
October 2015 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. October 14, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes.  R. Scott motioned to approve the minutes from September 9, 2015 Council Meeting.  A. P Moyer seconded.  Unanimous. 


Email dated September 25, 2015 was read from Borough Residents, Thomas & Elizabeth Speicher thanking the Borough Council for solving a noise issue in the Borough.

Letter dated September 29, 2015 was read from JoAnne Walsh, President of the Library Board of Trustees requesting the appointment of David Oleksa to the Library Board of Trustees.  K. Weiss motioned to appoint David Oleksa to the Board.  R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.

Voicemail was received from Jennifer Connelly, Maplewood Resident asked if Maplewood Road could be closed during Trick or Treat on October 31, 6-8pm. Council discussed this and the decision was not to close the road. Riegelsville Fire Police will be putting flares out for the safety of the trick or treaters.

Email dated October 14, 2015 from Cowan Associates, Borough Engineer in reference to Well #3 & Storage Reservoir project.

Email dated October 14, 2015 from John Cairnes, DEP- Revised total Coliform training for Community Water Systems.


President – Tom Stinnett reported to Council that the Enhancement Committee will be at Boscov’s for the Friends helping Friends Fundraiser on October 20, 2015. 9am – 11pm.

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he performed one wedding.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:   Two Borough resident was present.

Deb Wooden, Borough Resident discussed with Council the dead tree located at her neighbor’s property 573 Easton Road, she showed Council pictures.  Deb reported that a very large branch fell in her driveway on Saturday October 10, 2015. Council continued discussing this safety issue and more information will be gathered.


Community Affairs:

Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council that the office received a letter from

Robert DeLuca & Associates, LLC in referenced to the Bucks County Association of Plumbing Heating

Cooling- plumbing licensing.  There is no action needed in reference to this letter. Certa pro contractors started the painting project on 141 Delaware Road. Jim will keep an eye on the project since the court date was rescheduled for September 30, 2015. One building permit was issued for a re-roof.  Jim stated that Sherry and he will continue to review the fee schedule.

Library News: Joann Walsh, Library Board President reported to Council that there will be a Barnes & Noble “Book Fair Fundraiser” on October 23, 24th in Easton PA. The first Annual Riegelsville Brewfest will be held on October 17, 2015 from 4-8pm at Mueller’s General Store.  The cost is $25.00 per person with a limited quantity of 100 tickets to be sold.  The 12th Annual Flea Market sponsored by the “Friends of the Library” will be held on the Library grounds Saturday September 19, 2015 9-3pm.

August statistics:

Circulation: 1826

Public Count: 789

Historic Room Visits: 7

Internet use: 21

Wireless use: 50

Items added: 58

Adult programs: 3 programs with 32 adults.

Juvenile: 3 programs 38 children, 23 Adults.

Art in the Library: 7 event, 67 attended.

Fire Co. News: Next Breakfast is September 20, 8am – noon. October is Fire Prevention Month, they will be doing a few demonstrations for the children.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Elaine Albrecht reported to Council that the next

meeting is Wednesday September 27, 2015 at 7pm at the Borough Hall. The next fundraiser is Boscov’s

“Friends Helping Friends” Oct. 20th, the coupons are $5.00.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report.

            UBREMS News: Nothing to report, no Quorum for their meeting.

Rec Board News: Rodney reported that Fall Ball is using the baseball field this year. Car Show

meeting is set for Thursday September 24 at 7pm..  The cabinets at the Concession stand is being ripped out so new ones can be put in before the Car Show on Sunday November 1, 2015.

      Riegelsville Planning Commission: Tom reported that the next meeting is Monday October 5, 2015 at

7pm, at the Borough Hall.

State Police stats from August 2015 was received.



Ed showed Council what the slate looks like that he is fixing on the Borough Building.  Ed stated that we really need to start putting money away for a new slate roof.

The new controller for the Borough Generator arrived, Sherry left a message for the Electrician, Jeff Murray. Remarks: Jeff will be coming Thursday September to work on installing the new controller.

Well #1 had a water valve leak that Sonny was able to order the parts and fix.

Sherry discussed with Council the reminder letter to be sent out to the homeowners in Commercial and R-3 district.

Streets & Properties:


Matt Brady, Borough Laborer needs to put a different non-slip product on the Pedestrian Bridge, last time he used a grit paint and that wore off from heavy traffic and weather.  There is an industrial grit tape but the cost would be $1964.28. Mayor Stokes suggested using a 2 step process with Paint and adding grit to the boards and then another coat of paint, they use this process on boats.  Council suggested to get more information from other professionals as to what should be used.

Matt Brady would like to suggest to Council to put a “NO RIGHT TURN” sign at the traffic light east off the Delaware Road Hill. In the past an ordinance would need to be passed in order for it to be enforceable. Council suggest that Sherry Masteller, Borough Secretary contact Todd Myers, Borough Engineer for more information.

Borough office received a proposal for painting the small fire escape. Council suggested we get a few more estimates before a decision is made.

Robert, from Global Healthcare located at Durham Road, would like to put a picnic table up at the Pedestrian Bridge. Council does not foresee a problem providing they are willing to maintain the trash regularly and possibly supply a cigarette receptacle. Sherry will contact Robert.

There is a boat on a trailer on Walnut Lane that looks like it may be there for the winter. Council discussed this issue and would like Sherry to get more information.

Council suggested getting a different Company to fix the pedestrian light since Yates has not returned the call to the Borough.

Sherry will call PennDOT again to fix the sink hole by the Canal Bridge SW corner.

Matt will look into why the parking lot/sidewalk lights are not working.

Ed updated Council on the Chimney repair, the roof repair is done, and Don is working on the chimney for one day.

Ed reminded Council that we will need a new roof on the Borough Building within ten years.  We need to look into funding of this project.



Bucks County Consortium is having a meeting with luncheon $25.00 on November 5 at the Doylestown Country Club, Sherry would like to go to this since it is close. Council agreed that Sherry can attend.

RCN sent a quote of $174.98 for the Borough Phone service, we are paying around $400.00 currently with Verizon.  Council would like that to be added to the Council agenda.

Borough office received a quote for a Telephone/Auto Attendant Voice Mail System for $1,543.00, Council discussed this and decided to put this on hold.

Council looked over the financials.

The rest of the meeting Council worked on the 2016 Budget.


Approval to award Morton Salt the 2015-2016 Salt Bid $63.97 delivered price per ton.(5 business day delivery window instead of the original 72 hours that was on the bid spec sheet) E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.

Approval for $10,936.00 Armour & Son’s Electric (Both 30’strainpoles, E/B Delaware Road & Northwest corner). R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval for RCN Cable Franchise agreement for 10 years. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.

Approval for $1300.00 to Don Sorensen- Borough Building Chimney repair.  R. Scott motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.

Approval to switch to RCN for Borough office phone and internet apprx. $174.98. R. Scott motioned to approve.  K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous. 

NEW BUSINESS:  None to report.   

APPROVAL OF BILLS:   R. Scott motioned to approve bills.  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned 8:28 PM.

Next Council Meeting Thursday November 12, at 7pm Change do to Veteran’s Day!


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