
July 2015 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:20 p.m. July 8, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes ABSENT: Ed Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell and Rodney Scott. T. Stinnett stated there is not enough Council member present for a Quorum so no decisions can be made tonight. T. Stinnett stated that Council will meet tomorrow night Thursday July 9, 2015, 7pm to finish the meeting.Stinnett called the meeting to order on Thursday July 9, 2015 at 7:00pm. Members present Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss, Rodney Scott and Ed Bartosiewicz. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from June 10, 2015 Council Meeting R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.


Letter was read dated June 16, 2015 from Bridgeton Township requesting Riegelsville Fire Police for Upper Black Eddy Fire Co. Carnival.

Letter was read dated June 25, 2015 Bucks County Board of Election, Municipal Election is November 3, 2015. Voting hours at 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M.

Letter was read dated June 26, 2015 Bucks County Open Space Board unanimously recommended approval for the Riegelsville Trail project for funding amount of $223,535 at its June 24, 2015 meeting.

Email flyer was read, “New Partnerships for a New Era” PUBLIC MEETING, The Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, Inc-(D&L) and Delaware Canal. Delaware Canal Vision Study, please tell us how you see it. 4:30-6 Open House, 7-9pm Presentation and Discussion at the Riegelsville Fire Department.

Email was read dated July 7, 2015 from Lower Delaware Wild & Scenic, next meeting is September 28, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at Frenchtown Borough Hall.


President – Tom Stinnett reported to Council that Bucks County Open Space Board unanimously recommended approval for the Riegelsville Trail project for funding amount of $223,535 at its June 24, 2015 meeting, now it goes to the County Board of Commissioners for an approval vote in August.

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he has been receiving calls and has witnessed the speeding on Delaware Road from the Canal Bridge to the traffic light. Mayor Stokes contacted Sgt. Nasol with the PA State Police. Sgt. Nasol was unable to attend the Council meeting but sent Corporal Livingston. Mayor thanked Corporal Livingston for coming and all the coverage the State Police does for our Borough. Corporal Livingston listened to the concerns from Council and will take the information back to Sgt. Nasol.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:   Three Borough residents where present.

Frank Preedy, Riegelsville Emergency Management Coordinator and John Panasiuk, Member of Emergency Management Team discussed the ReadyBucks Notification System. For those residents that do not have access to the internet a written registration is available.  The written registration form will go out with the Riegelsville Water Company quarterly bill on July 10. The paperwork will be forwarded to Bucks County Emergency Agency.


Community Affairs:


             Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council that three building permits where

issued. 1-HVAC, 1-Electrical and 1- 275 Gallon Oil tank. Enforcement Activities: Kreider submitted a contract from Certa Pro painters to do the paining of his house, Certa pro was called to confirm. Waiting for a returned call, the court date will be rescheduled for mid-August. The Pa L & I audit was performed on May 27, 2015 and no deficiencies were reported. Discussion with Council if a $50 or $40non-refundable deposit for all permit applications submitted in case they withdraw the approved permit.  UCC appeals board has a hearing set for Tuesday June 23, 2015 at 7pm for Resident JoAnne & John Schmidt, requesting relief from the Fire Sprinkler requirement of the 2009 IBC section 903.2.8.

Library News:  Cheryl Bade reported to Council that “The Free Little Library” is open. Kathy Clark wrote an article in the June 4th, 2015 Bucks County Herald.  The Library is switching to RCN for internet service.

The summer reading program “Every Hero has a story” begins June 23, 2015.

May statistics:

Circulation: 1153

Public Count: 534

Historic Room Visits: 1

Internet use: 40

Items added: 105

Adult programs: 2 programs with 19 adults.

Juvenile: May 10 events 68 children, 20 adults.

Art in the Library: 1 event, 13 attended.

            Fire Co. News: Ed reported that June 21 is next Breakfast, during the Breakfast the Riegelsville Enhancement Committee is have a Bake Sale Fundraiser.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting June 27, 2015, 7pm at the Borough Hall.

Bake Sale Sunday June 21 during the Fire Co. Breakfast.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank Preedy dropped off the BC Hazard Mitigation worksheets

to the Borough Office.

            UBREMS News: Ed reported to Council that the Squad members are getting their recertification’s.

Rec Board News: Rodney reported that the Rec Board had a meeting on June 7. The Softball teams

only have a few weeks to go, then playoffs.  The cabinet where the sink is in the Concession stand is leaning, do to the past flood waters and needs to be replaced before the car show.  Car Show meeting will be in July.

      Riegelsville Planning Commission: No Quorum for the June 1, 2015 meeting.



Sherry reported to Council that Borough residents are getting their Septic pumping receipts to the Borough office.  Council discussed a few Borough residents’ questions on their pumping.

Today Well 1 & 2 has a phase issue, Met-Ed has been called. Sonny will keep me posted.

Sherry sent Barry Hoffman an email to ask when the Well #3 ATS will be installed.

The Bicycle grates are $275.00 each, we need 8.  I am waiting for the cost of the delivery.

Streets & Properties:


Bicycle grates are ordered at $275.00 each, we need 8.  Just waiting for the shipping cost.

PennDOT painted “SLOW” on Delaware Road (Both sides of the Canal Bridge). Mayor Stokes said cars are just going faster now. Borough residents are talking to Mayor Stokes about the speed issue.  Mayor Stokes is contacting the State Police Sgt. Nosal to see if he can attend the Borough Council meeting on July 8, to discuss this issue. Mayor Stokes will confirm this with Sherry so an email can be sent to Borough residents via Rville Happenings email.

There are a few properties that will receive certified and first class Ordinance Enforcement letters in reference to the Ordinance 191, Grass, Weeds and other vegetation trimming and height restrictions.

The Borough office received a concern from a Borough resident that there is a Mailbox in the middle of the sidewalk at 1111 Durham Road, more research is needed at this time. Sherry will get back to Council.

Stinnett found a good article in Flow Control, “Lost Water gets found”, this may be something that the Borough could use.

Yates Electric has not returned the call in reference to the pedestrian bridge light that is out. Sherry

will call one last time.



Classic Painting is painting the Borough Hall in September, the 1/3 down payment will be paid at the August 12, Council bills.

Rich suggested for Matt to crack seal the curb lines before the tar & chip project is started.

Council looked over the financials.

Sherry will be on vacation July 27, 28 and 29th, so the Borough office will be closed July 27 & 28th.

An email was read from 124 Fern Road in reference to Septic pumping. The Co. owner stated he primarily took out ground water and minimal waste. Council discussed this and stated that in 5 years the Co. can inspect the tank and see if it needs to be pumped then, a letter will be sent from the Borough Office.


Approval for check to Severn Trent for $956.16 (rebuild the chlorinator).  R. Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.


            Email from Thomas Hughes (Pema) PA Mitigation Success Stories, Frank Preedy, EM Coordinator will take care of this.

 APPROVAL OF BILLS:   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills.  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned 8:20 PM.

July 9, 2015 meeting adjourned 7:41 PM.


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