President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. November 12, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. R. Scott motioned to approve the minutes from October 14, 2015 Council Meeting. A. P Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated October 26, 2015, James Sweeney, 303 Poplar Road Lot owner in reference to the Riegelsville Storm Water Management.
Letter dated November 5, 2015, Bucks County Honor Flight thanking the Borough for their generous donation.
Letter dated November 9, 2015, from Senator Bob Mensch, in reference to the Route 212 project update stating that the final wearing course will be in place early next year as the weather permits.
Email dated November 12, 2015, from Dr. Soursac, Borough resident updated the Borough office about the dead tree removal.
Letter dated November 12, 2015, from Riegelsville Public Library thanking the Borough Council for the donation to the Annual Halloween Parade.
President – Nothing to report.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes wanted to thank the Riegelsville Rec Board members and the Car Show Volunteers for a Great Car Show. Mayor Stokes thanked Frank Albrecht, Borough Resident for a great Veterans display at the Riegelsville Post Office.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Two Borough residents was present.
Community Affairs:
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council that 2 Building permits were issued
1-Fence, 1-closet addition and 2 Zoning Permits were issued 1-Fence, 1-Detached garage. 141 Delaware Road Property owner has a court date Wednesday November 18, 2015 for property maintenance violations. Jim suggested a few amendments to the Borough Ordinance 225 adopting the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code. Sherry and Jim continue to review the fee schedule.
UBREMS News: Ryan Pankoe, Executive Director Upper Bucks Regional EMS presented to Council a slide show that showed who the UBREMS are and what they do for all municipalities that they cover. Ryan also reported that they will be attending the Fall Rollout Car show on Sunday November 1. Council thanked Ryan for coming to the meeting plus Ryan thanks the Borough Council for their continued support. Borough office also received the 2014 Year-end Financial statement.
Library News: Terri Randolph, Riegelsville Library Director emailed the October 2015 minutes to the borough office. First Brewfest was on Saturday October 10, co-sponsored with Muellers, and was a very successful event. Barnes and Noble “Bookfair” fundraiser is set for October 23 and 24, at the Easton location. The friends of the Library’s Flea Market on September 19, was very successful this year. On Tuesday, October 13, “Firefighter Ed and friends will bring the truck to the Borough parking lot for our annual program for Fire Prevention Month.
September statistics:
Circulation: 1263
Public Count: 586
Historic Room Visits: 4
Internet use: 28
Wireless use: 37
Items added: 83
Adult programs: 2 programs with 18 adults.
Juvenile: 7 programs 53 children, 36 Adults.
Art in the Library: 5 event, 46 attended.
Fire Co. News: October 18, Breakfast served about 350. October is Fire Prevention Month, they will be doing a few demonstrations for the children. October 10, they went to Durham days and sold food.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Elaine Albrecht reported to Council that they made
$200.00 from the $5.00 Coupons from the Boscov’s “Friends Helping Friends” on Oct. 20th. Next meeting is
scheduled for October 28.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report.
Rec Board News: Car Show meeting is set for Thursday September 24 at 7pm.. The cabinets at the
Concession stand is being ripped out so new ones can be put in before the Car Show on Sunday November 1, 2015.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: Tom reported that the next meeting is Monday October 5, 2015 at
7pm, at the Borough Hall.
State Police stats from September 2015 was received.
Sherry reported to Council that a certified letter was mailed to property owner of 573 Easton Road in reference to the dead oak tree on their property. The letter states that the property owner has 10 days from the October 21, 2015 to have the tree removed. Sherry will keep Council updated on this issue.
Tonight will be the last night of hydrant flushing 9pm to Midnight.
Streets & Properties:
Mr. James Sweeney sent a letter dated October 26, 2015 to Council in reference to his lot at 303 Poplar Road. He is constructing a retirement home and is asking Council’s help in modifying one of the Borough’s regulations relating to storm water runoff. Mr. Sweeney presented to Council an exhibit of his property and how the storm water regulation will affect his property. Todd Myers, Borough Engineer also discussed with Council how the ordinance affects his lot. Mr. James Sweeney would like to put a rain garden in. Todd suggested to Council that they should have a stand-alone Storm Water Management Ordinance. Todd will send the Borough office a sample ordinance and the Riegelsville Planning Commission will start working on that during their next meeting.
The tenant that owns the boat on trailer parked on Walnut lane came into the borough office to let us know it will be remover this weekend, 11/7-11/8. Remarks: The Boat and trailer have been removed.
Matt put together a road priorities list for Council since the 2016 budget is being worked on. Ed will get together with Matt to look over the roads.
Borough Office received an email from Dr. Soursac addressing his dead tree issue. He stated the tree will be taken care of November 9 or November 10 depending on the weather.
Yates Electrical Co. took down the pedestrian bridge light to fix it.
During the Council meeting on November 12, 2015, the 2016 Budget Draft on the agenda for motion to advertise.
Council looked over the financials.
Approval to advertise the 2016 Draft Budget. K. Weiss motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval to allow Mr. Sweeney to work with Todd Myers, Borough Engineer with a modification to the Borough’s Storm water plan for his proposed home at 303 Poplar Road. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval for $800.00 to Eastern Oak Tree Service, to take down suspended trees over the fence at Well 1 & 2. R. Scott motioned to approve A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Approval for $1225.00 to Yates Electric to fix the Pedestrian Bridge Light. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
NEW BUSINESS: None to report.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: R. Scott motioned to approve bills. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 7:45 PM.