President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:07 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from September 14, 2016. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Letter was read dated September 29, 2016, from State Senator Bob Mensch, Annual Veterans Appreciation Breakfast on November 12, 2016.
Email was read dated October 12, 2016, from Todd Myers, Borough Engineer with the adjusted trail cost estimate.
Email was read from Bucks County Consortium, Luncheon is November 3, 2016, and no one on Council is available to attend.
President – Tom Stinnett reported that after the Council meeting on September 14, 2016 there was a half hour executive session in reference to possible litigation.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he performed one wedding. Borough resident contacted Mayor Stokes about someone who was shooting off fireworks late at night, Mayor Stokes said if you know who is doing it you should contact the State Police. The Resident did not know who it was.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: One Borough resident present. E. Albrecht, Borough Resident thanks the Riegelsville Road Crew for doing a great job crack sealing the Borough Streets.
Community Affairs
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that 1 Building permits were issued:Metal roof.
No updates in reference to 122 Maplewood Road unsafe 2 car garage building. Property owner was looking into someone to remove the wood once it is taken down.
428 Poplar Road property maintenance issue is still ongoing with the Borough Solicitor. Current pictures will be sent to W. Dudeck, Borough Solicitor.
Dale Wood property update: During the September 14, 2016 Borough Council meeting, Council unanimously approved the continuance of non-conforming use for a truck terminal. If the current office space was to go back to residential then that building would need a variance to switch back to office space. The buildings on this site never had PA L & I Occupancy approvals under the “Fire and Panic act” Title 34. The new owner would have to bring these “uncertified” buildings into compliance with Pa Act 45. Kopchak discussed with Council how the House Bill 782, would prohibit the current practice of municipalities that opt-in to the PA Uniform Construction Code(UCC) from utilizing only one third party administrator (TPA) to administrator and enforce their building code. Additionally, an applicant would have the option to use any certified TPA on the state for their building project it they pay a surcharge to the municipality of up to 10 percent of the original permit fee. The bill does not affect municipalities that administrate and enforce codes with their own employees. Please contact your state representatives to oppose the HB 782.
Library News: Estelle Bloom, Library Board of Trustees member reported to Council a few things:
- The annual donation from Durham Township was received in the amount of $4000.00.
- David Cook gave Estelle Bloom 20 more copies of the Riegelsville, Pa Its Building and Early Inhabitants by Kathleen K Cook. We now have only 38 copies of the book left.
- 2nd Annual Brewfest Fundraiser is set for September 24, at Muellers.
- 13th Annual Flea Market is September 17, on the lawn was not as busy as last year’s event.
- Complete minutes are in the Borough office.
- Linda Goodwin the Executive Director of the Bucks County Foundation came for a site visit on August 25 with another one of her board members to see what we have done this past year and what we hope to achieve next year. The committee will let us know if and how much money we receive this year by the first of October.
Fire Co. News: A. Kenny reported to Council that they are purchasing a light duty used 2006 Truck. A. Kenny reported that they received a grant to purchase 20- 22 sets of new turnout gear, 18 sets will be obsolete soon. The Fire Breakfast on September 18 served 325 people. The next fundraiser is set for October 1, Ham Dinner 4-7pm. The annual letter that was mailed out to the communities yielded 23% return.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: E. Albrecht reported to Council that the next meeting is September 28. They are working on a 2017 Calendar. The next fundraiser is Boscov’s “Friends Helping Friends ”coupons Oct. 18th. More info to follow.
UBREMS News: E. Bartosiewicz stated nothing new to report.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report.
Rec Board News: S. Masteller reported that the planning of the Car Show is well underway, show is
November 6, 8am- 2pm. We would like to put more tables into the pavilion for our spring season.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: No September meeting, the next meeting is October 3, 7pm.
Dick Mead, Riegelsville Water operator measured the water level at Well #3 since we have not had much rain. When the pump is running the water level is 71-72 feet.
DCNR sent the Borough office a notice that they are going to perform a planned maintenance drawdown of the canal beginning September 26, 2016.
Pennsylvania 811, sent out their 2015 Annual report.
Council would like to know how M. Brady is doing with his water operator classes. Remarks: M. Brady will be checking to see when the test is offered before the end of the year.
Streets & Properties
The 100 year Quilt recognition will be during the Council November 9, 2016.
- Masteller is waiting for a quote on a professional cleaning of the meeting room floor to be done in January – February 2017.
The road department are crack sealing the Borough streets.
There is a dead tree that needs to be taken down at parking lot across from Borderline so we are getting quotes, one was received so far.
The 2017 draft budget was worked on during tonight’s meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Nothing to report.
December 3, 2016, Annual Community Dinner, at the Fire House, the Committee is looking for possible Council members to be a greeter at the door or help deliver meals. Let S. Masteller know if you can help.
The Enhancement Committee and volunteers will join St Peter’s Lutheran Church this year with the Christmas Eve Luminaries. More supplies are needed, more info to come.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 8:10 PM.
Next Council Meeting November 9, 2016 at 7pm.