
October 2020 Approved Council minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the Zoom regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. October 14, 2020.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann P Moyer, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes.

K.Brandes motioned to approve the Council minutes from September 9, 2020, A. Moyer

Seconded.   Unanimous. 


S. Masteller, Borough Secretary reported to Council that correspondence was received from the Library this morning about ceiling damage, S. Masteller contacted the tenant to let her know that M. Brady needed to enter the apartment to access the damage. Once more information is gathered S. Masteller will report to Council.



President: T. Stinnett- Nothing to report.

Mayor: Mayor Stokes reported to Council that on September 29, 2020 he emailed Sgt Thomas at PSP in Dublin, PA about increased complaints about speeding in Riegelsville.  There is a young man speeding in a silver mustang north 611 and doing donuts in Mueller’s parking lot then speeding south on 611 through the Borough. The young man was pulled over and arrested for not following orders.  Mayor Stokes also received a few calls about Political signs being stolen, he told them unless you catch them with a camera, the police can’t do anything.

Mayor Stokes reported that his “Riegelsville Reds” Men’s Baseball team won the Championship this year, the guys worked really hard and next year will have additional team members.


R. Scott reported that the local girls fall softball team coached by M. Brown went 15 – 0 this season and won 1st in the play-offs. Was great to see all the games played at the Riegelsville Borough Park. S. Masteller thanks Jim Keogh and his crew for doing an awesome mowing job at the park this season.


COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  Please state your name, you have 3 minutes to speak.

3-Borough residents present on Zoom.  No one spoke.


COMMITTEE REPORTS:  Zoom recording Links are added to the end of each Committee meeting minutes.


Community Affairs:

Ann P Moyer called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm on September 16, 2020 via Zoom. We are recording this meeting. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.


Members Present:  Ann P Moyer, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Tom Stinnett and Rodney Scott.

Others Present:     Mayor Stokes, Jim Kopchak-Borough Zoning officer, Frank Preedy- Borough EMC.


Concerns from citizens:  Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

2 borough resident on Zoom, No one spoke.



Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer Permits: Nothing to report.

Enforcement Activities:

  • 129 Maplewood Road- No Update.
  • 715 Durham Road- No Update.
  • 303 Poplar Road, proposed garage, driveway and parking pad. Ongoing litigation.
  • There will be a Zoning hearings scheduled soon for proposed deer fence 301 Ash Lane, Property owner signed a waiver to grant an extension due to Covid 19 status.

Library News: Borough office received the August 2020 Directors report minutes have been filed.  A. Moyer reported that the Library is working as hard as they can during this time.  The meeting room will be sanitized by Bucks County before the November 3 Election and after the Election so the Library may need to adjust their hours depending when the sanitizing is done. No one can use that area until after the Election.

Fire Co. News:

  • E. Bartosiewicz reported that the Fire Co they continues to go on calls and practice but no fundraisers.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee

  • No meetings.
  • A. Moyer asked if the gardens are being kept up and T. Stinnett stated they are being taken care of.


  • E. Bartosiewicz reported nothing new to report just answering calls.

Rec Board News:

  • R. Scott reported that we have had a lot of girls’ softball fall league games and their playoff are the next two weekends. Nice to see the fields and park being used. Men’s hardball team is doing well and they have a doubleheader Sunday.


Riegelsville Emergency Management:

  • Frank Preedy reported that on Thursday August 27 around 8:30 pm a short storm came through the Borough with high winds that took trees down and power outage in the north end of the Borough. The Riegelsville water system was on the emergency generator. PennDot and Met Ed worked all night to get the tree near Linden Lane/611 cleared. Friday morning they had 611 closed and that is a huge problem since the road closed signs where not placed correctly on 611 and dump trucks were going on alleys.  Frank called BC Emergency Management to assist with this safety problem. Frank stated S. Masteller was also working to get this serious situation taken care of.  Local residents also helped with traffic control, flares until the State Police and Fire Company could get there.

Riegelsville Planning Commission:

  • T. Stinnett reported they did not have a planning commission meeting due to Labor Day they are going to try to get an October meeting somehow.


Zoom Recording Link:




Meeting adjourned 7:15pm.         Next meeting October 21, 2020   7pm



Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting to order at 7:16 pm on September 16, 2020 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.

We are recording this meeting. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.


Members Present:   Rodney Scott, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Tom Stinnett and Ann P Moyer.


Others Present:   Mayor Stokes, Jim Kopchak-Borough Zoning officer, Frank Preedy- Borough EMC.


Concerns from Citizens:  Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

1 borough resident on Zoom, No one spoke.




  • Update: New Stahl Utility Body is available on the FB Marketplace. For $5,800.00~ was not the correct size, so they are still looking for one. R. Scott went to talk to Troy at Riegelsville Auto and the utilitie body is still on the marketplace, but the size is one foot longer than the current one so the suggestion is to try to get it cheaper since it has been on the site awhile and make something like a metal box to put shovels or something in that are for storage. New bodies go for 8 or $ 9,000.00, he will talk to M. Brady about this and get back to Council.


  • Barry Hoffman, Electrical contractor is going to Furnish & install 21 foot steel pole for future quadplex cable to power existing well pump station & Furnish & install Quadplex wire to replace existing cable. These 2 items were approved 8/2019.  Will be starting in a few weeks. There was a hold up due to his personal issues.



Zoom recording Link:



Meeting Adjourned: 7:20 pm    Next meeting October 21, 2020   7pm


Streets & Properties:

Ed Bartosiewicz called the Streets & Properties Zoom meeting to order at 7:00 pm on October 7, 2020. We are recording this Zoom meeting.  If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.


Members Present:

Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann Moyer, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present:

Tammy Macaluso- Borough Treasurer, Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.


Comments from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

2- Borough residents present.  No one spoke.



Front Porch on Borough Building-

S. Masteller reported to Council that she has contacted 3 carpenters and 2 called back and will get in touch with Ed to meet them and give a proposal. Since the Borough office floor has needed to be fixed I also asked each carpenter if they do that too. They both will look at that too. The rug needs to be replaced with a new floor covering. Council agreed to this too. Rodney asked what is wrong with the front porch, Ed reported that the boards are rotted, Sonny found them when he was getting ready to paint the porch steps.


Keystone Library Grant update-

Ed met with the contractor when they measured the windows for ordering, they are different than before as to they are vinyl clad/wood inside and will be stained after they install them.  S. Masteller is working on the Keystone quarterly report that is due October 15th, 2020.


Trail update-

S. Masteller reported that Nanstelle should have the signs by Friday October 9, and should be installing them next week. They need to fix the curve near Fern Road that is on private property. T. Macaluso asked if the Borough will be billed for that. S. Masteller will send an email to Todd Myers, Borough Engineer.  T. Stinnett said there is piles of loose stone from the hard rain that are hard to get through with a bicycle or just walking at the Delaware entrance and south of the footbridge at the Spring Hill Road end. S. Masteller will add this to the email to Borough Engineer.


Spring Hill Road traffic calming-

S. Masteller updated Council that Borough Engineer is working with Traffic Planning & Design Company that will be performing the traffic study by a radar gun. They will need to use a driveway and was hoping to use C. Campbell’s if allowed. C. Campbell said yes and S. Masteller will keep them updated on a date and time when it is known.


Delaware Hill mulching update-

S. Masteller met with Charlie Stimmell – C& K Landscaping at the Delaware Hill in reference to a vehicle that hit 5 or 6 Arborvitaes on the weekend. Council discussed removing all the Arborvitaes in that row and putting Split rail fence up or replacing them but spacing them out. They cannot be too close to the sidewalk since they need to be replaced at some point. S. Masteller will get quotes from Charlie. Plus Council needs to consider the upkeep for the Arborvitaes with Tru Green.


Footbridge update-

Ed reported that 5 boards have been temporarily replaced and waiting for the hardware Rodney has ordered and will put in.


Meeting adjourned 7:25 pm Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on November 4, 2020 at 7:00 pm.


Zoom recording Link:    https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/WWwT9_ACyU2cVaVus2cSy5IR8H0jO2-9lSezsZAmJMwUH0XbMgMSMyvx_ZqgfrpL.pz4iPW8_GhzJc8VR


Password: 92Xa7!qR



Kate Brandes called the Finance meeting to order on October 7, 2020 at 7:25 pm.

We are recording this Zoom meeting. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.


Members Present:

Kate Brandes, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann Moyer, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: 

Tammy Macaluso- Borough Treasurer and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.


Comment from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

2- Borough residents present.  No comments.



  • Borough office received 2 requests for a 2 year extension for the Current Septic Ordinance, 429 Poplar Road and 413 Poplar Road. S, Masteller read the letters.  Council discussed this and had some concerned that the reasons that are given are “Excellent drainage or No drainage issues”, there are still solids to take care of.  This will be added to next week’s Council meeting agenda.


  • Council looked over the finances.  T. Stinnett asked if under the General Fund Open Space if that is what we owe for the Trail.  T, Macaluso stated we have used up the Greenway Grant $196,000.00, or on the second installment from the County Open Space grant but need to wait until the signage is up on the trail is more complete.


  • Council discussed the DRAFT 2021 budget numbers from the worksheets and Budget notes. T. Macaluso answer some questions and will research other questions then get back to Council.  Council will continue to look it over and can discuss at upcoming meetings.


Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.


Next Finance meeting will be held October 7, 2020 immediately following Streets/Properties


Zoom Recording Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/WWwT9_ACyU2cVaVus2cSy5IR8H0jO2-9lSezsZAmJMwUH0XbMgMSMyvx_ZqgfrpL.pz4iPW8_GhzJc8VR


Password: 92Xa7!qR




Approval to award Morton Salt the 2020-2021 salt bid $47.75 delivered price per ton. Minimum 20 tons.  Reduced by $.75 over last year.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.


Approval for William Dudeck to draft the agreement between Aqua NJ and Riegelsville Water Co.  R. Scott motioned to approve and K. Brandes seconded.  Unanimous.





T. Stinnett reported that you will see a gap in the General Fund’s checks between check #11799 and check #11817.  This is because there were reorder forms right after check #11799 that were missed. These incorrectly numbered checks have been voided and will be kept with this month’s bank statement for the audit next year.


Total Bills & Payroll: $35,914.41   A. Moyer motioned to approve bills.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.


Meeting adjourned 7:15 PM.   Next Council meeting TUESDAY November 10, 7:00pm. (Veteran’s Day is Wednesday November 11, 2020/ Borough office Closed)


Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

Zoom recording link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/MG819NkAtBsUgGKl5c0CVYArwCOHgsw-CxbDW_UqgeWYqT4lhLI6W5eoma8ZyWU.iflkLfIJ3oOjlsIg


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