The reorganization meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council was called to order on January 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Gregory Stokes. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas E Stinnett, Edward Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer and Rodney Scott.
Mayor Stokes issued the oath of office for newly elected Council members Thomas E Stinnett and Ann P Moyer. Mayor Stokes asked for nominations for President of Council. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint T. Stinnett as President of Council. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Mayor Stokes asked for nominations for Vice President of Council. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint Rodney Scott as Vice President of Council. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Mayor Stokes asked for nominations for President Pro Tempore. R. Scott motioned to appoint E. Bartosiewicz as President Pro Tempore. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Mayor Stokes turned the chair over to President T. Stinnett. T. Stinnett reported to Council that Council received a letter of intent from Borough Resident Audrey R. Kenny to fill the vacant two year term on Borough Council. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint A. Kenny to fill the two year seat. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Stinnett read a list of appointments of various people and organizations to be reappointed to various Borough positions. R. Scott then motioned to appoint the list below. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous
Borough Secretary– Sherry Masteller
Borough Treasurer- Tammy Macaluso
Depositories – First Savings Bank of Perkasie &
PA Local Government Investment Trust
Auditor – Stephen J. Shlyen, CPA
Solicitor – Eastburn & Gray
Engineer – Cowan Associates, Inc.
Water System Operator – RMR Consulting, Inc.
Zoning Office/Building Inspector – Keystone Municipal Services
Ordinance Enforcement Official – Matthew Brady
Vacancy Board Chairperson –Allen Madnick
Tax Collection Committee (TCC) delegates-
Primary voting delegate: Thomas E Stinnett
First alternate: Edward Bartosiewicz
Second alternate: Audrey R Kenny
Zoning Hearing Board- 3 year seat
Dirk Odhner
Scott made a motion to appoint Dirk Odhner for 3 year seat. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Planning Commission- 4 year seat
Peter Ryan
John Panasiuk
- Bartosiewicz made a motion to appoint Peter Ryan and John Panasiuk for 4 year seats. A. Kenny seconded. Unanimous.
Recreation Board-4 year seat
Dirk Odhner
Sherry Masteller
Rodney Scott
Edward Bartosiewicz
- Moyer made a motion to appoint Dirk Odhner, Sherry Masteller, Rodney Scott and Edward Bartosiewicz for 4 year seats. A. Kenny seconded. Unanimous.
BOCA Board of Appeals- 5 year seat
Ed Norman Jr.
Glenn Hissim
- Bartosiewicz made a motion to appoint Ed Norman Jr. and Glenn Hissim for 5 year seats. A. Kenny seconded. Unanimous.
Emergency Management: E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint the following to Riegelsville Emergency Management Team. A. Moyer Seconded. Unanimous.
Frank Preedy-Coordinator
Ray Kenny-Deputy
Ken Haney
John Panasiuk
David Gerstenberg
- Bartosiewicz motioned to adopt the current Borough Bylaws from 1994. A. Kenny seconded. Unanimous
- Stinnett stated that the Committees of Council will be as follows:
- Bartosiewicz- Streets/Properties
- Moyer- Community Affairs
- Kenny- Finance
- Scott- Utilities
- Stinnett also stated that Audrey R Kenny will replace Kathy Weiss as a check signer
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Borough Council Meeting: January 13, 2016 7pm
Sherry Masteller,
Borough Secretary