President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. October 9, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance the roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Rodney Scott, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. Ed Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of theOctober 9, 2013Council Meeting and Rich Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
Email was read from Bucks County Boroughs Association, The general membership meeting is set for Monday November 25, 2013.
Letter dated November 8, 2013 was read from Riegelsville Planning Commission Secretary Thomas E. Stinnett. In reference to “Lot Line adjustment for Cillo/Sweeney properties. Council President, T. Stinnett asked if Council had any questions and no one replied. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the Lot Line adjustment as stated in the Planning Commission letter. R. Scott seconded. Unanimous.
Letter dated November 8, 2013 was read from Todd Myers, Cowan Associates, Borough Engineer, in reference to the Municipal Engineering Services for 2014. The fees will not increase in 2014.
Letter dated November 6, 2013 was read from Community Fire Company No.1. David Gerstenberg has been sworn into the Fire Police Officer for the Riegelsville Volunteer Fire Company by District Judge Gambardella.
GUEST SPEAKER: Barbara Swanda, Manager D&L Trail Towns of Bucks County, and Introduced Nick Forte with the D & L Trail Alliance to Council and to the Borough residents that were present at the Council meeting. They both explained how the Trail Towns promotes the use of the D & L Trail, and works with residents and businesses adjacent to the Trail (Delaware Canal Towpath). Priorities include strengthening business practices and bringing more customers to these communities, encouraging exercise to improve public health, and preserving the green trail corridor. January 2014 they will decide what the next step in this program will be and get back to the municipalities.
President – Nothing to report
Mayor – Nothing to report
COMMENTS OF CITIZENS (2 Borough residents present). Maureen Warner, Borough resident, is concerned about the mailboxes in front of Borough resident’s homes on the sidewalks on Easton Road/611. Maureen asked the Riegelsville Post Office why residents are allowed to block part of the sidewalks to get mail delivery. Maureen was told that is the guidelines to put your boxes up. Maureen would like the Borough Council and or Zoning to look into passing an ordinance to make sure you cannot block the sidewalks to pedestrians, Baby carriages, People with special needs. S. Masteller will also look into the Borough’s sidewalk ordinance too.
T. Stinnett stated to Maureen that he will look into this issue.
Community Affairs:
Zoning: Kip Clayton has been replaced by Jim Kopchak with Keystone Municipal Services, Jim introduced himself to Council. Jim reported that he did a stop work order at M. Myers Fairmont Road New House construction, no inspection was done before the foundation was poured and it was raining that day. Jim contacted M. Myers to request a foundation test before he could continue with construction. Jim will check with S. Masteller in reference to the DeBartolo residence. Kreider residence does show some repairs so Jim will keep an eye on the progress.
Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council the next Breakfast is October 20. Ed, Hayes Hissim and Joel Roney went to St. Peter’s Nursery School and the Riegelsville Public Library to teach the children and adults about fire prevention. Pork and Sauer Kraut dinner on November 2.
Library News: Julia Sefton, Children’s Librarian reported to Council that the “Art Classes” have been a great success. Julia apologized to Council for the trash issue after the Wine & Harvest, a big thanks you to Matt Brady for helping with this issue. Each Wednesday in October 10% of your food purchase at the Riegelsville Tavern will go to the Library, great fundraiser. On Election Day there is a Hoagie sale. Book Sale is November 22, 23 and 30th more info to follow, thank you in advance for putting up with the mess in the meeting room from all the book donations. Kathie Weiss, Council member asked if Council could meet the potential new board members before the Library Board appoints them. Julia stated that the Library Board needs to formalize this process.
September 2013 Statistics:
Public Count: 624
Circulation: 1,516
Internet Use: 17
Historic Room Visits: 5
Items added: 79
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: Committee is doing the “Friends Helping Friends” fundraiser, 25% off shopping spree at Boscov’s for only $5.00 Coupon for October 22, 2013. Super Bowl Hoagie Sale in February 2014 information to follow. No meetings November, December and January.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Team will kick off their Fall Disaster preparedness drive on Sunday October 20, during the Fire Co. Breakfast. They will be handing out literature and explaining basic portable generator safety, emergency preparedness and READYNOTIFYPA sign ups.
EMS News: No Meeting
Rec Board News: Rodney reported to Council that they had a successful Fall Ball season and Ray Deemer was very helpful while Rodney was working out of town. The next fundraiser is the Car Show on November 3, 2013.
Borough received 2 proposals for Well #3 Fence. Rodney will contact both companies to verify proposals. Tom Stinnett stated that Matt Brady thought we needed a cement pad to park the generator on and Rich Pursell responded by saying all we need is some clean stone and blocks to keep the tires off the ground.
Kathy Weiss asked if we are still getting a roof over the Borough salt. If so did we get prices yet?
Kathy Weiss asked about the stoplight and Tom Stinnett said we need to get prices for new poles. Rich also stated that there is a bulb out on the southeast corner.
Tom Stinnett stated that Tom Kreider’s water bill continues to be paid monthly.
Streets & Properties:
Rich Pursell suggested to Matt Brady to paint “No Parking” on Delaware road near the canal bridge construction so the Riegelsville Inn guest do not block Delaware Road. There are four properties near the bridge construction that have emailed the borough office with the safety concern that emergency vehicles would not be able to get to their properties.
Matt Brady will continue crack sealing on November 8, weather permitting. Rich Pursell will look into more crack seal with the balance of the $1500.00 budget for 2013.
Dave Xander has 10 or 12- 2x6x15 ½ boards that can be used for the lean-to roof over the cement pad at the borough garage. Council suggested Matt Brady go and get them.
During this meeting Council worked on the 2014 Budget.
- Sherry Masteller will contact Armour & Son’s in reference to the 2013 Traffic Signal maintenance questions.
- Sherry will ask Matt Brady which roads need to be added to the repair list. Remarks: Matt stated that Poplar and Fairmont Road need the most repairs.
- Rich Pursell suggested contacting Royal Trucking for a storage container at the borough garage.
- Rich Pursell suggested contacting Conestoga and DutchWay for prices on a pole Barn to cover the salt bins.
Approval of check for $2,832.00 to W. Dowd Excavating LLC (dig for location of 4”main Delaware/Durham) R. Scott motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
Approval of check for $4,060.00 to W. Dowd Excavating LLC (Hydrant repair Cedar Road, Insurance Claim) R. Scott motioned to appoint. R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to advertise the proposed 2014 Budget. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to advertise. K. Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to advertise the proposed Ordinance #226 Tax Levy. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to advertise. R. Pursell seconded. Unanimous.
Motion to approve Well #3 Fence proposal from Landis Fence Co. for $2,550.00. R. Pursell motioned to approve. E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: K. Weiss motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous
Meeting adjourned 8:31PM.
Next Council meeting is December 11, 2013