
August 2015 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. August 12, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes ABSENT: Rich Pursell.  K. Weiss motioned to approve the minutes from July 8, 2015 Council Meeting E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


Fax was read dated August 12, 2015 from PennDOT Local Technical Assistance program~ Free Winter maintenance workshop September 9, 2015.

Letter dated August 12, 2015 was read from Richard W. Pursell Jr. his notice of resignation from the position of Council Member with Riegelsville Borough, last day will be September 1, 2015.   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to except with regrets R. Scott seconded.

            Email dated August 7, 2015 was read from Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission will be performing traffic counts in the Borough.


President – Tom Stinnett has nothing to report.

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he performed one wedding. Mayor Stokes received a call in reference to the Tar & Chip project. Mayor Stokes also contacted State Representative, Marguerite Quinn’s office in reference to availability of grants for police force for the Borough.  Borough Resident, Matt Serrone received his Eagle Scout Court of Honor during a Ceremony at St John UCC.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:   One Borough residents was present.


Community Affairs:


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council 3 Building permits- 1 re-roof, 1 sunroom

addition and 1 deck. 2 Zoning permits were issued 1 deck and 1 sunroom addition. The UCC Appeals Board was held on June 23, 2015 for JoAnne & John Schmidt. The Board ruled in their favor permitting relief from the Fire Sprinkler Requirement of the 209 IBC section 903.2.8 with the condition that interconnected smoke alarms be provided throughout the building.

Library News:  Terri Randolph emailed Sherry the July 2015 Directors report- a few highlights. RCN internet was installed on June 30th, 2015 and seems to be working fine.  We have two new volunteers learning to put books away and to help with other projects.  The Summer Reading Program is going strong. Science in the summer program was very successful. Many new to the library patrons got introduced through this program.

June statistics:

Circulation: 1536

Public Count: 676

Historic Room Visits: 2

Internet use: 23

Items added: 73

Adult programs: 2 programs with 19 adults.

Juvenile: June 3 events 72 children.

Art in the Library: 5 event, 70 attended.

Fire Co. News: Ed reported that June 21 is next breakfast. On July 14, there is a public meeting “New Partnerships for a New Era”, Delaware Canal Vision Study”- Please tell us how you see it! Pig Roast fundraiser August 22 shared with St John UCC.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting July 22, 2015. Flowers where planted at

the pedestrian bridge.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank Preedy & John Panasiuk worked on getting a

registration letter together for READYBUCKS that was printed and mailed out with the water bills on July 10.

            UBREMS News: Nothing to report.

Rec Board News: Rodney reported that Fall Ball would like to use both our fields this year. Car Show

meeting is tomorrow July 16..

      Riegelsville Planning Commission: Tom reported that they had a meeting on July 6th.



The Borough had a brownout of power at Well #3, there was a problem with the ATF. Matt contacted Barry Hoffman he does not feel it is the ATF but he will stop next week to look at it.

Property owner at #251 Ash Lane would like an extension on the Septic pumping.  Council discussed this situation and would like more information as to how much water usage the property uses.  Sherry will get the information to Council for further discussion.

Borough office received the information for the chlorine room chlorination relocation for Well #3 and the Reservoir Well. The information was sent to Noah Fitzgerald, DEP Sanitarian for their approval before the project is put out for bid.

Streets & Properties:


Waiting for the freight cost for the Bicycle grates.  Rodney suggested that if the Company is not too far away then Matt could go and pick them up.

Borough office received PennDOT Pothole Patching Municipal Agreements, Council agreed that the Borough doesn’t have the equipment or manpower to help with State road pothole patching.

On Thursday August 6, or Friday August 7 AMS will return to street sweep the tar & chipped roads, Matt will help with the Borough dump truck.

Ed reported that the painting of the Borough Building will start the beginning of September so the Boom can be ordered. Sherry will take care of this next week.

Rodney discussed with Council that the trash company’s trucks are getting so large that some are having a difficult time getting thru the alleys and driving on residents properties.  Council suggested to send letters out to companies to make them away of this issue.



Lance Lawn Care sent the Borough Council a letter requesting an increase in the lawn mowing, it has been many years since the last increase.  Council agreed to the increase.

Congressman Fitzpatrick sent a letter to FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) respectfully requesting after the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) of the proposed PennEast Pipeline is completed, that a public Scoping meeting be held in Bucks County close in proximity to Durham Township and Riegelsville Borough since the proposed pipeline will be going thru both municipalities. Those residents can express concerns regarding construction, safety and protection of their region.

Governor Wolf announced appointees to Pennsylvania Pipeline Infrastructure Taskforce.

Hopewell Township of New Jersey sent the Borough office a copy of their resolution to prohibit survey access to their Township owned property by PennEast Pipeline Co. LLC.

Council discussed what the Riegelsville Library pays towards insurance charges, electric and trash yearly.  Discussion to continue.

Matt Hertzog, PA DCED Analyst- is looking over the Borough’s grant application for PA Greenways, Trails and Recreation.  Matt needed to change the budget construction contingency to 5% of the total estimated construction cost.

Sherry Masteller would like to take a seminar “Building Effective Council-Staff relationships” on September 10, 9am-1pm the cost is $25.00.  Council approved, add the check request to Council bills on August 12.

Council looked over the financials.


Tar & Chip project was under budget $1,111.95.

Approval for $10.00 increase to Lance Lawn Care mowing. K. Weiss motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.

Approval for check to Severn Trent for $956.16 (rebuild the second chlorinator).  R. Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

Approval for $25.00 a cut to Damian Newton for mowing the lawn at Borough Parking Lot/Sidewalk. R. Scott motioned to approve E. Bartosiewicz seconded, Unanimous.

Approval to purchase 8 bicycle grates, $275.00 each total $2200.00.00.(Not sure of the Shipping cost/we may pick up).  Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.


            The Borough office received an email in reference to who is responsible for curbing, the property owner or the Borough?  Council discussed and more information is needed to answer the question.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:   R. Scott motioned to approve bills.  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.

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