
December 2013 Council Minutes

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. December 11, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the roll call was taken.  PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes.  ABSENT: Rich Pursell.  Ed Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of theNovember 13, 2013Council Meeting and Rodney Scott seconded.  Unanimous.


            Letter was read from Lance Lawn Care thanking the Borough for their business this past year.


            President – Tom Stinnett wished everyone a “Merry Christmas”

            Mayor – Mayor Stokes performed one wedding. Mayor spoke to the Canal Bridge contractor and he said the project will be delayed due to the weather.

 COMMENTS OF CITIZENS –    2 Borough residents plus Frank Preedy, EM Coordinator and Ray Kenny, EM Deputy.

            Kathie Weiss reported to Council that the Community Dinner on December 7, 2013 served 600-700 people and they received $2008.00 in donations that will go to the Lord’s Pantry and Finesville Food Bank.

Community Affairs:


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officer reported to Council that 1-Zoning permit (Fence) was issued and 3-Building permits (Pellet Stove, Oil Tank removal and re-roof). Citations was sent to the Magistrate in reference to property Maintenance violations at 530 Easton Road. Waiting for notification of a court hearing date.  Warning/courtesy letter was sent to 1245 Easton Road referencing a nuisance complaint from neighbor regarding a rooster crowing and chickens loose on property and going into neighbor’s yards.  Borough resident reported that there is a car parked on Fairview Road near house #301 that hasn’t moved.  Jim will look into this. REMARKS: The car has moved.

Fire Co. News: 348 breakfast served on Sunday November 17.  Community Dinner is set for December 7. 

            Library News: Beth Banko sent Sherry Masteller the Directors report via email.  “Art in the Library” programs have been filling up with lots of praises being given to all programs.  Teen Book Club continues to grow  Julia is looking for program ideas and speakers for the “Bridging Culture Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys”.

            October 2013 Statistics:

      Public Count: 624

      Circulation: 1,516

      Internet Use: 17

      Historic Room Visits: 5

      Items added: 79

      Collections: Adult: 9452, Juvenile: 7077, Total: 16,529

            Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: 29 Boscov’s coupons were sold, raffle tickets for painting and 1 slate.  The deposit is $145.00. No meeting November, December and January.

            Riegelsville Emergency Management:  Minutes from November 16, 2013 received.  They are updating the EOP.

            EMS News: The Squad is changing their billing to another third party. They will be billed a percentage not a flat rate.

      Rec Board News: The profit from the Car show is $1437.72. Expenses total: $802.08.  Check book total $6187.77.  The roof needs to be replaced on the pavilion as soon as possible. The Board is sending a letter to Kiwanis to see if they could help with this expense.



Landis Fence Co. will be putting the fence at Well #3 for the generator.

             Matt Brady has been locating and exercising curb stops.

             Matt Brady has been trying to contact 301 Fairmont about replacing the water meter,

Streets & Properties:


            Matt Brady will be out of town the week of Christmas. Sonny and the other part-timers are on call.

             Stone will be delivered next week for under the generator pending the weather.

             Rich asked why the truck was at Riegelsville Auto. The heater is not working.


Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning officer investigated the Borough resident concern with the mailboxes located on the sidewalks on 611. Jim stated that the 3 locations have a clear accessible route. An email /letter will be sent to Maureen Woerner in reference to this information.

Jim’s stated the following:

414 Easton Road, 36 inch walkway clearance.

220 Easton Road, 32 inch walkway clearance.

819 Durham Road, 46 inch walkway clearance.



No one came to the Borough office to look at the proposed 2014 Budget!

 Council looked over the November 30, 2013 financials.

      Tom asked if we know how many employees are paying the LST. Sherry will check with Tammy.

 Rec Board would like to do a town wide yard sale in the spring/summer for a fundraiser. The Pavilion roof needs to be replaced and the rec board needs to get more donations/fundraisers to get closer to the roof appraisals. 

 Kathy said there should be lights in the basement to decorate the pine trees out front of the Borough Building.


            Approval of Resolution R-15-13 Water Rate increase effective commencing with the period of service covered by January 2014 billing. R. Scott motioned to approve.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous.

A minimum charge of $68.00 per quarter will be made to each consumer.  This minimum charge includes the use of 9,000 gallons of water per quarter without extra charge.  For all water used in excess of 9,000 gallons per quarter the charge will be as follows:

 In excess of 9,000 gallons per quarter up to 15,000 gallons per quarter the rate is $2.50 per 1,000 gallons.

  In excess of 15,000 gallons per quarter up to 21,000 gallons per quarter the rate is $2.75 per 1,000 gallons.

 In excess of 21,000 gallons per quarter up to 27,000 gallons per quarter the rate is $3.25 per 1,000 gallons.

 In excess of 27,000 gallons per quarter up to 33,000 gallons per quarter the rate is $3.75 per 1,000 gallons.

 In excess of 33,000 gallons per quarter up to 39,000 gallons per quarter the rate is $4.25 per 1,000 gallons.

 In excess of 39,000 gallons per quarter the rate is $4.75 per 1,000 gallons.

             Approval of Ordinance #226 Tax Levy for 2014     12.75%   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

                       Proof of publication 2014 proposed Budget/Tax Levy was advertised in the Express Times on November 20, 2013, was on the Borough Website and a copy was in the Borough office for the public to view.

            Approval of proposed 2014 Budget.  R. Scott motioned to approve.  K. Weiss seconded.  Unanimous.

             Approval of Resolution R-16-13 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) updated from 2011.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve.  R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous.

 APPROVAL OF BILLS:   Rodney Scott motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  Unanimous

             President Stinnett asked Maureen Woerner if she had any questions for Council since she came in after the “Comments from Citizens”.  M. Woerner replied that she did hear the comment from the zoning officer in reference to the mailboxes on sidewalks. S. Masteller will email her the info.  M. Woerner would like to see all the houses in Riegelsville with sidewalks. T. Stinnett stated that every property that does have a sidewalk needs to maintain them but those that do not have one are not required to put one in.  Only new properties are required to do so.  M. Woerner stated maybe there is a grant that would help pay for the sidewalks or possible the D&L Trails of Bucks County could look into this.

 Meeting adjourned 8:31PM.  

  Reorganization Council meeting is Monday January 6, 2014 at 7pm

 Sherry Masteller   Borough Secretary

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