
March 2015 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:000p.m March 11, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes from February 11, 2015 Council Meeting R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous. 


Letter was read dated March 2, 2015 from Bucks County Department of Health in reference to the West Nile Virus program.

Letter was read dated March 9, 2015 from Bucks County Consortium of Municipalities 2015 membership dues for $150.00.


President – Nothing to report.

Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported that he received a complaint from Sal at Borderline that Durham Road was not plowed in front of his business.  Council discussed the snow removal in the business district and they would like the road department to remove the piles from the corners with the backhoe.  Mayor Stokes asked how we would go about getting Speed study on Delaware Road.  The speed has increased since the canal bridge was replaced. T. Stinnett will contact State Rep. Quinn for more information.  S. Masteller will contact our PennDOT traffic safety manager.

COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  One Borough resident present. No comments to report


Community Affairs:

Concerns from citizens:  One Borough Resident Present.


Florence Kawoczka- Director for Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County introduced herself to Council and explained that they have been helping in Bucks County for 25 years. They (Habitat for Humanity) are building their 100th home. “A Brush with Kindness” is a program that helps revitalize the appearance of neighborhoods and preserve affordable housing. Are you struggling to maintain the exterior of your homes due to age, disability or family circumstances? Reclaim your home with dignity and pride with our exterior home repairs for homeowners in need! Information will be put on the Borough website, Rville Happenings email plus brochures in the meeting room.

Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council that one Building Permit was issued:

200 Amp Meter.  Sound Level Survey was received from Michael R. Smith, Cowan Associates in reference to 410 Easton Road noise complaint.  The Survey will be sent to Bill Dudeck, Borough Solicitor.

Library News: No one present from the Library. Ed met with Beth Banko to see where a few paintings could be put in the Library stairwell.

Fire Co. News: Ed reported that the February 15 breakfast served only 150 due to the weather. Next Breakfast is March 15. Fish Fry Fridays start February 20, 5-7pm.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next meeting is February 25 at 7pm they are looking

for new ideas!  The Super Bowl Hoagie sale made a profit of $222.00 plus $110.50 in donations. Calendar

sales were $20.00.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Received a letter from the BC Planning Commission for their

meeting to kick-off the Local Hazard Mitigation Planning on Tuesday March 3, 2015 2:30 to 4:30.  Council stated

that if no one from the Riegelsville Emergency management could attend then Sherry could go.

            UBREMS News: Ed reported to Council that everything is running smoothly with the new bookkeeper,

Kate Budlong and new Executive Director in Chief, Ryan Pankoe

Rec Board News: Rodney reported that Ball signups are low this year. Other Municipalities are having

low numbers too, so they are getting more information to possible joining the Palisades Colonial League. When Rodney has more info he will get back to Council.  First on the list to get done is the ADA sidewalk back where the batting cages are at the softball field.

      Riegelsville Planning Commission: Nothing to report no meeting in February.


Comments from Citizens:  1 resident present. Nothing to report.


Matt Brady and Wayne Nicholas put a new water meter and curb stop at 221 Easton Road due to an old leaky meter.

February 13, 2015 the boiler was firing every 4 minutes and the alarm was going off. Dale Wood has come 4 different times to try and fix it but the alarm was not going off as often.  Dale wood had difficulties but finally got it fixed Saturday February 14, 2015 around 4pm.

Council asked Sherry to ask the Riegelsville post master if a mailbox can be parallel to the street/curb. Sherry could not get much info from the Riegelsville Post Office in reference to specific regulations for putting up a rural mailbox in Riegelsville. Sherry went on to the USPS.com and that was not very helpful either but she found an address to send for information to the Engineering Department.  Sherry will report back to Council.

Streets & Properties:

Comments from Citizens:    No one present.


Enforcement letter was sent certified mail and regular mail to 410 Easton Road due to the noise level. The certified was signed on February 26.  On Saturday February 28 the band was practicing.


The Borough ordered salt on 2/13 and 2/17 from Morton Salt and has not received them yet.  Morton Salt is still waiting for barges to come in before they send the orders to the carriers. Riegelsville Road crew has been mixing the salt and cinders to make it last. Penn DOT did deliver a load of Salt to the Borough on Tuesday since we were in dire need due to the pending storm.

Rodney suggested the new Borough/Library sign should be repositioned when we install it in the spring. You can see where PennDOT plow has thrown the snow is past the first post. Council agreed.

Rodney reported to Council that Sycamore road pavement is really deteriorated and should be on the street repair list.

Council discussed how to get the south end of the Borough streets to move their cars so the snow can be cleared since they can only park on the street.  Discussions to continue.


Comment from Citizens:  No One present


Tammy was unable to print out the financials it is not defaulting to the right date, she has a call into Caselle for help. Once it is fixed they will be put in Council’s mailboxes.

Borough received a quote from Richard J Miller & Sons for new insulated garage doors, this will be added to the Council agenda March 11.

Borough received a quote from ML Scott & Sons to replace the front stair rails. Discussions will continue due to the ADA specifications.

Ed discussed with Council the DCED Flood Mitigation grant program.  Funding shall not exceed $500,000 and a 15% match of the total project cost is required. Ed suggested we can possible use it to repair the drain pipes that go to the canal and add the duckbills.


Approval of Richard J Miller & Sons, Inc proposal $4,875.00 to install 3 insulated Garage doors in the Borough Garage. R. Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

Approval of Philo Insulation & Fireproofing Co. proposal $2,675.00 to insulate the Borough Garage. During Council’s discussion they decided to put this on hold until further information is gathered.   

NEW BUSINESS:  None to report.

APPROVAL OF BILLS:   R. Pursell motioned to approve bills.  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned 8:30 PM.

Next Council Meeting April 8, 2015 at 7pm

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