
February 2015 Counci Meeting

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:000p.m. February 11, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett and Kathleen Weiss.   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2015 Council Meeting subject to acceptance of Rich Pursell’s resignation retroactive to its tender with ratification of all official actions since then, R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous. 


Letter was read dated January 19, 2015 from Thomas E Stinnett, Riegelsville Planning Commission Secretary- 2014 Annual report to the Borough Council.

Letter was read dated January 26, 2015 from Community Fire Co. #1 of Riegelsville inviting the Borough Council and a guest to attend the banquet on Saturday evening March 7, 2015.

Letter was read dated February 10, 2015 from Michael R. Smith, Cowan Associates in reference to the sound level outdoor testing for 410 Easton Road.

Email was read dated February 11, 2015 from Matt Brady, Borough Employee in reference to snow plowing.


President – T. Stinnett reported to Council that he attended the FERC (Penn East Pipeline) meeting at Northampton Community College.

Mayor Absent


COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  One Borough resident present.

Elaine Albrecht reported to Council that the Enhancement Committee hoagie sale was a success! They sold 87 hoagies, 24 veggie wraps and 4 calendars. Profit was $222.00 from hoagies & wraps, donations $110.50 and $20.00 from calendars. Next meeting is February 25, 2015 at 7pm.


Community Affairs:

Concerns from citizens:  One Borough Resident Present.


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough zoning officer reported to Council that two Building Permit were issued:

Oil Tank Closure and 100 Amp Meter. A complaint came to the Borough office in reference to 667 Wayside Way with pictures showing piles of building materials, trash and dog feces. Jim sent an enforcement letter on January 7th informing the property owner to clean up the property.   Bucks County Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) go into effect on March 16th, 2015. Sherry will get Jim a copy of the revised flood zone ordinance.

Library News: Beth Banko, Library Board of Trustees President reported to Council that the “Little Free Library” will be installed near the Post Office. Borough Resident, Paul Anthony will design and install it. Terri & Julia made an extra effort to add new and new to the library books to the collection before the end of the year. They added 133 items including adult, young adult and juvenile books.  Tax forms have begun to arrive at the Library. AARP volunteers will begin Tuesday February 10th to help residents with their taxes.  The annual “Gingerbread House” making program was well-attended. Next up, “Valentine Making” on February 7th.  All ages are welcome.

November statistics:

Circulation: 1046

Public Count: 568

Historic Room Visits: 0

Internet use: 10

Items added: 133

Adults Programs: 1 program/9 attended.

Juvenile: December- 12 programs= 34 Children, 15 Adults.

Fire Co. News: Ed reported that December Santa Breakfast served 459, January 18-Served 206, due to the bad weather.  Next Breakfast is February 15. Fish Fry Fridays start February 20, 5-7pm.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Next fundraiser is Super bowl hoagie sale February 1.

Riegelsville Emergency Management: Nothing to report.

            UBREMS News: Ed reported to Council that they hired a new bookkeeper, Kate Budlong.

Property owner at 203 Easton Road was having difficulty getting homeowners insurance due to the apartments

current address 302 Maple Lane. Ed and Sherry spoke to the BC 911 Center and UBREMS to ask what address could be found in case of an emergency. The new apartment address is 203B Easton Road.

Rec Board News: Rodney reported that Ball season is around the corner, signups are 1/29 and 1/31.

First on the list to get done is the ADA sidewalk back where the batting cages are at the softball field.

      Riegelsville Planning Commission: Nothing to report.


Comments from Citizens:  1 resident present. Nothing to report.


Liberty Propane is very busy with emergency heating situations and then they will put in the Borough tanks.

Four property owners had questions in reference to the on lot septic maintenance ordinance. Council discussed these questions and Sherry will send letters to the property owners with answers to their questions.

Villa Richard has a water pressure issue that Matt is looking into tomorrow January 22.

Sherry discussed with Council that March 16-20, 2015 both her and Tammy will be on vacation. Council will take turns checking the messages and Sherry will put a different message on the answering machine.


Streets & Properties:

Comments from Citizens: One Borough resident was present.

Borough resident, Warren Brown received a violation letter dated September 29, 2014, Mr. Brown stated that he owns 39 acres and does have a shooting target that he and his children use, he explained to Council that his children are 15 and have taken the safety courses. The Borough office received a concern that firearms where being discharged within the Borough limits.  Council and Mayor Stokes continued this discussion.


Decibel readings were taken for the excessive noise at 410 Easton Road, Todd Myers, Borough Engineer will send a report.

Salt deliveries are taking a long time to be delivered with Sherry making many calls to check on them.

Rich suggested installing heat in the Borough Garage, it will help the equipment to last longer. Rich will talk to Matt about getting prices on spray insulation and putting up an insulated recessed ceiling. Council agreed it is well needed.  Rich also discussed with Matt the plowing complaints the Borough office and other Council members are hearing. Rich will put together a letter to be sent to the Borough employees that plow.


Comment from Citizens: No One present


The Well #2 paperwork has been forwarded to the insurance co. for the claim of $4,164.00 for Barry Hoffman’s 2 invoices. Remark: Received insurance claim check today February 11, 2015 $3,164.00.

United Way would like to use the meeting room for an open house.

Council looked over the financials.



            Today the Borough office received the results from Palisades School District “Demographic Data Presentation. Riegelsville Planning Commission sent a letter and Tom Stinnett sent info from the Bucks County Planning Commission too.  Tom will look over these documents and get back to Council.



            Rich Pursell reported to Council that Springfield Township belongs to the Co-Star Salt consortium and have maxed out their salt orders already for the year.  Rich asked Council if the Borough could get the salt delivered here and sell it to Springfield Township if needed, they are getting it from a few other municipalities. Council approved.


APPROVAL OF BILLS:   R. Pursell motioned to approve bills.  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.


Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.


Next Council Meeting March 11, 2015 at 7pm


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