President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. May 11, 2016. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer and Mayor Stokes. Absent: Rodney Scott, Audrey Kenny. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from April 13, 2016. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Invitation from Doylestown Township & Doylestown Borough to attend the 2016 Bucks-Mont EAC Summit. June 16, 2016 7-9pm. Ann agreed to attend.
President – Tom Stinnett reported that on May 9, at 10am the Annual Wellhead Protection meeting took place at the Borough Hall, minutes to follow.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he and Tom attended the Canal 21 workshop and luncheon at the Black Bass Inn. Mayor Stokes put the link on Facebook and Sherry will add it to the Borough Website.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Two Borough residents present, One Borough resident had a few questions in reference to the proposed “Outdoor & Open Burning within the Borough”. Council answered her questions.
Community Affair
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council that 5 Building permits were issued,
1-Commercial Alterations, 1-Addition, 1-Hvac replacement, 1-boiler replacement, 1- Re-Roof. 3 Zoning permits were issued, 1- Driveway, 1-Pole barn, 1-Addition. Stop work order was lifted on 112 Delaware Road since all the permits where completed and paid for. Work is on hold at 1255 Durham Road due to violation of Flood Plain Ordinance. Current fee schedule is still being looked over by Todd Myers, Borough flood plain manager.
Library News: Estelle Bloom, Library Board of Trustees member reported to Council a few things from the April 2016 Directors report. The air conditioners were checked and serviced. The Borough had a new fan installed in the children’s room. The Easter Egg Hunt was a success with 170 children participating. The Tricky Tray that was held on April 1 & 2 was well attended. Annual letter donations as of April 7, totaled $7721.00. The Barnes and Noble Book Fair will be held on April 22 & 23 at their store in Bethlehem PA. Mary Schafer will be doing a talk on Friday night at 7pm about her new book ~Metal Detecting for beginners:101 things I Wish I’d Known When I Started. Ann Anderson will be doing a signing bowls demonstration on Saturday at 1:00pm.
Fire Co. News: April 17, breakfast served 357. The first Celtic Music dinner was 80 people, not bad for the first time. Roast Beef Dinner May 7, 4-7pm. Council received January, February & March response report from Chief Myers.
Riegelsville 100 Year meeting news: Next meeting April 28, 2016 at 7pm. Celebration will begin Friday June 24 and Saturday June 25, rain date Sunday June 26, at the Borough Park. Time noon-7pm. Events: Parade, Welcome ceremony, Chili Cook-off, Live music/games/food, Movie under the stars. Fundraising Mugs/T-shirts.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting is Wednesday April 27, 2016 at 7pm, Borough Hall.
UBREMS News: Ed reported that they are purchasing a new Ambulance.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report.
Rec Board News: Rodney reported to Council that the Park cleanup was on Saturday April 16, all 3Teams helped with the fields and mulching the playground areas. The Rec Board bought pizza and water for all the Volunteers. The first home game is Tuesday April 26, at 6pm. The leak under the sink is fixed.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: During the April 4 meeting they finalized the Proposed Burn Ordinance.
State Police: Nothing to report.
Ed attended the Lower Delaware Wild & Scenic meeting on April 14, at the Frenchtown Municipal building. Ed handed in our approved MOU which will give Ed voting rights.
Council discussed the letter from Ken Simpson in reference to the possible cistern leaks. Tom and Rodney would like to know when Matt is going to the work on the valves so they can look too.
The Borough office received the Tilley Fire Extinguisher 2016 Inspection report, no deficiencies, 3 extinguishers will need to be serviced in 2017.
The Borough office received the Hartford Steam Boiler inspection for 2016, there was an advisory recommendation- There are items stored by the electrical service panel. Sherry contacted the Library and they moved the items right away.
Streets & Properties
Update on the front rail: Sherry spoke to Bill Sadow in person and he said he will definitely get the job done by the May 20, 2016.
Update on quote to frame out and cover the garage walls with plywood plus prime and paint: Sherry is going to ask John Hadley for a quote.
Ed attended the PennDOT District 6 meeting that was sponsored by State Rep Quinn. District 6 is comprised of Chester, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware & Philadelphia. PennDOT reported that they are not doing much Street sweeping due to their budget. They are saving a lot of roads by crack sealing.
Mayor Stokes is concerned about a delivery truck that continues to pull up on the curb, sidewalk/ramp by Borderline, he has spoken to Sal & the truck driver and they don’t seem concerned that they may break the curbing.
Ed walked the Cemetery wall with the Cemetery Board Members & Mason contractors because it needs extensive repairs. The Cemetery Board is putting together a 5 year plan for repairs. Ed discussed that the Borough stone piles at the garage are up against the stone wall and suggested with Matt to put up jersey barriers to protect the wall. Sherry will ask Matt to get a price on the Barriers.
Ed discussed with Council that a few streets need to be Tar & Chipped: Elmwood, Poplar, Walnut, Fairview & Ash Lane. Sherry will send an email to Todd Myers, Borough Engineer in reference to this project.
Council looked over financials. Council had a few questions for Tammy, Borough Treasurer in reference to unemployment, LST and the 100 Anniversary expenses.
The Elected Borough Constable emailed the Borough office with a few questions Council would like Sherry to email them to William Dudeck, Borough Solicitor.
Property owner at 365 Delaware Road had a question in reference to the septic cleaning, Council suggested Sherry send the standard letter out to them.
Sherry was asked a Right to Know question from a business wanting our Septic list, Council stated that is a question for the Borough Solicitor.
Approval to purchase a new Red Max weed whacker from Esposito’s $ 385.00. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Approval to adopt proposed Ordinance #234 adopting the “Outdoor and Open Burning within the Borough”.
A Moyer motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approved of checks to Riegelsville Auto $835.86(General Fund) & $385.86(Water Fund) – Loader tires & Rim work. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
NEW BUSINESS: None to report.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: A. Moyer motioned to approve bills. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 7:45PM.
Next Council Meeting June 8, 2016 at 7pm.