President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:02 p.m. January 14, 2015. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2014 Council Meeting subject to acceptance of Rich Pursell’s resignation retroactive to its tender with ratification of all official actions since then, R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated December 23, 2014 from Riegelsville Public Library thanking Borough Council for their 2014 donation.
Letter dated December 31, 2014 from Armour & Sons Electric, Inc. 2015 rates.
Tammy Macaluso, Riegelsville Borough Tax Collector gave Council the 2014 Lien summary report. 2013 and prior taxes.
Letter dated January 5, 2015 from County of Bucks Board of Election 2015 dates: Municipal Primary- May 19, 2015, Municipal Election – November 3, 2015.
Letter dated January 7, 2015 from Borough resident Frank E. Albrecht applauds President Stinnett and Mayor Stokes stance against the proposed PennEast Pipeline project that was written in the Bucks County Herald on December 25, 2014.
Letter dated January 9, 2015 from County of Bucks Emergency Services. The County of Bucks Emergency Management Department has identified and designated the Bucks County Hazardous Incident Response Team to be the only team that will be dispatched by the Bucks County 911 Center to respond to HAZMAT incidents in Bucks County.
Letter dated January 14, 2015 from Richard W. Pursell, Jr. at the request of the Riegelsville Borough Council rescind his resignation for the position of Council member. REMARKS:
Email dated January 14, 2015 from Alisa Harris, UGI (Penn East Pipeline) provided the list FERC’s scoping hearings for the proposed pipeline project.
President – T. Stinnett reported to Council that he received an email from Steve Salva in reference to Pipeline safety setbacks in Ontario Canada. It states that for a 36 inch pipe the setback should be ½ mile. Sherry will forward the email to Council tomorrow morning.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he sent a letter to Sgt. Nosal with PA State Police in reference to the increased speed on Delaware road since the new canal bridge has been put in. The peak time is rush hour. T. Stinnett will contact M. Quinn’s office. Mayor Stokes also reported that the risers did not get fixed in front of his office. S. Masteller will contact Ed Burns. S. Masteller will contact Elizabeth and ask if the drainage pipe to the river has been replaced.
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS: Two Borough resident: Dan Cook would like to discuss the proposed Snow removal ordinance. Discussion will be during the unfinished business.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: No meetings due to Holidays.
Approval for of Ordinance #231 Snow Removal. D. Cook discussed with Council a few concerns: Why did the time change to 24 hours. T. Stinnett reported that during the discussions of the Riegelsville Planning Commission they compared what other municipalities are doing. All stated 24 hours. T. Stinnett also stated that a written warning notice with a copy of the ordinance would be mailed out before the violation. S. Masteller, Borough Secretary stated that usually the written notices have been rectified so there would not be a need for a violation to be sent. R. Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of the 2014 Exoneration list for per capita tax. R. Scott motioned to approve. R. Pursell. Unanimous.
Approval of unpaid per capita tax accounts. K. Weiss motioned to approve. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution R-01-15 Zoning Hearing Board reappointment of Allen Madnick term ending December 31, 2017. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of Resolution R-02-15, authorizing the Borough’s Fire Company to recover cost and /or expenses for its services from property owners through claims submitted only upon an individual property owners ‘insurance policy. R. Pursell motioned to approve. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Council discussed the Draft lease for C. Cardone parking lot/ side walk.
NEW BUSINESS: T. Stinnett stated that the Riegelsville Planning Commission needs Borough cards for 2015 too. S. Masteller will take care of them.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: R. Scott motioned to approve bills. R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
Meeting adjourned 8:25 PM.
Next Council Meeting February 11, 2015 at 7pm