
DRAFT Streets & Properties minutes July 2020

Streets/Properties Committee

Council Chairperson – Ed Bartosiewicz

Draft July 1, 2020


Sherry Masteller, Borough Secretary stated” We are recording this Zoom meeting. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting”.


Ed Bartosiewicz called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm on July 1, 2020 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.


Members Present:

Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann Moyer, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.


Others Present:

Mayor Stokes, Tammy Macaluso- Borough Treasurer and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.


Comments from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

7- Borough residents present.

Don Monteverde, Borough Resident lives very close to the new path and wants to know how the town council will handle the motorized vehicles?  When it was a common path and Don mowed there dog owners did not pick up after their dogs, he suggests dog bags be available. Also when Don walked the trail there is a lot of properties that are very close to the path, Council said that there was extra money they may be able to put up some plants. T. Stinnett stated that they tried to keep the path far away as possible from the properties unfortunately by Linden Lane there is a huge drop off. R. Scott stated there will be signage to keep motorized vehicles off the trail, E. Bartosiewicz stated we will put up dog bag stations too.

Maureen Woerner, Borough Resident asked if there is a completion date. S. Masteller stated we do not have a date yet.  Where do you gain access to the path? T. Stinnett stated he is not sure, but Spring Hill Road, Sherer’s/Delaware Road, Linden Lane, we will get back to everyone when we have a more definitive list. Maureen stated isn’t it too steep to enter the path from Spring Hill Road plus no parking.  K. Brandes said she walked the path and it was fine if you are walking at that entrance.

Don Monteverde asked how long the path is.   Approximately 1.4 miles.  Also is there going to be stop signs at the Sherer’s/Delaware Road for kids walking across and not looking. S. Masteller did note that they are on the list. K. Brandes also asked if we can paint a cross walk on the road, yes we can.



Borough Building & Concession Stand- Storm update

  1. Masteller was concerned since we had a bad windy, raining storm that hopefully the park concession stand didn’t take in water. Matt Brady looked and there was a little water on the one corner from the front door.
  2. Bartosiewicz reported that he and Matt looked into the Northwest corner downspout was overflowing and caused a water leak in corner of basement. Matt dug it out to see where the line went to nowhere and was clogged with roots. They are working on a plan to change it from where it is now.


Keystone Library Grant update-

The rebid contract was put on PennBid on Friday June 26. Legal add for Newspaper went out today to post twice.

The interior plaster repair, and alternates for storm windows and window glazing for UV protection were removed. The pre bid meeting July 14th and the bids are due July 28th so they have a recommendation to be reviewed at the August Council meeting.


Trail update- 

Nansteel will finish placing the stone walking surface (antiskid/AS3) this week.  Thursday he hopes to start the pedestrian bridge near Spring Hill Rd.  Next week they will continue work on the bridge (original schedule allotted a month) as well as place topsoil and fine grade along the edges of the trail.


Court Lane update-

We have been researching ordinances from prior years that address similar issues. We are looking into options such as amending an existing ordinance from the last time a no parking sign was put up in a similar situation. This was in 2002. We will continue to give time and effort to resolve this as soon as possible.

Spring hill Road traffic calming-

A Vote for the Engineer Cost was missed during the June Council Meeting, will be added for a vote during the July 8, Council meeting agenda.


Meeting adjourned 7:17 pm


Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on August 5, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Riegelsville Borough Hall.


Zoom Link:  Password:  7L.M%8.8




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