
August 2010 Council Minutes

President Thomas Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:32 p.m. August 11, 2010. Following the Pledge of Allegiance roll call was taken.  PRESENT:    Edward Bartosiewicz, John Panasiuk, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Mayor Gregory Stokes

R. Scott motioned to approve the minutes of the July 14, 2010 Council Meeting and J. Panasiuk seconded.  Unanimous.


A card was read from The Crum Family thanking the Borough Council for the flowers in Memory of Frank Crum, former Council Person.

An E-mail notice dated Tuesday August 10th, 2010 from DEP was read stating that the 2010 Black Fly Suppression has ended.

A letter was read dated August 9th, 2010 from Judge Dubree’s office referencing lack of information on the recent Non-Traffic Citation.

A letter was read dated August 6th, 2010 from PA One Call System referencing the service agreement for the Riegelsville Borough Water Company.


President- Tom Stinnett announced that there had been an executive session immediately following our last Council meeting concerning several legal matters.

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported that Tim Sullivan is mowing the Borough Park and noticed a strong septic smell coming from Dale Wood Oil Co. property. Two Borough Residents reported that “Kurt Manucci Mower Repair” has not been open and will not return phone messages. The residents are concerned with their mowers being left in the building. Mayor Stokes called the State Police and was directed to contact Judge Dubree’s office.  Mayor Stokes relayed the information to the two borough residents. A borough resident called Mayor Stokes in regards to the drilling being done by the contractor for PennDot. The Borough resident wanted to know if they were going to be “Fracking”. Mayor Stokes explained to the resident that the drilling was being done to determine the depth of the bedrock for sinking the pillars for the new canal bridge.  Mayor Stokes performed 2 weddings; one in July and one in August.

CITIZENS COMMENTS: Bob Rainey, Member of the Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) reported that the Committee is working on a Local Business Coupon Booklet Fundraiser.

Elaine Albrecht, Upper Bucks Senior Center Member, invites all seniors to join the center; applications are on the Borough bulletin board.


Community Affairs:

Zoning: Kip Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer, reported 1 Zoning Permits~ Addition, 5 Building Permits ~ Addition, 2 Fence, Plumbing, kitchen remodel.  Riegelsville Inn Sewage System Upgrade permit was received from Bucks County Board of Health.  St. Lawrence Church was approved for a Certificate of Occupancy.  Mr. Cardone‘s sprinkler plans where reviewed and approved, inspections will be at a later date.

T. Stinnett stated that Ralph Riegel, Borough Resident, fell into the water meter pit by the Cemetery wall.  The water meter is the Borough’s responsibility and the pit is the Cemetery’s responsibility.  Mayor Stokes will get in contact with the Cemetery Board to discuss this issue.

Library News: Beth Banko, Library Board President, reported that Board member Kathryn Clark (Durham Representative) resigned on July 12, 2010 so the Board is seeking a replacement. There is a broken window in the Children’s Room.  E. Bartosiewicz reported this is on M. Brady’s list to do if possible. The Library has a lightweight transport chair in case of emergency on the second floor.

Statistical Highlights for June 2010:

Walk-in patrons: 824

Circulation: 1,778

Internet use: 28

Items lent out (within Bucks Co.) 234

Items borrowed (within Bucks) 316

Total Cardholders: 1,046

Total Collection Size: 16,447 items

Historical Room Visitors 30 at 6/5 Opening, 12 Visitors since the Grand Opening

Fire Co. News: Borough Office received the Fire Activity Report for May and June 2010.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee (REC) News: Elaine Albrecht, REC member, reported that they are seeking vendors for the Coupon Booklet Fundraiser.

EMS News: Council received the June 21, 2010 minutes from the Upper Bucks Regional EMS Board meeting.

Rec Board News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that the mowing down at the park has had some issues with the lawn mowing due to the Contractor having some health issues.  The Rec Board is getting bids for a new contractor if needed.  R. Scott and Mayor Stokes stated that the park looks really bad. Mayor Stokes has a bid from Tim Sullivan and will send it via E-mail to the Borough.

The Borough Office received the June 2010 stats from Trooper Steven Groman with the PA State Police.  There were a total of 130 incidents but 117 of those are for Security checks.

Utilities: Well #3 projects were approved at Council on July 14, 2010 so the projects will begin as soon as the materials are delivered.  T. Stinnett stated that Cowan Associates, Borough Engineer, is investigating the new regulations from DEP in reference to the Borough’s water system and will prepare the appropriate calculations and report.

Ken Simmons from Springtown Water Authority gave the Borough Office information on Residential Sprinkler Systems.

Frank Preedy, Borough Resident, received a new curb stop on July 1, 2010.  M. Brady, Borough Laborer wrote a report listing six more curb stops that need to be worked on.  T. Macaluso sent letters out to the residents to make them aware that the work will begin on July 28th, 2010.  After these 6 are completed there are seven more to be done. T. Stinnett stated Council will need to look at the Water Company funds to see when these repairs can be completed. Remark: F. Preedy stopped S. Masteller and stated what a great job M. Brady and W. Nicholas did installing the new curb stop and was very timely too.

Borough office is still waiting for the PennDOT Highway Occupancy permit in order to install Craig Cardone’s new water service on Route 611 and Delaware Road.

T. Stinnett read an article referencing the house committee schedules public hearing on Countywide Local Government Bill 2431.  This bill would eliminate local governments and make counties the basic level of local government in Pennsylvania.

Streets and Properties: Dave Gerstenberg, Borough Resident, is not clear on the letter he received from the Borough Engineer. T. Stinnett stated that W. Dudeck, Borough Solicitor is addressing that letter and should get back to Council very soon. D. Gerstenberg does not think there is a drainage easement between the Borough and his property but he would be glad to sign one as long as the Borough does the work to fix the pitch so the water runs to the drain under Rt. 611 instead of standing on his property.

Anne England, Borough Resident, is very concerned with the traffic speeds on Delaware Road/ Sherer’s hill end. The violation of speed is dangerous for Borough residents and everyone using these streets. A. England presented council with a letter stating simple solutions to discourage speeding: 1. Rumble strips 2. Road dips 3. Speed Bumps- like the three that are on Durham Road. Council will contact the Borough Engineer to look into these solutions.

Kathleen Weiss reported that water lays at Walnut Lane and 611 after the rain. E. Albrecht stated that it has always laid there.  T. Stinnett stated this could be due to Borough residents not cleaning the weeds from the curb and then the water doesn’t flow to the drains.


S. Masteller stated that Kip Clayton, Borough Zoning Officer, needs to have more time in the Borough to finish the current issues in the Borough. Council agreed to additional hours as needed.

A Borough Resident reported to Mayor Stokes that the trash smell in the Borough’s downtown area has been really bad lately. Mayor Stokes asked if anything had been done with this issue. S. Masteller received 2 phone messages from Borough residents about this issue and contacted Del Guerico’s Trash Removal and was told the issue would be taken care of.

E. Bartosiewicz does not agree with the New “No Parking on Grass” sign that was put in the Small Borough parking lot. The purchase of the new sign was never approved by Council. T. Stinnett stated that we are in desperate need for additional parking spots.  S. Masteller reported that the lawn was unable to be cut due to the cars being on the grass.  Council unanimously agreed to have the sign taken down and maybe the Borough could put gravel down in place of grass for more parking spots.  S. Masteller was asked to see how much it would cost to remove the grass and replace with gravel.

Tuesday August 3, 2010 W. Dowd Excavating put in the new water lines at Craig Cardone’s new apartment building.

M. Brady, Borough Laborer, took out the Library’s broken window to get it repaired before winter.

Borough resident called the Borough office to officially put a complaint in about the parking on both sides of north Durham road. The concern is that emergency vehicles would not be able to get thru if needed.  T. Stinnett stated that there is no parking next to the Borderline building. S. Masteller will send a letter to the Landlord in reference to this.

Robert Thigpen, Modern Arborist Inc., gave M. Brady a quote to trim 7 of the trees in the front of the Borough Building, the quote is $700.00. Council felt that was a fair price.  S. Masteller will add it to the Council agenda.

Finance: K. Weiss reported that the Bucks County TCC appointed Keystone to Collect EIT.  The Borough has a few properties that are in the Palisades District.

T. Stinnett talked to W. Dowd, Excavating to give a quote to do the six inch line near the Catholic Church.

Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs sent a fax with the information on the House Bill 2431 which would eliminate local governments and make counties the basic level of local government in Pennsylvania. PSAB will be there at the hearings in August to voice our strong opposition to the bill. A resolution will be put on the Council agenda.


Wayne Doyle with Cowan Associates, Inc. Borough Engineer reviewed the site plans of the Emergency Squad Road with Council. Council unanimously approved the Paving Project to be advertised August, 13, 16, 18 and 20th.  

Approval of Robert Thigpen, Modern Arborist Inc., quote for $700.00 (trim 7 trees in the front of the Borough Building). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.

Motion to adopt Resolution #R-05-10 Authorizing the Borough of Riegelsville to enter into an agreement with the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (Pedestrian Bridge Lighting Grant) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to adopt J. Panasiuk seconded Unanimous

Motion to adopt Resolution #R-06-10 Opposing forced Local Government mergers and consolidations R. Scott motioned to adopt E. Bartosiewicz seconded Unanimous

Motion to adopt Resolution #R-07-10 Riegelsville Borough Council authorizing the written Demand for payment under and Pursuit to Improvement and Escrow Agreement dated March 29, 2004 (Fern Meadows) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to adopt R. Scott seconded Unanimous

Cowan Associate Inc., Borough Engineer presented Council with Wayside Way Sketch referencing the drainage issues.  Council tabled this project unanimously

Council received a quote from W. Dowd Excavating; LLC for the 6” main along Bidwell Lane   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to table both projects.  Council tabled this project unanimously

Approval of Check to: W. Dowd Excavating, LLC- 529 Easton Road Repair $2,717.08; 320 Easton Road Repair $1,860.00 Cardone Service Lines- $6,152.00; Total- $10,729.08 E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded Unanimously


E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills as listed.  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.  Next Council Meeting will be September 8, 2010 at 7:30 pm.

T. Stinnett announced that Council will have an executive session to discuss legal issues.  The executive session adjourned at 9:25pm.

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