
April 3 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m.

Members Present:
Jason Anderson (Vice Chair)
Tom Stinnett (Secretary)
Damion Newton
David Brandes

Members Absent:
John Panasiuk (Chair)

Others Present:
Ed Bartosiewicz, Viana Boenzli, Evan Kechely, Bob Ryan


Old Business

New Business
Evan Kechely explained his plans to purchase the Riegelsville Inn and his discussions
with the Borough Zoning Officer. One of the items he had been told that the Planning
Commission would have to comment on would be whether his plans would be considered Land
Development and thus require an application. After reading the definition of Land Development
in the Zoning Ordinance it was agreed that his plans did not fit as Land Development. Evan said
he perhaps would be required to not seat people in some of the converted rooms upstairs because
of the 100 seat limit from the Bucks County Health Department. He also figured he had 55
current parking spots (including the 4 that the Borough had given them on the other side of the
canal in exchange for the right of way for the foot bridge). This probably would mean he would
have to apply for a variance. Tom Stinnett also pointed out that he need to discuss all of his
plans with Todd Myers of Cowan Engineers since they deal with all plans in the flood plain.
We then discussed the quote we had received from the Bucks County Planning
Commission. We had several questions concerning the quote. Is the $3,250 for the survey
included as part of the $15,000 quote for the Comprehensive Plan development? We all agreed
there is no need for the survey done over the web. We feel we can create one and see that it
gets into all residents hands in various ways without the expense quoted. Will the County
Planning Commission help us get the grant from DCED? Does the quote include creation of
some sort of steering committee on the part of the Borough to discuss on a monthly basis with
the Planning Commission?

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. with a motion by Jason Anderson and seconded by
David Brandes. The next meeting will be held on May 8, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Riegelsville
Borough Hall.

Respectfully submitted,
Tom Stinnett, Secretary

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