President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Audrey Kenny, Ann P Moyer, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from July 13, 2016. A. Kenny seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated July 14, 2016 from Bridgeton Township Secretary requesting assistance from Riegelsville Fire Police for the Upper Black Eddy Fire Company Carnival on August 31- September 4, 2016. Council unanimously approved our Fire Police to assist during the Carnival.
Email dated August 9, 2016 from Doreen G. Moyer, Borough’s Insurance agent with Penn Community Insurance to inform the Borough Council that she has left her position.
President – Tom Stinnett reported to Council that he attended a presentation with FERC in reference to the proposed PennEast Pipeline project that has issued the PennEast Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). T. Stinnett put together the proposed resolution below to have Council members look over, and vote below during unfinished business.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he performed a wedding in his office. Mayor Stokes has been looking into the Jetters for the drains in 611, they are very expensive. The Riegelsville Reds over 45 baseball team won their second game for the season.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Two Borough residents present had no comments at this time.
Community Affairs
Zoning: Officer Jim Kopchak Reported on enforcement activities:
Kathryn Dawson 122 Maplewood Rd: unsafe “2 car garage building” no update
Stephen Ulrich 428 Poplar Rd: Property maintenance letter sent out June 8th. It appears vehicles have been removed and some clean-up of yard waste and rubbish. Ann P. Moyer stated that she had gone by and there was still need for clean-up. Others agreed.
Other Issues Ongoing: Update fee schedule for 2016
Permits issued:
BP 16-16 Azrolean- 22kw generator elevated per FEMA BFE.
BP 17-16 Souders- Roof.
BP18-16 DDB Electric 100Amp Panel.
Library News: Art in the Library Classes are being filled with waiting lists. Gail and Terry are working on Bucks Co Foundation grant due July 15, 2016
Youth Programs total 5 Library Programs, 2 Passive Programs, and 1 Specialty Program
Science in the summer was held June 27&28. Total of 30 children attended.
Family Game night was not attended despite what seemed to be excitement over the proposal. May consider requiring registration. There are 2 Passive Programs that allow participation in the experience if patrons missed the day of.
A new Parent & Caregiver information has been created in the Children’s Room. Currently consists of flyers, information, and take home worksheets.
Aluminum pie plates are needed for summer activities.
Fire Co. News: Ed and Audrey both stated that the breakfast was well attended.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: No meeting July and August.
UBREMS News: Nothing to report.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing given. Ed shared that a wire was down by the traffic light. After some investigating by Frank Preedy it was found to be a phone wire and reported.
Rec Board News: Car show planning (3weeks underway) Sponsor & vendor forms mailed to past sponsors. Meetings to start very soon.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: Next meeting is August 1, 2016.
Update on Road trip to well 1. & 2 and cisterns:
Rodney Scott: Everything is in clean working order as all members of council was on site to witness the locations of pipes to all working wells and cisterns
Ed Bartosiewicz stated it would be nice to know the exact way all pipes run to wells.
Tom Stinnett stated there are maps here at borough hall that gives us that information.
FEMA/PEMA. Information:
Tom Stinnett stated we are still waiting to see if we will be receiving reimbursement from our snow removal expenses during the big snow.
Wayne Dowd water main Maple Road:
Rodney Scott stated we received the quote from Wayne Dowd on the 8″ line from Maple to Poplar.
Tom Stinnett stated that there is already a Tee to tie into with a line to help us isolate a good portion of the lines.
Tom Stinnett that line will eventually continue from Maple to Spring Hill.
Rodney Scott: stated that it would be very costly as the linear feet would be triple what it is for the 700 ft. project.
Ed Bartosiewicz stated would have to tap into a 12″ line on Spring Hill road.
Tom Stinnett stated that would not be a problem.
Letter from Carol McGann requesting permission to extend her septic pumping time:
Ann Moyer: pointed out that Carol is an older woman that lives next to her on Easton road and her husband died and now she lives alone. She also is away from her Riegelsville house often and is rarely there.
Rodney Scott stated that due to the circumstances of the homeowner he was fine with extending her septic pumping.
All council agreed.
Pokémon Go:
Rodney Scott stated our water pump locations are fenced and are secured.
Tom Stinnett stated a few kids came walking across the Delaware canal bridge on their phones playing Pokémon Go and almost walked into traffic.
Streets & Properties
- Masteller updated Council that the water meter issue at 122 Delaware Road will be taken care of on Monday August 8, 2016. The property owner’s plumber will meet Matt at the property so the new meter can be installed.
- Masteller updated Council the violation issue for 428 Poplar Road was given to W. Dudeck, Borough Solicitor, to send a letter to the property owner.
- Stinnett updated Council to the discussion the Riegelsville Planning Commission had in reference to the draft chicken ordinance. Council discussed and decided to put the draft ordinance on hold for the present time.
Council received copies of the 2016 Traffic Signal Maintenance, the 2 findings will be taken care of by the Borough:
- Both the Delaware Road stop bars are faded and should be replaced.
- The “Signal Ahead” sign for E/B Delaware Road is non-reflective and should be replaced with high-intensity sign.
Ed would like the Borough to know what date they are doing the inspection because it seems that after they are here to fix something that the light does not cycle correctly.
Continue thinking about items/projects for the 2017 Budget.
Time Capsule Ceremony is set for August 17 at 6:30pm.
Todd Myers, Borough Engineer put together a revised Open Space Trail cost estimate.
Council discussed and S. Masteller will discuss with Todd the changes that need to be revised.
Council discussed the Verizon franchise negotiations fee of $129.00 for the Borough to be part of the Consortium’s negotiations.
Borough needs to hire a new cleaning person for the Borough offices and meeting room. S. Masteller will work on getting quotes.
Council discussed quilt recognition for those that made the 100 Year Anniversary quilt that hangs in the Community Room.
The Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program commitment letter and grant agreement was signed and sent back to DCED, the Borough will receive $196,000.00 for the Open Space Trail.
- Masteller would like to take an Excel Basics training class on December 12, 2016, the fee is $79.00.
Council approved the class.
Start thinking about the 2017 Budget items.
Financials were not available due to Tammy’s vacation time off, they will be ready for Council meeting August 10, 2016.
The Borough office received a request to use the Borough Park as a place to have “A Rally to HALT
PennEast” the group will walk north 611 to get to the park. The event would be October 8, 2016. This is called “A Walk along the Canal-for clean water”. The nonprofit group will be renting the park and supplying their own insurance. The rec Board received their check and are just waiting for their Insurance Certificate.
Approval to put Draft Ordinance #235, “Domestic Chicken-keeping as an accessory activity on
residential property” on hold. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Approval to hire Melanie Keithley to clean the Borough Building weekly. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to
approve. R. Scott seconded Unanimous.
Approval of Eastern Oak Tree Service quote for $2500.00(take down 1he large oak in parking area near Borough garage, trim 3 remaining trees on side of building, chip brush and remove all wood)). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, A. Kenny seconded Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution R-05-16, Proposed PennEast Draft Environmental Impact Statement
(DEIS) and it is 1174 pages long- The Borough does hereby urge FERC to reconsider your issuance of this DEIS at this time and withdraw the DEIS. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, A. Moyer seconded Unanimous.
NEW BUSINESS: Masteller suggested we replace the Borough main door sign with a new vinyl sign on Plexiglas. Council would like to continue to discuss other options for signage.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: A. Kenny motioned to approve bills. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.
Next Council Meeting September 14, 2016 at 7pm.