
DRAFT March 2021 Streets & Properties Committee Minutes

Ed Bartosiewicz called the Streets & Properties Zoom meeting to order at 7:00 pm on March 3, 2021. We are recording this Zoom meeting.  If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present, Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comments from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

3- Borough residents present.


Borough Building Front Porch- E. Bartosiewicz reported no update.

Borough Building Down Spout- E. Bartosiewicz reported no update.


Keystone Library Grant Renovation update- S. Masteller reported that there will be another quarterly report and final paperwork when the restoration of the lawn, driveway is fixed when the snow is gone and warmer weather.


Trail update- T. Stinnett reported that he saw 5 snowmobiles after dark on the trail at the Delaware road entrance, he suggested when the bollards go in and split rail fencing hopefully that will help that.  The snowmobiles probably went through the farm fields to get on the trail.


Spring Hill Road traffic calming- T. Stinnett corresponded with Cowan Associates in reference to the concerns from the study report.  The speed study was performed in accordance with PADOT recommendations. Specifically, data is recommended to be collected during off peak hours as it gives the most accurate “free flow” speed for the roadway. The radar gun was used but intentionally concealed. If a radar gun is exposed and visible, drivers have a tendency to slow down and can skew data. Council has also said as soon as the weather breaks to paint SLOW on the roadway.  Signage will be checked to make sure it is the same as the other locations of the trailheads.


Wildonger lot consolidation discussion- T. Stinnett didn’t think there was anything to discuss that T. Myers letter had the recommendations for Council.  S. Masteller stated that during the last Council meeting that that Council had some additional questions to the letter.  T. Myers will be attending the March Council meeting to discuss the Fire Company and Council can then ask any questions in reference to the lot Consolidation for Mrs. Wildonger.


BC West Nile Program: Every year the Borough receives a letter from County of Bucks Department of Health asking permission to treat our municipal properties to control the mosquito population. We have always granted permission since it is a costly project for the Borough to do. Council agreed we should continue this program.  We will also be putting educational information on the “Rville Happenings”.


T. Stinnett said he received a mailer from Lori Campbell, Coldwell Banker listing the sold properties and for sale properties. Council had a discussion.


Mayor Stokes reported that he has the insurance certificate for the “Riegelsville Reds” baseball team and an additional game date to be added to the calendar.  S. Masteller reported that the Reds game dates have been added to the calendar.


Meeting adjourned 7:18 pm


Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on April 7, 2021 at 7:00 pm.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/vMXb08WG_GQBCy9TTTWn-wPWtFsCGEdmcsgPVQSToR87InUN3Trkld7VP8G31Efm.g7ejHuV6JnVUaKxJ


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