
September 2015 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. September 9, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Ed Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes.  * Ann Moyer was appointed to Council below.   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from August 12, 2015 Council Meeting.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous. 


Compliance audit was received from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Auditor General for Riegelsville Community Volunteer Firefighters’ Relief Fund Association.

Letter dated August 21, 2015 was read from Springfield Township, requesting Riegelsville Fire Police to assist with the Springtown Halloween Parade on October 25, 2015.

Email dated August 31, 2015 was read “letter of intent for Borough Council position from Ann P. Moyer”.

Email dated September 1, 2015 was read from Michael Smith, Cowan Associates, in reference to Well #3 and Storage Reservoir Ventilation.

Letter dated September 2, 2015 was read from St Luke’s thanking Council for the donation in memory of Mrs. Mary Scott.

Letter dated September 4, 2015 was read from Heritage Conservancy in reference to the Delaware Canal Storm water Management and Pilot Project Study.


            President – Tom Stinnett has nothing to report.

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he spoke to a delivery truck driver delivering to Borderline that if he continues to park on the curb/sidewalk that ruins the curbing/sidewalk that the property owner will need to repair. Mayor Stokes spoke to the Canal Bridge Manager about the missing one way sign for Durham Road and they are going to drop one off and the Borough would have to put it up.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:   One Borough resident was present.

Mayor Stokes presented Matthew Serrone a certificate from the Borough Council for achieving Eagle Scout.

*Ann Moyer added a few things about herself for wanting to be appointed to Borough Council. Council did not have any further questions. Ed. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint Ann Moyer to the vacant seat on Council.  R. Scott seconded Unanimous.

Todd Myers, Borough Engineer came to discuss the Well #3 and the Storage Reservoir ventilation project with Council, Todd will put together new proposal and get them to the Borough office very soon.



Community Affairs:


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council that 2- building permits were issued 1

Garage Repair and 1 Bathroom Alteration.  Court date has been rescheduled for September for #141 Delaware Road.  Property owner of #122 Maplewood Road contacted Jim in reference to the “Unsafe 2 car garage”, they are getting quotes to demolish the building.  Jim stated that Sherry and he will review the fee schedule.

Library News: Estelle Bloom, Library Board Secretary reported to Council that the new website is up and running.  There will be a Barnes & Noble “Book Fair Fundraiser” on October 23, 24th in Easton PA.  The Riegelsville Tavern is once again donating 10% of their dinner entrees cost on Thursday nights in August.  The three Museum passes are being used quite a bit this summer and a big hit with the patrons using them.  The Summer reading will wrapped up August 11.  Estelle gave the Council a bio/letter of intent for the Library Board from David Oleksa.

July statistics:

Circulation: 1536

Public Count: 676

Historic Room Visits: 2

Internet use: 23

Items added: 78

Adult programs: 2 programs with 19 adults.

Juvenile: July 5 events 110 children, 46 Adults.

Art in the Library: 7 event, 73 attended.

Fire Co. News: Ed reported that they served approximately 350 during the August 16 Breakfast. Pig Roast is set for this Saturday August 22, joint fundraiser with St John UCC.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Elaine Albrecht gave Sherry their minutes from July 22,

2015 meeting.  They will be getting mulch to put in the pocket park by the Post office.  A larger trash can fo

the pocket park will be ordered.  They will be doing a Calendar fundraiser this year again.  They will be doing

the Boscov’s “Friends Helping Friends” shopping passes in October.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank Preedy picked up the ReadyBucks flyers that went out in

the Water Bills.

            UBREMS News: Nothing to report, no Quorum for their meeting.

Rec Board News: Rodney reported that Fall Ball would like to use both our fields this year. Car Show

meeting is tomorrow August 20.  The cabinets will be taken out and replaced soon to prepare for the Car Show November 1, 2015.

      Riegelsville Planning Commission: Tom reported that they did not have a quorum for the August 3,

2015 meeting so the next meeting is September 8, 2015.

State Police stats from July 2015 was received.

            FREE Winter Maintenance Seminar set for September 9, 2015 Sherry will see if there is any room left for our Road dept. employees can attend.



Property owner’s at #251 Ash Lane, #232 Ash Lane and  #317 Poplar Road, would like an extension on the Septic pumping due to either low water usage, one person or not living at the property all year.  Council agreed that they could have the septic cleaned and inspected every seven years instead of every five.  Sherry will send the property owners letters in reference to this.

Borough office received The DEP permit proposals from Borough Engineer, Cowan Associates for the Chlorine Room project.

The Borough Ordinance #171 states that Borough residents Curbs are their responsibility to maintain.

Streets & Properties:


Council was emailed the pictures from 123 Maplewood Road, the missing curbing.  The Borough Ordinance states that it is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the curbing.

Borough office received a request for the meeting room for 2 Durham candidates for election to have a meet and greet on Thursday October 1. The Durham meeting room only holds 35 people.  Council agreed that was OK for them to use the Borough meeting room.

Sherry Masteller, Borough Secretary contacted the Bucks County Conservation District in reference to a few complaints about a land disturbance on 2 vacant properties across from Riegelsville Auto.

Property at #134 Cedar Road has very high grass, Sherry will contact the Estate contact person.  The property is for sale.

The new tenants at 919 Easton Road has a car up on jacks on the sidewalk, Sherry will send a letter in reference to this safety issue.



The Borough’s contents insurance coverage should be adjusted since the Library has their own policy.

Council agreed to lower it to $100,000.00.

The Borough office received the contract proposal from Borough Engineer, Cowan Associates for the administration and engineering services for the “Riegelsville Water Co. Chlorine Room Modifications” Sherry will add this proposal to the September 9, 2015 Council agenda.

Quote of $1293.95 was received for the replacement controller for the generator at the Borough building. Sherry will add to the September 9, 2015 Council agenda.

Council looked over the proposed resolution for the Riegelsville Library, this will update the 1976 Resolution.  This will be added to the September 9, 2015 Council agenda.

Council received a letter of intent from Ann Moyer to replace Rich Pursell’s Council seat.  Council would like to also see a bio for Ann.  Sherry will contact Ann.

Erica with the Riegelsville Library asked to borrow chairs for their Brewfest at Muellers on October 17th. Sherry stated that there is an Art workshop in the meeting room but they will not need all the chairs.  Council agreed that was fine.

Council looked over the financials.


Approval for $1,293.95 to State Electric Generator (replacement Controller for Generator at the Borough hall). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.

Approval of Resolution R-06-15 update the 1976 Riegelsville Public Library Resolution.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval for RCN Cable Franchise agreement for 5 years. Put on hold, more information is needed.

Approval for $1500.00 to Cowan Associates, Inc for Fern Meadows Survey pins. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.

 NEW BUSINESS:  None to report.   

 APPROVAL OF BILLS:   K. Weiss motioned to approve bills.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.

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