President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 p.m. November 13, 2019. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Ann P Moyer, Rodney Scott, Mayor Stokes, Todd Myers-Borough Engineer and William Dudeck- Borough Solicitor. Stenographer took minutes that will be added to the permanent Council minute book. Moyer motioned to approve the Council minutes from October 9, 2019. R. Scott Seconded. Unanimous.
Hand delivered Letter dated October 16, 2019, Cowan Associates, Inc., Borough engineer Michael R Smith “Spring Hill Road Water Main Connection”. Material Quote review and recommendation letter. For Council Approvals under unfinished business.
Hand delivered Letter dated November 13, 2019, Cowan Associates, Inc., Borough engineer Michael R
Smith proposed “Recreational Trail” Bid review and recommendation letter for Council. Approvals under unfinished business.
Letter dated October 29, 2019 from Riegelsville Public Library.
Email dated Sunday November 3, 2019 from Colette Gerstenberg, Riegelsville Planning Commission member.
President- T. Stinnett reported that Borough Council had 3 Executive sessions- October 25, November 4 and 13.
Mayor-Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he performed 2 weddings. Mayor Stokes contacted Sgt. Thomas with the PA State Police in reference to the residents’ complaints about speeding in the Borough. Mayor Stokes invited Sgt. Thomas to the Council meeting on December 11.
Borough Solicitor- William Dudeck rea a statement- letter is attached to the permanent Council minutes Book.
Stinnett stated: And I personally would like to offer my regret and apologies for using language I shouldn’t have used during this situation
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Approximately 60 citizens joined the meeting and some spoke- Stenographer recorded these comments. Permanent transcript will be part of these minutes.
Community Affairs-
Ann P Moyer called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm on October 16, 2019 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present: Ann P Moyer, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Tom Stinnett and Rodney Scott.
Others Present: Jim Kopchak-Borough Zoning Officer, Frank Preedy-EMS Coordinator and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Concerns from citizens: One Borough Resident present.
Jason Miller- US Army Corps of Engineers, Chief Flood Plain Management Services and Colleen Rourke- US Army Corps of Engineers, GIS Coordinator. Presented ideas for the Borough to partner with the US Army of Engineers. Jason suggested two areas to possible assist the Borough. Survey the locations of the storm water inlets. Possible Water proofing the Well #3 building.
Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council September 2019 report:
- Permits: Building permits: 1-Oil Tank, 1-Interior wall opening, 1-Sub Panel. Zoning permits: 1-Re-Roofs, 1-Split Rail Fence, 1-Fence Panels.
- Enforcement Activities
- 530 Easton Road- Violation was granted extension for August 8, 2019.
- 715 Durham Road- Stop work order. August 28, meeting with Property owner to discuss upgrading the fire alarm system for entire building to achieve a passing safety score.
- 1275 Durham Road- Stop work order. Waiting for the property owner to do additional drawings with grading and flood elevations.
Library News: Borough office received the September 2019 Directors report and the Board of Trustees report the minutes have been filed in the Borough office. Beth Banko- Library Board Trustee highlighted the September 2019 Directors report to Council.
- Hoagie sale on Election Day.
- Brew fest was on Saturday September 28, 2019 was successful.
- Representative for Senator Mensch’s office will be in the Borough meeting room on October 30, 9am-12pm to answer questions or help residents.
- Riegelsville Halloween Parade will be Saturday, October 26, 11am.
- Make a Mini-Gingerbread House or Mini-Tree program will be held Saturday, December 7.
Fire Co. News:
- Breakfast is Sunday October 20.
- November 2, “Pork & Sauer Kraut”.
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Ann and Tom reported:
- New Gardens at the Borough Hall building are underway.
- Today is the Boscov’s “Friends Helping Friends” Coupon fundraiser.
- Next meeting Wednesday October 23, 7pm at Borough Hall.
Rec Board News:
- Car show planning in full swing. Fall roll out show is Sunday November 3, 8am-2.
Riegelsville Emergency Management:
- Frank Preedy reported to Council that NJ Governor said NO to PennEast pipeline.
- Ani and Regan Wilson sent a letter to Frank in reference to a grant to remove the old storage tanks. Frank will write a letter back.
Riegelsville Planning Commission:
- No Quorum for October meeting.
Meeting adjourned 8:06 pm. Next meeting November 20, 2019 7pm
Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting to order at 8:06 pm on October 16, 2019 at the Riegelsville Borough Hall.
Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Ann P Moyer, Kate Brandes, Tom Stinnett and Rodney Scott .
Others Present: Frank Preedy-EMS Coordinator and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.
Concerns from Citizens: No Borough resident present.
- Hydrant Flushing October 15-18 9pm-Midnight.
- 321 Easton Road, water pressure issue, Matt Brady and W. Dowd Excavation is working on a temporary fix.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:20 pm
Next meeting November 20, 2019
Streets & Properties- Stenographer took the minutes, November 6, 2019-will be added to these minutes permanently.
Finance- Stenographer took the minutes, November 6, 2019-will be added to these minutes permanently.
Approval to advertise the Draft 2020 Budget- Ordinance #242. R. Scott motioned to approve and A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
Approval that Council agreed to submit a keystone grant application on behalf of the Riegelsville Library and that Council agree to authorize Council President Thomas E Stinnett to sign all Keystone documents on their behalf as the grant is awarded. K. Brandes motioned to approve and R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of check for $3655.00 to Fluid Conservation Tech Inc. (Water line leak location services). R. Scott motioned to approve and K. Brandes seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of LB Water Co. low bid $29,798.60 for Material for Spring Hill Road water main connection. A. Moyer motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
“Notice of intent to award” from the recommendation of the Borough Engineer to award low bidder Passerini and Sons, Inc. amount of $54,395.00.K. Brandes motioned to approve and A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
“Notice of intent to award” from the recommendation of the Borough Engineer to award low bidder Fares Farhat General Construction, LLC amount of $123,456.78. Todd Myers- Borough Engineer proposed to Council to table the “Trail Bid” until next month. Fares Farhat General Construction, LLC withdrew their bid due to clerical error. Todd stated that Cowan will look at the second lowest bidder’s documents and give a recommendation to Council during the December 11, Council meeting. R. Scott motioned to table the “Trail Bid award” and A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
NEW BUSINESS: Jen Cook would like to donate an artificial Christmas tree to the Borough. R. Scott motioned to except the donation of the tree. A. Moyer seconded. Unanimous.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: A. Moyer motioned to approve bills. K. Brandes seconded. Unanimous.
Next regular Council Meeting December 11, 7:00pm.
NO December 18, Community Affairs/Utilities meeting.
NO January 1, Streets & Properties/Finance meeting.
January 6, 2020, Reorganization meeting 7:00pm.
January 8, 2020, Council meeting 7:00pm.
Meeting adjourned 7:56 PM.
Sherry Masteller
Borough Secretary