wallboard for apartments & 1-Commercial roof repairs: 1 -Zoning permitnew sidewalk for access to the street sidewalk.

Enforcement Activities:
808 Durham Road update: No update as of August 16, 2023.
702 Durham Road update: No update as of August 16, 2023.

Property Maintenance Violations:
224 Easton Road Update: Non-traffic citation was filed for property maintenance violation. This hearing was on July 13, 2023, the property owner is making progress on fixing up his property, so the magistrate granted a continuance of 60 days. Jim will follow up with the property owner.
141 Delaware Road Update: Non-traffic citation was filed for property maintenance violation, this hearing
rescheduled for May 24, 2023, Property owner has been working on the violations and Zoning officer requested that the Magistrate grant a continuance. The hearing was cancelled August 16, rescheduled September 5.
919 Easton Road, Update: Hearing was held on May 24, 2023, we discussed the issues with the damaged roof and the timeline for the roof repairs. Riegelsville Zoning officer agreed to a 90-day continuance. They have secured a permit to repair the roof.
ZHB (Zoning Hearing Board) meetings: August 24, 7pm next hearing: Applicant 418 Easton Road is seeking relief from Article X, Section 1007.C. (10ft. minimum setback for accessory structure). The proposed 528sq ft garage will be approximately 1 ft from Wayside Way.

Library News: Borough office received from Terri Randolph (Director) the July Directors report minutes and they
have been filed. The Borough Council received a copy of Terri’s report.
Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that a new fire truck is in service, located at Station 42.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee: Sherry reported they are working on Fall events. Next meeting is
September 7, 2023, at 6pm.

UBREMS (Upper Bucks Regional EMS) News: E. Bartosiewicz reported they continue to look for more EMT’s and funding.

Rec Board News: R. Scott reported he has been getting the softball field ready for the 2 girls fall softball teams. The men’s team has one more game on August 20th. Tuesday August 22, 7pm we have a rec board meeting at the pavilion.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank reported that the Bucks County Public Information coordinator needs to make sure the list is complete with all the “open cooling stations” when it is sent out to Bucks County social media outlets. Frank will have 2 training sessions on September 10 and 17 for his team. Frank will reach out to Sgt Pennington with the PA State Police to discuss their involvement with Borough Emergencies.

Riegelsville Planning Commission: The next Planning Commission meeting is Monday August 7, 2023.

Misc: Borough Council had a lengthy discussion about the draft dog ordinance. Gary had a few questions and suggestions to add to the draft.

Meeting adjourned 7:59pm Next meeting September 20, 2023, 7pm

Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting on August 16, 2023, at 7:59pm.
If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will
be removed from this meeting.

Members Present: Rodney Scott, Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, and Michael Pulsinelli.
Others Present: Mayor Boenzli, Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Jim Kopchak-Zoning Officer, and Sherry
Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Concerns from Citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.
1- Borough resident present.

PennDOT Traffic Signal Supervisor regarding Armour & Sons traffic signal inspection quote and Riegelsville’s new traffic signal project update: Just waiting on a date from Armour & Sons to do the proposed updates/repairs on traffic light.
Flow meter certifications well 1&2 and 1 at the river bridge (Aqua NJ) Update: Sonny was not able to switch the chambers, Wayne-Water operator will take care of them.
Toby Kessler, Gilmore & Associates, will be here on September 15, to look over the documents regarding Lead service line inventory 2024.
Hydrant replacement due to accident update: Since the normal contractor hasn’t gotten back to us with the time to get the new hydrant in, we need to contact another company. Rodney suggested getting a quote from Passerini Inc.
Rodney reported that there are 3 windows remaining to be installed at Well #3.
Both generators need maintenance repairs, the quotes will be added to September Borough Council agenda.
Well #3 scale will need to be calibrated in 2024. The quote will be added to the September agenda.
The lift is on order ($2,345.00) from ORE rental to be delivered Monday August 28 for the Borough Building repairs. Remark: James Zdepski- needs the lift to complete the project, so the Ed has extended the rental until September 28.
Rodney read the items on the Borough office calendar and the park pavilion rentals/meetings.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:16 pm. Next meeting September 20, 2023, 7pm

Streets & Properties: Ed Bartosiewicz called the Streets & Properties meeting to order at 7:00 pm on September 6, 2023. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Michael Pulsinelli, Rodney Scott and Thomas Stinnett.
Others Present: Mayor Boenzli.

Comments from Citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.
1 Borough resident was present. No comments.

Borough Building Safety Score & Cert. of Occupancy: Rodney reported that we are still working on this. The library front door has a new lever doorknob, and the main door needs a lever doorknob too.
Borough Building front porch/tenant stairs update: project completed. An electrician is needed to reinstall the electricity on the front porch. We received a quote from Westside Hammer and will be added to the Council agenda on September 13. ADA handrails quote has been received and will also be added to the Council agenda.
Pedestrian Bridge replacement boards update: Completed.
Lock Smith update: The library front door lock has been replaced and the updated quote the main door will be added to the Council agenda on September 13.
Borough Building Corner Rot Update: Ed reported that James Zdepski fixed the corner rot and just needs to be painted. Today James removed the honeybee colony from the front south corner of the Borough Building. Bo with WFMZ and Molly from Lehigh Valley news came to do stories on the removal.
Parking lot Borough Sign update: Sherry reported no update at this time.
Sycamore Trees trimmed at Borough Park: Rodney reported that the tree trimming is complete, there was a bee problem at the concession stand that was taken care of.
2 “No Parking” signs were ordered and will be installed on the Eastside of Edgewood Road.
Salt Bid Results are in for the 2023-2024 Season- vote to award will be added to the September 13, Borough Council meeting. The price delivered is $66.00 per ton.
Meeting adjourned 8:18 pm Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on October 4, 2023, at 7:00 pm.

Finance: Gary Chase called the Finance meeting to order for September 6 at 7:24 pm.

If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will
be removed from this meeting.

Members Present:
Gary Chase, Ed Bartosiewicz, Michael Pulsinelli, Rodney Scott and Thomas Stinnett.
Others Present:
Mayor Boenzli

Comment from Citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.
1 Borough resident was present. No comment.

Review of Borough Bylaws referencing DCED Borough Handbook and PA Title 8(Borough Code)- Gary stated he continues to review these documents.
IT & Outlook Updates and discussions: Viana reported that she continues to update the website. Viana set up a program that tracks how many visits, real time visits and where the users’ locations are. She will continue to update the Council monthly.
Armour & Sons 2022 – We are waiting for them to update the proposed maintenance items that were
ARLE (Automated Red Light Enforcement Funding Program): Grant Application was submitted 6/29; waiting for a December decision. Preparing for the Green Light Go grant due in December. Denise-LDR ProSolutions and Mark – Pennoni Engineer will work on the Green Light Go Grant.

Calming Traffic, Flashing Speed Limit Signs for 611 and Pennoni’s joint program with PennDOT’s LTAP (Local Technical Assistance Program): Meeting is scheduled with State Police for the week of 9/11.
Durham Road small parking lot Update: Appraisal received. The council should continue to look over the
documents and discuss them during next month’s meeting. Rodney stated we need to do what is best for the community.
Well House new windows Update: Rodney installed all the windows, and one needs to be caulked.
Well flow meter testing: To be completed week of September 11, 2023.
EPA/PADEP Service Line Inventory, Gilmore & Associates: Rodney, Tammy and Gary are meeting with Toby
to research, gather, review and enter into PADEP’s spreadsheet specs on existing service lines in the borough.
Denise Whitley, LDR ProSolutions, Borough Hall/Library wall/ceiling repairs: Project status will be updated, and an invoice has been submitted to the borough from LDR ProSolutions.
Denise Whitley, LDR ProSolutions, Planning Commission Comprehensive Plan: Tom will be working on this with Denise and the Bucks County Planning Commission
Bucks County Tax Collection Committee Meeting, 08/30/23: Gary attended the meeting and there was no
quorum. They discussed doing zoom calls. Revenues are up 10.4% over last year. Discussion in reference to the old Sterling Act of 1932. The Borough Council passed a resolution in amendment for the 1% EIT (earned income tax).
Public Works Supervisor: Gary reported that Matt Brady emailed his resignation on August 22, and he
rescinded. His resignation was read- Matt stated that the resignation is due to near constant harassment and verbal abuse from a small but vocal minority of Borough residents. Gary discussed with the Council
competitive salary adjustment and his research from other municipalities compared to what Matt currently receives. They discussed Matt’s current benefits and pay. The Council discussed what his job entails and how difficult it would be to replace him. The Council needs to move forward with decisions, this will be added to the September 13, Borough Council agenda.

The council looked over the finances. No comments on finances.

The meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.
Next Finance meeting will be held October 7, 2023, immediately following Streets/Properties

G. Chase explained the research that was done to see what other municipalities wages/benefits are for full-time laborer’s and public works supervisors to compare to the Borough employees. The Council has discussed that they need to increase Matt Brady’s wages to be competitive. Matt has been an employee for 20 years and would be very hard to replace.

G. Chase motioned to give Matt a pay raise $30.00 an hour and an extra one weeks’ vacation. R. Scott
seconded. Unanimous. This will be added to the 9/10/2023 payroll.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: If anyone has any questions please comment prior to the vote.

Approval of check $8,847.00 to Bucks Run Oil (Prepay 3000 gallons of heating oil @ $2.949 per gallon). R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded. Unanimous
Approval of check $450.00 to Moyer Inside Outdoor (Commercial oil burner plan). R. Scott motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Approval of quote $8,657.78 from Moyer Inside Outdoor (steam water feed tank and pump). Third down check $2,885.92. G. Chase motioned to approve; R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Approval of check $ $2,223.17 to Moyer Inside Outdoor (heating oil 576.30 Gallons). G. Chase motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Approval for quote $6,875.00 (may not need the 250’ of Jacket wire $695.00/ 240’ 2 “PVC Shuralign pipe $480.00) from Ken Kerstner Well & Pump service for new pump at Well 2. R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded. Unanimous
Approval for quote $5,200.00 from Passerini & Sons, Inc. (replace hydrant from vehicle accident 1291 Easton Road). G. Strawn motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Approval of check $487.50 to Armour & Sons Electric, Inc. (traffic light out & was called in on a Sunday). G. Chase motioned to approve; R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Approval for Fire police services from Borough of Sellersville for the December 9, winter fest. G. Chase motioned to approve; R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Approval for PRFR Fire police services (Tinicum, Nockamixon and Springfield Township) Riegelsville Fall Rollout November 5. G. Chase motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Approval for Quote $800.00 February 2024 annual calibration of Well 3 Scale. R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded. Unanimous
Approval of quote $411.84 P3 Generator (Replace block heater at Borough building). G. Chase motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Approval of quote $671.72 P3 Generator (Replace hour meter at Well 3). G. Chase motioned to approve; R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Approval of quote $ 575.00 from Westside Hammer (reinstall electric on front porch). M. Pulsinelli motioned to approve; R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Approval of quote $925.00 from Frindt Fabrications (2 handrails for front porch) R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded. Unanimous
Approval of final payment $6,937.28 to Mr. Handyman (Front porch & pedestrian bridge) (Upcharge $613.00 above the approved quote. Paid 50% up front). G. Chase motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Approval of quote $ 610.00 from The Flying Locksmiths (Main door new lever set). G. Chase motioned to
approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Approval of check $1,260.00 Gilmore & Associates, Inc (Lead service line inventory Consulting). M. Pulsinelli motioned to approve; R. Scott seconded. Unanimous
Approval of check $577.50 Pennoni Associates. Inc. (ARLE Grant App). G. Chase motioned to approve; M.
Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Approval to award Silvi Concrete products (DBA Riverside Construction) the 2023-2024 salt bid $66.00 delivered price per ton. Decrease by $1.76 compared to last year. R. Scott motioned to approve; M. Pulsinelli seconded. Unanimous
Matt took the weedwhacker to the repair shop for potential repair. If it cannot be repaired, then a new one would cost approximately $400.00.
Approval of “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the Borough of Riegelsville and Riegelsville Public Library” (partner with grant application award, procurement, and reporting processes). R. Scott motioned to approve; G. Chase seconded. Unanimous

NEW BUSINESS: None to report.

G. Chase motioned to approve bills; R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.

The meeting adjourned 8:20PM. Next Council meeting October 11, 2023, at 7:00pm

REMINDER: November Council Meeting will be Thursday November 9, 2023

Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary

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