President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. January 8, 2020. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer, Rodney Scott, Mayor Stokes, ABSENT: Kate Brandes.
I, Ann Moyer respectfully make a motion to ratify the terms of the election held during the Council Reorganization meeting on January 6, 2020. “The Borough Code states that a quorum is necessary for the vote”, on January 6, 2020 a quorum was not present for the vote of officers. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Ann Moyer also brought a motion to the floor to ratify all actions taken by Council between the date of January 6th, 2020 and tonight’s meeting February 12, 2020. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Scott motioned to approve the Council minutes from January 8, 2020, E. Bartosiewicz Seconded. Unanimous.
Letter was read dated January 22, 2020 from T. Macaluso, Riegelsville Water Company to Regan & Ani Wilson, Property owners of 504 Easton Road in reference to additional unit on the water bill due to the additional Tenant not just their business.
Letter was read dated February 9, 2020 from Regan & Ani Wilson, property owner of 504 Easton Road.
They are stated that although this location has both a residence and business attached to one hookup, the water usage is unchanged from previous months. We are asking for the billing to be considered as such. Thank you for the consideration in this matter. Council discussed this and the water usage did change from 3300 to 12000 from when the Tenant moved in. Council agreed to the two units minimum $144.00 instead of $72.00.REPORTS:
Mayor-Mayor Stokes reported to Council:
- Received a few calls about the pothole on Delaware Road/Wayside Way, Matt contacted Penn Dot, it got fixed temporarily. In spring they will dig it out and pave it.
- The PA State Police have been doing enforcement details on Route 611, also on Delaware Road Hill near St Peter’s Lutheran Church.
- Mayor Stokes was tagged on FB to answer why the Fig Tree is taking so long to open with the new owner. Mayor Stokes reported that the Property owner needs to hardwire fire alarm system so the system is up to code.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: 5-Borough residents present, no comments.
Community Affairs:
Ann P Moyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm on January 15, 2019 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present: Ann P Moyer, Ed Bartosiewicz and Rodney Scott.
Others Present: Jim Kopchak-Borough Zoning Officer, Frank Preedy-EMC Coordinator and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Concerns from citizens: One borough resident present, no concerns.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council January 15, 2020 report:
- Permits: Building permits: 1-addition. Zoning permits: 1-addition, 1- Fence and 1-Re-roof.
Enforcement Activities:
- 129 Maplewood Road- No Update.
- 715 Durham Road- Stop work order. T. Macaluso reported to Jim that there was water usage at this property. R. Scott stated we should notify the property owner in case they have a water leak issue.
Library News: Borough office received the November & December 2019 Directors report and the Board of Trustees report the minutes have been filed in the Borough office. Beth Banko- Library Board Trustee highlighted the Directors report to Council.
- Library will offer Tax forms for tax preparation.
- Dani McClanahan- Library Board Treasurer resigned during the January 13, 2020 Board meeting. Terry Fritz was appointed acting treasurer.
- The Library Board will be looking for a book keeper in the near future.
- February 23, 2020 “High Tea” fundraiser event.
- April 19, 2020 Antique show fundraiser.
- During the next Trustee meeting on February 10, Kate Brandes (Council member/Grant Writer) will attend their meeting to discuss the Keystone Grant.
Fire Co. News:
- Breakfast schedule is changing to 4 times this year. Next one is March 15, 2020.
- Fish Fry Fridays start February 28, 2020.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee
- S. Masteller reported that the Christmas tree & wreaths can be taken down, let Sherry know when it will be done so the storage bags can be ready.
- Calendars are still selling well.
- Next meeting Wednesday January 22, 7pm at Borough Hall.
UBREMS News: Nothing new to report.
Rec Board News:
- Palisades Girls softball sign-ups have started.
- Meeting is January 28, 2020 7pm.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Frank Preedy
- Regan Wilson asked Frank if there are any Grants for removing the tanks on his property, Frank asked Linda McNeil-State Representatives office and she could not find any.
- Frank Preedy will work on the draft letter to Jason Miller- US Army Corps of Engineers, Chief Flood Plain Management Services asking for assistance in the two areas that was discussed at the October meeting. Survey the locations Of the storm water inlets and Possible Water proofing the Well #3 building.
Riegelsville Planning Commission:
- Ann asked what the process if for appointing a replacement for Riegelsville Planning Commission. S. Masteller will check with T. Stinnett, Secretary of Planning Commission.
- 2020 Election dates General Primary-April 28 and General Election-November 3.
- Fraud Alert January 2020 Edition from “BC Crimes against Older Adults Task Force”, will go in the Rville Happenings.
Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm. Next meeting February 19, 2020 7pm
Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting to order at 7:47pm on January 15, 2020 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer and Rodney Scott.
Others Present: Frank Preedy-EMC Coordinator and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Concerns from Citizens: No Borough resident present.
- A Borough Resident handed in his Septic receipt, S Masteller reviewed it before adding to the spreadsheet and she wanted R. Scott to look it over too. He suggested Sherry get more information with PA DEP since they directed the Borough with the Septic Maintenance Ordinance. Remarks: The property contacted a septic pumper to take care of the issue and forwarded the paperwork to the Borough office.
- Borough office received the paperwork for Insertion Valve quote & Fire Hydrant quote for Spring Hill Road Water Main Connection. Council members received via email, Council all agreed with Fire Hydrant option via email 1/10/2020- will be put on February 12, Council agenda for a formal approval.
- Borough office received the “Acceptance of Notice of Intent to Award” dated January 2, 2020, from Charlie Nansteel Tree & Excavation, LLC – Proposed Stone Recreation Trail. All documents have been reviewed and are in order. Agreement (Contract) signature needed. “Notice to Proceed” will be added to the February 12, Council agenda for approval.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:54 pm Next meeting February 19, 2020
Streets & Properties:
Ed Bartosiewicz called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm on February 5, 2020 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present:
Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann Moyer, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.
Others Present:
Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Comments from Citizens: 4- Borough residents present.
Discussions-Comments from Citizens:
Email was read from Bonnie Callahan, representing St Peter’s Lutheran Church in reference to the safety of the crosswalk that the Pre-School uses. Council discussed the safety and will have Matt add to the Spring-list to paint the crosswalk thicker & diagonal lines. Matt will also paint the SLOW signs on either end of crosswalk. Ellen Clemens said the speeding traffic is really bad. Mayor Stokes will discuss with the St Police the speeding issues with times of when the pre-school is crossing. Suggestion was made to possible put traffic cones out, like they used to do during Sunday worship. Ken Johnson said it is hard to get to the other properties during mowing with the speeding traffic.
Letter was received January 29, 2020 from Ellen Clemens, “Maintenance and Snow Plowing of Court Decreed ‘Alley”. Sherry read the letter and read the response after corresponding with Bill Dudeck, Borough Solicitor. There is no determination by the trial court that the area in question was a “public alley”. In fact, the Borough has never accepted any dedication of it as such, was previously made clear to the private residents abutting it. If there are any private rights to be determined with regard to it, that is not the Borough’s position.
TruGreen sent their 2020 proposal for Insect & disease control of the Arborvitaes on the Delaware Hill parking lot. Ed asked if Sherry would let them know that he saw new bag worm activity on the left side.
Dixie Drivetrains sent in the updated hours and rates, this is the Company that fixed the Borough backo.
Cowan Associates, Borough engineer are working on the Keystone Grant (Roof & Library windows) bid specs for approval before the Bid spec process starts. Bid Specs are due by February 28, 2020.
Rodney reported that there is graffiti under the PennDot Canal Bridge, Sherry will let Matt know.
Rodney asked if the property owner at 1255 Durham Road been notified about the leaning tree on their shed? Sherry has not done that yet, that property has a different owner. Sherry needs to get more information to proceed.
Ken Johnson, Borough resident reported to Council that there is a large pothole on Delaware Road/Wayside Way. Sherry will get the information to PennDOT.
Meeting adjourned 7:28 pm
Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on March 4, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Finance: Kate Brandes called the meeting to order on February 5, 2020 at 7:28 pm at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present:
Kate Brandes, Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann Moyer, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.
Others Present:
Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Comment from Citizens: 4- Borough residents.
Borough Generator parts are supposed to be in by February 10, 2020 then P3 Generator repair will add us to their schedule to get it repaired.
The Borough Auditors are working on our 2019 Audit this week at the Borough Hall, they are also doing the Rec Board and Car show accounts.
Borough office received the Riegelsville Public Library 2019 Annual financial statement.
Matt has been cleaning and taking inventory of repair and maintenance supplies at the cistern, well 2 and well 3, the 3 desks need to be replaced due to warping one the wooden one and the 2 metal ones are rusted.
Matt found them in ULINE catalog for reasonable prices. For the 3 before shipping cost would be $760.00.
Sherry showed Council the catalog. Sherry will add the purchase to next week’s Council agenda. Ken Johnson, Borough Resident stated that buying new desks is a waste of his tax dollars, just hang clipboards. Remarks:
The cost of the new work stations/Desks is taken from water revenue NOT Borough taxes. A table surface is need for daily mandatory water testing that are submitted to DEP monthly.
Kathie Weiss, asked if the house by the Borough Wells off of Spring Hill Road is being fixed up. Tom stated not that we know of, Warren Brown owns the house. Remarks: T. Stinnett stated that the house Kathie is referring to is not in the Borough. It is located in Williams Township.
Council looked over the monthly finances. Tom asked a question about a water expense of $2,888. Rodney stated that was material for Spring Hill Water project. Tom also said the General fund wages are up, there must have been an extra pay period. Sherry stated the office has been busy with year-end and new-year reports, plus doing the daily load of work.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Next Finance meeting will be held March 4, 2020 immediately following Streets/Properties at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Stinnett thanked Collette Gerstenberg for her many years on the Planning Commission.
Appointment of vacant Riegelsville Planning Commission, Jason Anderson and Robert Ryan sent in letters of intent. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to appoint Jason Anderson and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of the amended 2020 Budget. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC, Borough Auditor “Engagement to Audit” signatures needed. R. Scott motioned to approve and A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of additional $400.00 to P3 Generator Services to repair the Borough building generator. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Keystone Municipal Services, Inc. “Professional Services Agreement” Borough Zoning officer. A Moyer motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of “Notice to Proceed” Charlie Nansteel Tree & Excavation, LLC (Proposed Trail). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of 3 desks/workstations for Cistern, Well 2 and 3 ~ $760.00 plus shipping. A Moyer motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval to add hydrant and Valve insertion to the Spring Hill water extension. A Moyer motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous. T. Stinnett stated the additional labor and supply totals should be added to March 11, 2020 Council agenda
Approval of letter to Riegelsville Public Library in reference to the additional funds request for the Keystone Grant for Borough building new roof, second floor Library windows, mason work in the library and the hallway to the Library. R. Scott motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of $367.50 to TruGreen for Insect & Disease Control for the Delaware Hill/Borough Parking lot arborvitaes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded, motion approved 3-1.
NEW BUSINESS: None to report.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve bills. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Borough office closed February 17, Presidents Day and February 21, 2020.
March 11, 2020, Council meeting 7:00pm.
Meeting adjourned 7:39 PM.
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary