President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:30 p.m. September 11, 2013. Following the Pledge of Allegiance a moment of silence for 9-11 victims occurred and then roll call was taken. PRESENT: Edward Bartosiewicz, Rich Pursell, Thomas Stinnett, Kathleen Weiss and Mayor Stokes. Ed Bartosiewicz motioned to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2013 Council Meeting and Kathie Weiss seconded. Unanimous.
CORRESPONDENCE: None to report
President – T. Stinnett reported to Council that after tonight’s Council meeting the Council will have an Executive Session due to possible litigation.
T. Stinnett attended State Rep. M. Quinn’s Breakfast meeting and discussed the storm drain grate issues on Route 611. M. Quinn’s staff called PennDOT and PennDOT had already spoke to Mayor Stokes in reference to the cleaning of the pipes. Council suggested S. Masteller contact other municipalities that have PennDOT roads in their municipality.
Mayor – Mayor Stokes reported to Council that he has been in contact with Sgt. Stokolofski with the PA State Police and the Sgt. stated they have been giving traffic tickets due to the construction on Delaware, Durham and Maplewood road. They have had a few safety checks in the Borough too.
Mayor Stokes performed a wedding in his office last month.
Community Affairs:
Zoning: Zoning office was closed due to K. Clayton’s vacation. St Peter’s Church completed the fence around the playground.
Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council that the August 18th, 2013 breakfast served 338. The next fundraiser is September 7, 2013 “Night at the Races”. During the Riegelsville Library Fundraisers the patrons are parking on both sides of Church Road making it very difficult to get emergency vehicles thru. The Fire Co. will put up tape during the events so this will not be an issue again.
Library News: Joann Walsh, Library Board Member reported to Council that (1-Adult & 6- youth) did 32 volunteer hours for the Library. Summer Reading wrap-up was an “Ice Cream Social”. The Bugman was a huge success. The next fundraiser is Flea Market on September 21, 2013 and Wine & Harvest on October 5, 2013.
July 2013 Statistics:
Public Count: 1189
Circulation: 2,144
Internet Use: 37
Items lent out (In-County): 496
Items Borrowed (In-County): 207
Public Computers/wifi use: 37
Historic Room Visits: 13
Total Cardholders: 1,009
Collection size: 16,819 items
Riegelsville Enhancement Committee News: No meeting in July next meeting August 28, 2013. Will discuss planting in the front of the Borough Building.
Riegelsville Emergency Management: Received the minutes from July 2013. Next meeting is August 24, 2013 at noon.
EMS News: S. Masteller received a call asking if the Borough needed a representative for the UBREMS, Ed Bartosiewicz is the current rep, we only need one to represent the Borough.
Rec Board News: The waterline to the concession stand has two leaks, Wayne Nicholas and Matt Brady agreed that putting in a new line would be best since there is usually one leak every spring in a different spots. Council agreed to this repair. There are two fall baseball teams that are using both fields this fall. The pavilion roof needs to be replaced, we are gathering appraisals.
Miscellaneous: Fall Borough Newsletter will go out the beginning of September.
Well #3 Generator update: S. Masteller left a message for Arbor Fence to make room for the generator to be stored at Well #3. Council discussed putting the generator up on wood.
QC lab picked up the “Lead & Copper” samples for 10 locations.
Streets & Properties:
2013 Street project update: The contractor will be back to sweep in 20-30 days.
Borough Council received a letter from Riegelsville Kiwanis to request the use of the Borough Park for the Annual Fall Roll out car show on November 3, 2013. They will send the Borough their insurance certificate on November 1, 2013.
Ed Bartosiewicz reported that a few shutters still need to be fixed. Council agreed to have G. Ort fix them as needed.
S. Masteller attended the CoStar seminar at Plumstead Township building and received a lot of valuable information.
Council asked S. Masteller to contact K&K contracting to give quotes for a pad for the Generator and lean-to by the Borough Garage.
Property owner at 802 Durham Road put stakes on his property line by Durham road to keep people from parking on his grass, R. Pursell stated to Council that they are very dangerous plus they are in the Borough’s right of way. R. Pursell suggest the property owner use the flexible delineator’s so if someone hits it they will not be hurt or cause damage to a vehicle. S. Masteller will look into the right of way measurements.
Tammy will prepare the budget worksheets for September 18, Community Affairs/Utilities meeting.
Council had questions with the monthly financial report, Sherry will address them with Tammy.
None to report
APPROVAL OF BILLS: R. Pursell motioned to approve and E. Bartosiewicz seconded. Unanimous
Meeting adjourned 8:09PM.
Next Council meeting is October 9, 2013