President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:000p.m May 13, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. ABSENT: Rich Pursell and Rodney Scott.
Weiss motioned to approve the minutes from April 8, 2015 Council Meeting E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
None to report
President – Tom Stinnett reported that Monday May 11, 2015 was the Annual Wellhead protection meeting. There was a discussion that the State may be raising the percentage of chlorine that needs to be added to water systems. Tom discussed the speed on Delaware Road with State Rep. Quinn. State Rep Quinn gave Tom the PennDOT Safety Managers contact info to contact him directly, since we have not heard anything Tom asked Sherry to follow up with the PennDOT Safety manager.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes attended the Spring Dinner benefiting the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor. Mayor Stokes performed one wedding and the donation went to the Riegelsville Rec Board.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: One Borough resident present. No comments to report.
Community Affairs:
Concerns from citizens: One Borough Resident and Erica Sommer, Library Board of Trustees member was present.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council that 2 building permits- both electrical.
One Zoning permit was issued for an 8×10 shed. Enforcement letter went out on April 1, 2015 to 530 Easton Road regarding the gutters, downspouts and capping fascia boards. Non traffic citation was issued to 141 Delaware Road regarding inoperable vehicle, weatherproofing/painting house and loose and warped deck boards. Fire hazard complaint at 116 Ceader Road has been removed. 410 Easton Road noise complaint is complying with the noise ordinance violation. 118 Sycamore Road has a non-permitted garage conversion to a sleeping room, Jim spoke to the owner and will send an official letter on April 22. Mrs. Ott asked Sherry if she needed a permit to have her paved driveway repaved. Jim started no as long as they were not changing the size. Repaving is considered maintenance. Sherry will get back to Mrs. Ott.
Library News: Erica Sommer, Library Board member reported to Council that Kim Ulrey is resigning from the board so they will be advertising for a new member very soon. The next fundraiser is the Library Fair/Book sale on May 8, 9 and 16. The Yearly Fundraiser envelopes have been sent out. Little Library is complete. It needs to be installed near the Post office. Pam Lazor submitted a grant application to continue the “Art in the Library” program, they received the grant. Pam is coordinating the dates for the community room with Sherry Masteller, Borough Secretary.
March statistics:
Circulation: 1220
Historic Room Visits: 0
Items added: 68
Public Count: 541
Internet use: 18
Adult programs: 2 programs with 18 adults
Juvenile: 11 events 71 children, 38 adults
Fire Co. News: Ed reported that the Fish Fry’s where very successful. Next breakfast is April 19, 8am –noon. Joel Roney, Matt Serrone, Cordell and Hayes Hissim helped during the Borough Park clean up Saturday April 11, 2015. Roast Beef Dinner- May 2, 4-7pm. The men’s room is being updated at the Fire Co.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting April 22, 2015, 7pm at the Borough Hall.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report.
UBREMS News: Ed reported to Council that they had a retirement party for Debbie O’Donnell,
outgoing treasurer.
Rec Board News: Rodney reported that the paving of the sidewalk at the park is complete. Infield mix
will be delivered April 16, for both fields. Game opener is Saturday April 25, 11 am. Basket Bingo fundraiser is set for Sunday April 26, doors open at noon, games start at 1pm. Rodney is going to get a quote for trimming some of the sycamore branches that are hanging over the softball field and the pine tree is covering up the score board.
Riegelsville Planning Commission: No April meeting, next meeting is May 4.
Comments from Citizens: One Borough Resident and Erica Sommer, Library Board of Trustees member was present.
Garage apartment at 1269 Easton Road capped off from the Borough water and is probably hooked up to their working well for the other apartments. Sherry will contact the property owner for more information plus look up more information in the ordinance.
The top of the drain located in the south bound lane, 611 near St John UCC needs to be replaced. Rich gave Sherry the information to contact Campbell Foundry Co. to purchase the bicycle grates. Matt has a list of the ones that need to be replaced.
Noah Fitzgerald is the new DEP Sanitarian, needs to inspect the wells and a few administrative documents. Tammy has been updating the documents then the Wellhead committee members can look them over during their meeting on May 11, 2015 at 10 am.
Property owner at 301 Poplar Road purchased the property October 2014 and the septic was cleaned and inspected May 2014, she has asked if the settlement sheet could be used as proof that is was taken care off. Council approved that document, Sherry will contact the property owner.
The 2015 Bucks County Household Hazardous Waste collection list is out, Upper Bucks is August 15, Quakertown Community High School. 9am to 3pm.
Streets & Properties:
Comments from Citizens: One Borough resident was present, no comment.
State Police started to email the monthly stats to the Borough office.
James Sweeney is going to request a waiver for the On-lot septic Ordinance #227- replacement area is needed per the Ordinance. Tom explained the Bucks County Board of health has been notified and they feel the approved plan of 2009 is sufficient. Council continued to discuss this and will grant the waiver during the Council meeting on May 13. Sherry will contact Borough Solicitor in reference to the waiver.
Street sweeping is set for the week of May 18th.
Hydrant Flushing is set for May 18- 22, 9pm to Midnight.
Tom discussed the speed on Delaware Road with State Rep. Quinn. State Rep Quinn gave Tom the Penn Dot Safety Managers contact info to contact him directly.
Rich received a quote to tar & chip Fern Road/Edgewood Road, Cedar (Between Edgewood & Fairmont) Delaware Road down to the traffic light 611 (Not quite to the end).
The Chevy truck needs new gas lines and brake lines, so it will take 2 days of labor to fix.
Comment from Citizens: One Borough resident, no comments
Borough Council is making a $100.00 donation to St Luke’s Hospice is memory of Rodney Scott’s Mom Mary Scott.
Sue at the Post office suggested a Special Stamp cancelation for the 100th Anniversary. Council agreed that would be a great idea.
Council discussed Craig Cardone’s parking lot sale agreement. The Borough solicitor will have the paperwork ready for Council meeting May 13.
Kris Kern needs to get a cost estimate from Borough Engineer for the Open Space Trail, the fee will be approximately $1500.00, which will be put into one of the grants.
Approval of Resolution R-03-15, To apply to Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) grant of $250,000 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for the design and construction of an approximate one-mile public multiuse trail. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution R-04-15,
- To file an application for funds under the Bucks County Municipal Open Space Program.
- Heritage Conservancy in Coordination with Thomas E. Stinnett, President of Borough Council, authorized and directed to execute and file the appropriate forms with the Bucks County Open Space Board.
- Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution R-05-15, A Resolution of the Riegelsville Borough Council Granting a waiver of the OLDS reserve area requirements of Ordinance 227 for James G. and Eileen A. Sweeney regarding 303 Poplar Road. K. Weiss motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous
Approval to purchase parcel #38-006-048(Parking Lot and sidewalk located at Delaware & Church Road) owned by Craig Cardone for $13,000.00. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous
Primary Election May 19, 2015.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: K. Weiss motioned to approve bills. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 7:55 PM.
Next Council Meeting June 10, 2015 at 7pm