President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 pm July 14, 2021. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting. We are recording this meeting to help the secretary with writing the minutes.
The Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call: PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann Moyer, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes.
Motion to approve June 9, 2021 Council minutes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve K. Brandes Seconded. Unanimous.
CORRESPONDENCE: Nothing received.
President: T. Stinnett stated nothing to report.
Mayor: Mayor Stokes reported: Contacted M. Brady about a dead deer on route 611 north end of the Borough. Received a few calls again about the young man that we have had some driving issues with, the State police said for the residents to contact them directly. Mayor Stokes gave the residents the contact information for the State Police.
Report: Sherry Masteller appointed Open Records Officer (ORO)
May 2021
2~ RTK requests received via Email.
1~ granted within 5 days, 1~needed 30 day extension due to extent of the request. (Due 6/17/21).
1~ Final Decision from March 2021 Appeals to PA Office of Open Records.
Open Records Officer Hours 18.25 to process, gather documents and if needed forward requests to an agency of the Borough.
June 2021
7~RTK requests received via Email.
5~granted within 5 days.
2- Needed 30 day extension due to the extent of the request/was able to finalize by June 30, 2021.
1~partial denial.
Open Records Officer Hours: 4 hours to process, gather documents and if needed forward requests to an agency of the Borough.
Borough Treasurer Hours: 30 Minutes.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Please state your name, you have 3 minutes to speak.
2-Borough residents. No comments were made.
Community Affairs: Ann P Moyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm on June, 2021 back to in person meeting. We are recording this meeting just to help the secretary with writing the minutes. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.
Members Present: Ann P Moyer, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Tom Stinnett and Rodney Scott.
Others Present: Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Jim Kopchak- Riegelsville Zoning Officer and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary. Bob Harvie, BC Commissioner was unable to attend the meeting but called in and put on speaker phone. 4- Borough residents and Beth Banko-Riegelsville Library Board member were present
Commissioner Harvie reported via speaker phone that the BC Board of Elections are looking for more locations to put Secure Ballot boxes a local libraries and visited the Riegelsville Public Library. Since the building is owned by the Borough of Riegelsville he wanted to ask Council if one could be put at the Borough entrance. The host of the box doesn’t not have to do anything, the ballots will be picked 6 days a week and it will have a solar security camera that will be monitored. The box will be bolted down and secure. There would be a legal contract with the Borough.
Rodney asked where the nearest box is located. Commissioner Harvie said Quakertown. Ann asked Council if they would approve this in the future: Ed, Kate, Tom and Ann said yes, Rodney would like to gather more info like the size and what the contract looks like. Commissioner Harvie will get more information to Council.
Concerns from citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.
Bob Ryan had a question about the Borough office renovation but will wait for the Utilities meeting since it is on the action log.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council his June 2021 report. Permits: 1-Zoning permits: residential re-roof, 1- Building permits: Commercial roof.
Enforcement Activities:
129 Maplewood Road- No update.
715 Durham Road-Jim corresponded with the property owner who has a fire alarm contractor lined up and that he will be submitting permits soon for all the repairs. Discussion between Council and Bob Ryan, resident as to when the owner will take care of these repairs, it has been going on too long. Jim will send a property maintenance letter next week.
Durham Road Parcel, has a collapsed garage and debris on the property. An enforcement letter was sent and the property has made some progress in removing items. The compliance date is June 16, 2021. Rodney did say that they continue cleaning it up and Jim said most of the metal has been removed too.
No scheduled ZHB meetings.
Jim discussed that the floodplain development application fee should be increased and we should use a separate stormwater/grading permit application so it isn’t in the Zoning permit application. The fee schedule was updated 2017 and needs to be done again. Jim will mark up the document with his suggestions to Council for approval possible is 2022.
Library News: Borough office received from Terri Randolph (Director) the May 2021 Directors report minutes and they have been filed. Beth Banko, Library Board member reported: Book club has been started to meet in person at the Library. During the last board meeting they discussed the request from book sorting volunteers as to when they can sort in the Borough meeting room. Beth said since the meeting room is opening up as we are meeting in person tonight, the board discussed having no more than 10 volunteers doing the book sort. Beth said to not to have the book sorting when the library is open. The Library will continue to not receive book donation until what they have is organized. Ponder Goembel said that is a good number of helpers and also asked if the library is open Saturday afternoons still. Beth will be in charge of opening and closing the Borough building plus cleaning the room after the sorting. Someone will need to check with the Borough Secretary to make sure the room is available first. Beth asked Council if the Halloween Parade is still on for October 30, 2021, Council did not see why it couldn’t happen. The Library & the Riegelsville Rec Board put it together.
Fire Co. News:
E. Bartosiewicz reported that they continue the process meeting to combine Ottsville and Riegelsville Fire Companies. This process could take at least a year.
The Fire Company continues going on calls and training.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee:
Ann Moyer reported they had 10 people at the Enhancement meeting that was held at the Borough Park. They discussed the pocket part needing some tidying up and to look at the plants on the Delaware Hill area. There was a question about the D & L grant money we received a few years ago, Tom reported that the money was used for the Trail head signs & the small park area at the footbridge.
They talked about the finances for the Committee and that they will be looking into fundraisers.
E. Bartosiewicz reported nothing new to report. Bob Ryan, Borough resident asked that we never get reports on how the Fire Company and UBREMS finances are, and maybe that needs to happen for the future so we know. The Borough does receive their annual audits each year. Representatives from each have come in the past to discuss what they need and how the organizations are doing before Covid. Both organizations will be asked to join us for a meeting and give formal updates. There was a discussion about the BC Planning Commission’s report on Volunteer Fire Co. needing younger members, etc.
Rec Board News:
R. Scott reported that he picked up the paint for the Basketball boards & paint for the doors of the Concession Stand too. Rodney reached out to 2 paving Companies to look at the basketball Court and see about fixing the cracks and putting a layer on top. The basketball court gets the most use at the park. Sherry said the concession stand is doing well during the girls’ softball games. The girl’s games are almost done. Car Show preparations are moving along, November 7 is the show.
Riegelsville Emergency Management:
F. Preedy reported that BC Dr.Damsker continue to do pop up vaccines stations.
Frank has documents to finalize and send to DCED PA that was discussed during the “Floodplain Fridays”. He will continue with the quarterly training.
Riegelsville Planning Commission:
T. Stinnett reported that they did not have a quorum for the June 7th meeting, Tom and Jason Anderson was the only ones there. Damian Newton, John Panasiuk and Peter Ryan was not present. They do not have a meeting due to the July 4 Holiday so they will try again August 2, 2021. Bob Ryan asked what is the planning commission doing it seems it is a broken committee and needs members that want to do something. Bob Ryan stated they PC should be talking about the conditions of the downtown. Tom stated that the PC has specific items like subdivisions, advising Council if needed for a ZHB. Rodney suggested that adding the issue with the empty businesses downtown to the PC is that is allowed item to look into.
Meeting adjourned 8:16 pm. Next meeting July 21, 2021 7pm
Utilities: Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting to order at 8:17 pm on June 16, 2021.
We are recording this meeting just to help the secretary with writing the minutes. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.
Members Present: Rodney Scott, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Tom Stinnett and Ann P Moyer.
Others Present: Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Jim Kopchak-Riegelsville Zoning Officer and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Concerns from Citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.
2-Borough resident present and Beth Banko-Riegelsville Library Board member were present.
Bob Ryan, Borough resident asked if Council did anything more finding different oil or electric companies.
Rodney asked if he sent the information to the Borough office, Sherry stated that info was not received.
Bob said he would resend it. Rodney stated we have not changed our current companies.
Bob Ryan asked Rodney why he was working on the office renovation/repairs and not Ed since he is the Streets & Properties chair. Rodney stated since his day job is doing fit outs it was easier for him to help and give Council the information for discussions. Rodney met with Charlie- with Cowan Borough Engineer to discuss a draft plan and then Cowan will do the Bid specs so it can go out for Bid. The renovation is needed to add more ADA accessibility, safety for employees and Borough residents. There will be new LED lighting, flooring, painting some electrical work and changing the back door. Bob suggested a mini split AC since the current AC unit is very old and probably not efficient. Council said that is a good idea too. Rodney said we want to get this done so the employees can get back in the office.
Council discussed the Water Company customers that continue to be excessively late every quarter billing. Possibly charging a flat fee. It takes employees many hours to get out the late notices (mail & posting) and then the shut off notice (posting) Tammy gave Council a copy of the current PUC guidelines although we are not regulated we try to follow their guidelines. Council will continue to look into amending our current policy.
Bob Ryan asked where we are with the new Gov-Pay for electronic payments. Sherry reported that the terminal is on the way probably be here this week.
Sherry reported that our current computer company’s owner has passed and we are not sure what will happen in the future. Sherry will look into this in the coming weeks and get back to Council. REMARK: VelocIT bought the Jewell Inc. after Jeff Jewels passed away. Sherry met Mario Cipriano, Chief operating officer and Jimmy Maldonado and discussed the needs we have used and what they can additional offer is needed.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm Next meeting July 21, 2021 7pm
Streets & Properties: Ed Bartosiewicz called the Streets & Properties meeting to order at 7:02 pm on July 7, 2021. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.
Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.
Others Present, Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Comments from Citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.
No Borough residents present.
Borough Building Front Porch/Steps- E. Bartosiewicz reported that he has another contact info to get another quote for the repair.
Borough Building Down Spout Gutter- E. Bartosiewicz reported the front porch needs a new gutter, Ed will get it measured and get prices.
Keystone Library Grant Renovation update- Sherry reported that no quarterly report is needed since the final paperwork will be sent after approval of bills during Borough Council July 14, 2021 meeting.
Durham Road/Small parking lot update- Sherry spoke to Todd about this and he will continue when he is back in the office July 12, 2021.
Spring cold patching Borough Roads update: Matt reported to Sherry that they are done.
Bollard/pads project: Pending the weather will start Thursday July 8, 2021. REMARK: It rained on Thursday so not sure of the new date will ask Matt if he has heard yet.
Borough Hall tree service: Schedule is set for Aug 4 & 5, 2021.
Borough office update: Rodney reported that Council received the updated sketch that will be sent to Charlie, Borough Engineer to be approved and then the bid packet can be prepared. Council did not have any questions. Hopefully Council will be able to vote on this next week. We want to keep moving on this project, we are aware that contractors are backed up too.
*** Matt and K. Kerstner will work on the underground drain project at the Borough building, they are working on the details.
*** Ed reported that there is a dead ash tree by the trail by Linden Lane. Maybe the Tree company that is doing the Borough trees in August can give a quote for that tree too and maybe get it done then too.
*** Borough office received the signed “Application paperwork for use of the Community Room” from the Riegelsville Public Library for the Art classes for kids Age 6-14 dates 7/20, 7/27, 8/3 and 8/10. Council did not have an issue for them to use the community room for their Art classes. Suggestion was to follow the current CDC requirements.
***Additions to the draft action log
Meeting adjourned 7:29 pm
Finance: Kate Brandes called the Finance meeting to order on July 7, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.
Members Present:
Kate Brandes, Tom Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz and Rodney Scott.
Others Present:
Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Comment from Citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.
No Borough residents present.
Sherry reported that the Keystone Grant final paperwork will be sent after July 14, Council meeting.
BC Board of Elections Drop Boxes lease agreement Update: Borough office received an email from BC Assistant Solicitor, Mr. Soldano that he is putting together a draft lease agreement to pass onto Borough Council.
*** Sherry reported that the E-Waste event on June 26, 2021 was a great success. We hit our 2000 lbs. in 49 minutes. About 15 residents had to be turned away due to the limit. Now we have a better idea for the next time. Council discussed that it was a great event and maybe we can do one in the fall. Now we know there is a need for our Borough residents.
Council looked over the finances and no questions to follow up on.
*** Addition to Draft Action Log
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm. Next Finance meeting will be held August 4, 2021 immediately following Streets/Properties
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: If anyone has any questions please comment prior to the vote.
Council discussed the peddler permit application that was received from a trash disposal company to go house to house in the Borough. After researching the company, a lot of concerns came up. Council does not want the residents having the 9 person team going door to door. R. Scott motioned to deny the peddler permit, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous. Some of Council suggested to contact the Borough Solicitor to see if we need to have a written reason to the denial.
Approval of $4,500.00 to Borough Engineer, Cowan Associates, Inc. (Engineering services to design Borough office renovations). R. Scott motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous. Plus Cowan will charge an hourly rate for pay request reviews.
Approval of Resolution R-03-21, Declaration to discontinue the State Emergency Declaration due to Covid-19 pandemic. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, K. Brandes seconded. Unanimous.
****Addition to the tonight’s agenda: K. Brandes stated that we have received the 50% of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) Local fiscal recovery funding $44,859.08. T. Macaluso asked the Borough auditor if a new account should be opened for that money and he stated yes. K. Brandes motioned to open a new account at Penn Community Bank for the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, local fiscal recovery funding, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
****Addition to the tonight’s agenda: E. Bartosiewicz suggested that Sherry, Borough office the point of contact (POC) for the events and the use of the community room since she has the calendar. Sherry stated that she also receives the paperwork for reservations for the community room, the Borough Park pavilion rentals, games plus events are on that calendar too. Council was fine with that. A. Moyer asked if we could know what’s on it by adding something to the Community affairs meeting. Sherry will do that for next week’s meeting.
Most of the events are on the Borough website & “Rville Happenings” for viewing too.
E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills. K. Brandes seconded.
Meeting adjourned 7:48 PM.
Next Council meeting August 11, 2021 at 7:00pm
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary