
DRAFT Streets & Properties April 2021 Minutes

Streets/Properties Committee

Council Chairperson – Ed Bartosiewicz

DRAFT April 7, 2021

Ed Bartosiewicz called the Streets & Properties Zoom meeting to order at 7:00 pm on April 7, 2021. We are recording this Zoom meeting.  If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann P Moyer, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present, Mayor Stokes, Tammy Macaluso- Borough Treasurer and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comments from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

2- Borough residents present.


Borough Building Front Porch- E. Bartosiewicz reported no update.

Borough Building Down Spout- E. Bartosiewicz reported no update.

Keystone Library Grant Renovation update- S. Masteller reported that there will be another quarterly report is due 4/15/21 but was emailed today. Borough office received a call from Library that the windows do not open. Ed went and looked at them today and said to make Charles Tomko- Cowan Engineer aware.  Charles is emailing Pro Com and asking for an update to when the restoration on the grounds will be completed.

Trees at the Borough Hall- M. Brady-Borough Employee sent Council pictures of a few trees on the Borough hall front lawn that need to be looked at by a tree company. Ed also looked at them and said the one maple is dying and a professional should be called.  Rodney said we should call Hickory Tree service, they have done work for us before. Tammy also knows a company too if we want another opinion. Council agreed to contact both of them. Tammy will get the contact information to Sherry.

Political Signs- S. Masteller reported that an email was received asking why political signs are up so early.

Sherry said she has not received this question before. The 2020 Election was very different than other years and the signs were up long after the Election Day, even up past when the new President was announced. The Zoning ordinance section 1306 (e) does state that a permit is to be obtained and a deposit (by Council resolution for the deposit fee) currently there is no resolution to go with the permit. Council continued to discuss this process and that it should be followed. Ann asked if the Riegelsville Planning Commission helps with the resolution. Tom stated the RPC can be an advisory to Council in reference to the fee resolution. Kate asked what our next step would be. Tammy suggested we see what other municipalities charge for a sign fee and then Council would need to vote and approve a resolution to go with the Zoning Ordinance. Kate would like to see something less severe than to pay to put up a temporary sign in their yard. More information will be collected.

Rodney also stated that Council needs to enforce the snow removal ordinance on sidewalks and the high grass ordinance. The property owners should be accountable for their property maintenance. Sherry had Sonny Groller- Borough OEO get a list of properties that still had snow on their sidewalks. Some of the properties listed do not have sidewalks so we need a check list so the process will be more efficient to prepare and notices can be sent out.

Durham Road/Small parking lot update- Todd Myers-Borough Engineer will get back to Council with an update.

Flower Pots at the Pedestrian Bridge area- S. Masteller received a call from a Borough resident asking if she could plant flowers in the flower pots located at the Pedestrian Bridge. Council discussed to cap an amount of $50 and see if they are going to water them too. S. Masteller will contact the resident.

Meeting adjourned 7:26 pm

Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on May 5, 2021 at 7:00 pm.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/Q5tTShTt4g2BbzWKSt7YRDiaFPM_XoebTNPAlxGZGSlX_tS3PeVYHXAkWmH7hoHH.e0rrhA414CMeWTUe

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