President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:000p.m June 10, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Thomas Stinnett and Kathleen Weiss ABSENT: Mayor Stokes and Rodney Scott Weiss motioned to approve the minutes from May 13, 2015 Council Meeting E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Save the date fundraiser postcard received from Heritage Conservancy September 12, 2015 at Whispering Woods, Durham PA.
Letter was read dated May 22, 2015 from Upper Bucks County YMCA August 3-7 Advocacy Week in Pennsylvania.
Letter was read dated May 28, 2015 from PA L& I audit report.
Letter was read dated May 28, 2015 from Heritage Conservancy. The Heritage Conservancy is pleased to assist Riegelsville Borough in the preparation of its grant applications to the DCED and the BC Municipal Open Space Program for funding of the Riegelsville Trail and related amenities.
Letter was read dated June 2, 2015 from Riegelsville Public Library thanking the Borough Council for the generous annual gift of $3000.00.
Letter was read dated June 2, 2015 from Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center thanking the Borough Council for generous annual gift of $500.00.
Letter was read from the Recorders Office of Bucks County- Honor Flight Bucks County, K. Weiss motioned to donate $100.00 R. Pursell seconded, Unanimous.
Letter was read dated June 6, 2015 from Noah Fitzgerald, Sanitarian for Department of Environmental Protection in reference to the water supply inspection report.
President – Nothing to report.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Sherry that he performed his Son Chase and Eileen’s wedding on June 6, 2015.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Two Borough residents present. Borough resident Susan Pulsinelli introduced herself to Council and expressed her concerns of her neighbor’s house (141 Delaware Road) the paint is chipping, no boards for the front porch floor plus no roofing on the front porch. Susan has tried to talk to the owner and that does not get anywhere. What can the Borough do to fix this problem? T. Stinnett reported that there is a Court Hearing scheduled for June 30th. James Kopchak, Borough Zoning officer has issued the citations, Mr. Kreider contacted J. Kopchak’s office to inform him that he has a painter contracted to paint his house. J. Kopchak put a call into the contractor for more information. Susan is also very concerned with the speed on Delaware Road off the Canal Bridge to traffic light. T. Stinnett reported that he has contacted PennDOT traffic engineer to check the traffic flow on Delaware Road and possible speed deterrents.
Community Affairs:
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council that 4 Zoning Permits were issued-1
Fence, 1 Deck, Shed in Flood Plain (May be cancelled), Hot Tub install. 2 Building Permits were issued- 200 amp electrical service, 1 Electric for Hot Tub. Enforcement Activities: Kreider court date is set for June 30, if Mr. Kreider brings a valid contract for the items in the citations then the court date will be postponed. The Pa L & I audit is scheduled for May 27, 2015. Discussion with Council if a $50 or $40 non-refundable deposit for all permit applications submitted in case they withdraw the approved permit. Also discussed adding an additional fee for flood plain review. Sherry will contact other Municipalities to see what they are doing.
Library News: Terri Randolph emailed the Director’s report to Sherry, Borough Secretary. “The Free Little Library” is ready to go just waiting for Paul Anthony and Matt Brady to have time to install it. Patrons are excited to use the Museum Passes. The new website is almost ready to go public.
April statistics:
Circulation: 1259
Public Count: 565
Historic Room Visits: 0
Internet use: 22
Items added: 152
Adult programs: 5 programs with 41 adults.
Juvenile: April 12 events 59 children, 30 adults.
Fire Co. News: Ed reported that May 17 Breakfast served approximately 300. May 30, Spaghetti Dinner 4-7pm. The Fire Company members have been training at the Burn Building in Quakertown.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting May 27, 2015, 7pm at the Borough Hall.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report.
UBREMS News: Ed reported to Council that the Squad is still looking to purchase 2 new ambulances.
Rec Board News: Next meeting will be in early June. Rodney reported the 4 teams are doing well.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: Last meeting was May 4. During the June 1, meeting they will beooking at sample burn ban ordinances.
The new bicycle drain covers will not work so Matt will check the new ones that PennDOT put in south end of 611, plus discuss this with Rich.
Hydrant flushing tonight from 9-midnight, should be the last night.
Tom will meet with Dick Meade, Riegelsville Water operator to go over the DEP information that needs to be updated.
Remind Matt about the missing water valve cover on 611/Ash Lane.
Council requested Sherry put up no parking signs for the Memorial Day Parade on Sunday May 24.
Streets & Properties:
State Police emailed the May monthly stats to the Borough office.
Allen Madnick put a petition together September 1, 2014 against the rumble strips on 611, PennDOT sent back a letter that states when 611 is repaved they will not reinstall the rumble strips.
Tom discussed the Open Space walking trail grant through DCED that Kris Kern has put together for the Borough.
Ed reminded Council about putting in the water line next to the trail from Spring Hill Road to Maple Lane. Maybe we can get funding.
Kris Kern needs a $100.00 check for the DCED Grant application fee, this will be added to the bill for Council meeting June 10.
Council received a proposal from “Classic Painting” for the exterior painting of the upper cornice of the Borough Hall Building. Ed stated that he would be working on the roof during the painting too since there will be an articulated boom being rented for the month. Ed is available in September, Sherry will make Roy aware of the time-frame.
Doreen Moyer, Borough Insurance agent set up a meeting with 2 members of the Riegelsville Library Board of Trustees plus Ed and Tom to discuss the insurance that the Borough and the Library has. Council will look into the current ordinance that states no alcohol beverages outside on Borough owned property.
Bill Sado will give the Borough a proposal for the front railing at the Library main entrance in time for Council meeting June 10.
Settlement total for parcel #38-006-048(Parking Lot and sidewalk located at Delaware & Church Road) owned by Craig Cardone for $13,856.87.
Approval for approx. $29,194.00 for the chip seal job on Fern, Edgewood, Cedar and Top of Delaware. R. Pursell motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval for Sadow Services $1,800.00 to install one pair of code compliant stair and landing railings on the front entrance to the Riegelsville Library. K. Weiss motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval for $9,500.00 Classic Painting- Exterior Painting of upper cornice surrounding the Borough Hall Building. K. Weiss motioned to approve, R. Pursell seconded, Unanimous.
Borough office will be closed Friday July 3, 2015 for the Holiday.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills. R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 8:20 PM.
Next Council Meeting July 8, 2015 at 7pm